Chapter 28

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As midnight came around, Xedrek continued to have his mind on so many things that have transpired throughout the day as he was on top of one of Beacons towers. He knew that something was up, and he needed to consult with Arceus.

In the Hall of Origin, Xedrek appeared onto a chair and just gazed at the Jewel of Life.

"My Lord, you were the one that cursed Ozpin all those centuries ago, didn't you?" He asked. Arceus was expecting this.

"It is true that I have cursed him for his failure, but I didn't do it alone." Arceus said. Just then, three portals opened up and Dialga, Palkia and Giratina emerged and looked towards Xedrek.

"We too have cursed him as well. I made sure that he ages properly as always, but with a twist." Dialga stated.

"I made sure that he gets reincarnated into a newer body after each death." Giratina growled.

"And I made sure his soul is held until a new body is ready for him." Palkia said.

Xedrek starred at the legendary Pokémon before him for a moment before looking back at the Jewel of Life.

"I knew it. And I'm assuming with the destruction of Salem, the curse will be broken?" He asked.

"That is accurate." Arceus said.

"Anyway, Ash knows the truth now, about the X-Blade's position and where to find it. However, he has never been to the Keyblade Graveyard, and I can only imagine on how much it has changed since I last saw it. We may end up needing it." Xedrek explained.

"Ash has required the power sources needed, but there is a price that he would have to pay. When the power is restored, the X-Blade will see him as the worthy wielder until it returns to its resting place. However, if either his heart or the X-Blade goes, the other will go as well. Meaning, he could be in a deep slumber, or he will die." Arceus explained.

"This new knowledge will make him be more reckless, and more difficult to control if he lets it get into his head. I suggest we use it as a weapon of last resort." Xedrek said.

"I may have to agree, if he is willing to put his life and his heart on the line." Arceus said.

"This is the Chosen One we are talking about. He went through more than one life threatening situation. One of which came from you My Lord." Dialga said. Arceus sighed, knowing that the deity of time was right.

"Perhaps, but it doesn't matter. If Ash is willing to collect the X-Blade, then he must perform the ritual." Arceus said before using his powers to create a portal. "Xedrek, go through that portal. It will take you the Keyblade Graveyard. The rest will be up to you." It said.

"As you wish. I will only be for a moment." Xedrek said before getting up.

"And do take care of the twins." Arceus said. That caused Xedrek to stop and look back. "It seems that they are showing you the feelings that you have lost ever since you became a Nobody." Arceus said.

"If only they knew the truth of someone like me. Even if Derek were to return, they would only see him as me, not him." Xedrek said before going through the portal, and it closed.

"Xedrek…you two are completely different people. You will see soon enough." Arceus said while looking at the place where the portal was at in the Jewel of Life.

In a distant wasteland on a different world, a portal opened up and Xedrek walked out. He just looked around with disbelief. The Keyblade Graveyard was practically destroyed with lifeless Keyblades either out of place, damaged or destroyed. The landmass looked like it was hit with several earthquakes.

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