Chapter 39

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Things just weren't right for Ash when he awoke from his coma. First were some unnecessary violence from Ruby to Derek, second was the aftermath of that fight, but most of all....he lost his whole arm. He was struggling to adjust with only one arm.

Ruby calmed down, but not much. She remained clingy onto Ash to ensure that they didn't lose each other. Blake knew how serious Ruby took their relationship together. After all, it was all Ruby's idea. So, she let them have their fun while she and Yang spared a bit.

A little while later, everyone saw Team CFVY arriving at the Xiao Long residence. Coco was looking for Ash in fear.

"ASHY!" Velvet screamed in joy as she saw Ash standing with Ruby. She ran to him and kissed him. "I'm so happy you're finally up." She said after she broke it.

"So are many. You have Derek to thank for that." Ash said.

"Who's Derek?" She asked. Ash described what he looked like, which caused her to gasp. "We ran into him with a pair of familiar twins. Coco...attacked him and she hasn't been acting like herself since she woke up from a nightmare thanks to some sort of Pokémon." She said.

"That must've been a Darkrai. It's a Pokémon that is known to give nightmares to whoever sleeps near it. Last time that happened to me was when I was in Alamos Town long ago. Coco, what did you see?" Ash asked Coco, who was looking down and was shaking a bit.

"I..." She try saying before slamming into him and hugged him tight before crying.

"What is it? What did you see?" He asked again while comforting her.

"The government...was forcing the citizens to...betray you!" Coco cried.

"What!?" He yelled in shock.

"Why did I attack him? It was just like that failure from that mission early this year. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME!?" She exploded before all of Team CFVY, and Team RWBY, minus Weiss who was elsewhere playing with Meloetta and Manaphy, joined Ash and calmed her down.

Suddenly, a portal opened up nearby and they saw Derek and the twins emerging from it.

"Hey Derek, everything okay?" Ash asked.

"More or less. Listen Ash, there is something that needs to be dealt with. I am going to set things right with my father. Would you guys like to come along?" He asked.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt, just as long as I stay out of some fights for a while." Ash said.

"But first, should we go see Professor Goodwitch? She'll want to know that you're up." Velvet suggested.

"Not a bad idea. Allow me!" Ash said as he extended his arm and attempted to summon the X-Blade, only...nothing's happening. "Wha...?" He asked in fright.

"Ash? What's wrong? Can't you summon it?" Ruby asked.

"I'm trying...oh no. I guess my gut feeling was right: I need both arms to properly wield it!" Ash said in fright. As of right now, he's defenseless.

"What's with all the yelling?" Weiss asked as she was coming with Meloetta and Manaphy in her arms. "Oh hello again Derek!" Weiss said with happiness.

"Whassup!?" He asked.

"Okay...this is not good. So uh...who's ready to make portals?" Ash asked his apprentices.

"ME!" Blake screamed with excitement and held his right side.

"Okay." Ash said before telling her exactly what he told Yang months ago when they saved Emerald. Speaking of whom, Emerald along with Amber and Neo arrived just when Blake learned how to create one. "Very good. Now let's go have a look on the other side everyone." Ash said to them.

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