Chapter 14

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Friday has arrived. That meant the day before the dance and Ash was getting nervous about the dance. It was due to the fact that Ash needed to pick out a suit ASAP, but most importantly, he needed to remember on how to dance. After all, it has been a long time since he danced.

During one of his down times, he was in the library reading on different kinds of dances. While it was helping him to understand it, it will be a different story of doing it.

"Are you seriously reading on how to dance Ash?" Pyrrha asked him as she walked up to him when she noticed the book in his hand.

"Okay in my defense, it has been a long time since I danced. Sure I've seen some people dancing at parties, weddings and other places while I was out in hiding, but I never actually done it for obvious reasons." Ash told her as she sat next to him. Pyrrha looked at him with confusion, until she got an idea.

"Hey Ash, I think I might have a solution to your problem." She said. This gotten his attention.

"What's that?" He asked.

"I'll teach you how to dance. Consider this my thanks to you for having me win the heart of my knight." Pyrrha said as she stood up.

Ash pondered about this for a moment. Unfortunately, the rest of the girls were either in class at the moment, working on their homework, or teaching students in class or in detention. Pyrrha, on the other hand, usually gets her stuff done quick and always had a lot of free time, especially when she's been training Jaune to be a better huntsman in training, and keeping herself trained as well. What did he have to lose?

"Alright, if you really want to." Ash said as he stood up. Pyrrha grew a smile and took him out of the library and towards the roof of the tower where she and Jaune train. Pyrrha then turned towards him and got close to him.

"Alright, place your hand on my waist." She said to him as she took his other hand into hers. Ash slowly moved his hand around her. It felt very weird to him as she was not the ones in the love group. However, he was happy that a good friend was helping him instead of the other way around for a change.

"Now, follow my lead. Afterwards, we can try a few other moves. One other thing, make sure you are keeping your eyes on your partner." Pyrrha said with a smile. Their little dance training lasted for a couple hours.

Ash was happy that he was remembering on how to dance and even learning more moves, ranging from waltz, tango and more. The last time he danced was so long ago back in Kalos. He also recalled the time when he watched as so many partners before him danced the night after the finals of the Pokemon Tournament at Cameran Palace.

"I gotta hand it to you, I'm impressed Pyrrha. Where did you learn to dance?" Ash asked.

"Well, when one's a celebrity a chunk of her life, you tend to learn many things. I was just like you when I tried to dance my first time. I kept tripping, stepping on my partner's foot, and even twisting mine." She told him with a slight giggle. Ash then laughed a bit as well.

"I guess being a celebrity isn't easy at all huh?" He asked. She shook her head, but then lowered it a bit. "I didn't say anything bad, did I?" Ash asked as he was getting concerned.

"No, it's just that most of the time I just want to live as a normal person. People think I'm just too good for them. When you are placed on a pedestal like this, you hardly have any freedom to do whatever you want to do. That's what I love about Jaune, and even about you Ash." She said. Ash's eyes widen.

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