Chapter 32

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Ash and Glynda just looked towards Max while holding that crate right next to his face. Ash was growling at him while holding his chest from where Max kicked him.

Just then, Ash's Pokedex began to ring and he quickly answered it. It was Winter.

"Winter, what's going on? Why is there a panic?" He asked.

"We have a video footage of what that was. I'm showing it on the big screens now." Winter said while the jumbotrons then showed the explosion that erupted at Mt. Glenn.

Ash and Glynda gasped at what had happened.

"No...he didn't." Glynda said.

"What is it Glynda?" Ash asked while turning to her.

"That mountain holds a very dangerous Grimm from within. He greatly weakened it." Glynda answered.

Ash's eyes widen and glared at Max.

"What kind of Grimm did you potentially unleashed?" He growled at him. Max just chuckled at him.

"Wouldn't you like to know? But for now, it's time that we ended this now." Max said while squeezing the crate. It began to crack until finally shattering and Max was now holding something that Ash didn't expect.

"A syringe?" He asked while looking at said syringe that had black liquid in it. "What are you gonna do? Try to drug me or something?" He asked.

"Maybe." Max said.

Ash looked at it for a second until he felt something completely different.

'Wait. Why am I...sensing?' Ash thought for a moment until gasped with fright. "No! It can't be." He said as he realized more what that was.

"Ash?" Glynda asked.

"The Essence of Darkness itself." Ash answered. Glynda quickly pulled her crop out and readied to strike.

"Drop that now!" She demanded. Max chuckled.

"Prepare to die Ketchum!" He yelled while aiming the himself.

Ash gasped and quickly summoned Divine Elemental and aimed it at Max.

"STOP!" Ash shouted and Max froze in time. Ash quickly ran to him and stopped him from using it on himself. Max regained movement, but was stopped by Ash's grip. "Max! Stop it!" Ash demanded with fright.

"Why should I?" He asked.

"Don't you know what that will do to you? You'll become something worse than the Grimm, something worse than the Heartless. You'll become a monster beyond a monster." Ash answered.

Back with the others, they are just starring at Ash's position of what he was doing against Max.

"What is that?" Amber asked.

"If I had a pair of binoculars, I would have a better view of it. But whatever it is, Ash is terrified." Ruby said.

"Should we be doing something? This might get ugly." Sun asked.

"I don't know. But whatever the reason, we the apprentices might need to protect him this time." Blake said while on the verge of summoning Panther's Claw.

Back with Ash, Glynda, Pikachu and Max, the two continued to prevent Max from using the syringe on him.

"You still don't get it, do you Ketchum? I wanted nothing more but dominance, to become the world's strongest trainer. And you took it all away from me. If I can't become the world's strongest, NO ONE CAN!" Max screamed while activating his Night Shroud semblance. He gave Ash a nasty headbutt, and threw Glynda off of him, causing her to land onto Ash, and Pikachu landed right next to them.

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