Chapter 25

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At the Schnee Manor, a portal opened up and Ash, Pikachu and Winter walked out of it. After it closed, they were right in front of the manor. They saw many people going in.

"Shall we?" Winter asked. Ash nodded and they made their way towards the manor. They were immediately greeted by Klein.

"Ah Ash, and Ms. Winter! It warms my heart that you made it. But, where's Weiss?" He asked.

"Unfortunately, she was unable to make it due to the Vytal Tournament and tending to her teammate. So it's just me and Winter." Ash explained.

"I see. The family is waiting for you two. Come, I'll take you to them." Klein offered. They nodded and Klein escorted them through the people that were celebrating the news of Torchwick's death.

The main events were being taken place at the ballroom on the other side of the manor. The three broke off from the rest that were heading for the main room so that the rest of the Schnee family could see them.

They found them waiting outside of Jacques office. Whitley, on the other hand, was absent from them.

"Ash, my boy! Good to see you once again. Winter, we've missed you so much." Jacques said as he and Winter hugged each other.

"I've missed you all too." Winter said before hugging Crystal. "Is my dress ready?" She asked.

"It sure is. Get going." Crystal said. Winter smiled and walked off.

"Where is Whitley?" Ash asked.

"He's sulking in his room. He says that he is very disappointed that Winter invited you here." Klein said.

"He doesn't like me, does he?" Ash asked with an annoyed look.

"Pika Pika!" Pikachu yelled.

"No, unfortunately not. You look great by the by Ash." Crystal complimented him.

"Much obliged." Ash said with a smile. He then turned towards Jacques. "Can I ask you all kind of a dumb question?" He asked immediately.

"What is that?" Jacques asked. Ash took a deep breath before he asked.

"Was Winter really the original suitor?" He asked. The three of them were puzzled by this until Jacques cleared his throat.

"Yes, yes she was the original suitor. The reason for that is because she is of age and we are hoping to continue with the family business sooner than later. Since you were the one that showed great skill of causing Torchwhick to be arrested, and how sophisticated you seemed when we first met, she immediately took noticed of this and she was impressed by your capabilities. However, since Weiss was the first to win you over, it was a win-win for the both of us. Although, it seems that Winter has yet to understand this. Why do you ask?" He asked.

"It's just that…I remember Whitley saying that Winter was the better suitor. I can actually tell that he wasn't lying. Don't get me wrong, she's nice and beautiful and all, but…I rather not cause any problems that's going to make all of us do something that we are going to regret, especially for this family that has suffered too much because of the White Fang." Ash explained.

"Pikachu." Pikachu agreed.

"And we couldn't appreciate it more. But in any case, why don't you head towards the ballroom. Everyone is having the time of their lives. Plus, many can head out back where they can sit by the ocean." Crystal suggested.

"Sounds great." Ash said.

"Have fun. We'll tell Winter where you're at." Jacques said. Ash nodded and he and Pikachu went to join the others.

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