𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑢𝑒 𝑖𝑖

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(Flashback to First Year)

As Remus, James, Sirius, and Peter were walking to the dungeons, they ran into five girls that were first year Gryffindors.

Remus immediately recognized the red head as Lily Evans, due to James' complete and utter infatuation with the poor girl.

He noticed that Mary MacDonald was there too. He briefly met her due to bumping into her on his way to the Library. He took a liking to her and thought she was nice.

He recognized the other girls too, having constantly seen them in the Gryffindor common room, but he didn't know their names.

"Oi Evans!" James said while running a hand through his curly and messy hair.

She simply sighed and rolled her eyes before walking into the Potions classroom.

The other girls followed her in, one of them sent James an apologetic look, while the other two were sniggering and nudging Lily, and in response she glared at them.

Sirius patted James on the back and said,

"Better luck next time mate." before smacking him on the back of his head.

Remus rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help but smile and laugh at the two of them.

The four boys entered the classroom and took a seat at the table next to where the girls were sitting, plus Snape, who was as per usual, sitting next to Lily.

"Welcome, Welcome." Slughorn said.

"Alright settle down, ehh."

the class quickly quieted and turned their attention on the professor.


"So class, today we will be brewing the Boil-Cure Potion."

"Now can anyone tell me how many ingredients are needed to brew this potion?" Slughorn asked.

Lily and Snape's hands quickly went up, and Slughorn nodded at Lily, gesturing for her to answer.

"Four, sir. You would need dried nettles, crushed snake fangs, stewed horned slugs, and porcupine quills."

"Excellent, twelve points to Gryffindor."

Lily beamed while Snape looked slightly annoyed. Meanwhile the four girls looked visibly happy for their friend.

"Now, I would like you to brew this potion with the person on your right." Slughorn said.

"You have until the end of this class."

"You may begin."

All the students began to rush and scramble to grab their ingredients.

James and Sirius were partners, so that meant that Remus was making the potion with Peter.

The four of them came back to their table after getting their ingredients, and they immediately started brewing.

As Remus was beginning to chop his horned slugs he overheard Snape say,

"This potion is so easy, even an idiot could brew it. Which I guess explains why Potter and Black seem to be able to do it."

At the mention of their surname both James and Sirius looked up, but before either of them could make a jab at Snape, the girl sitting to the left of Mary said,

"Snape! How about you shut the fuck up, before I shove this porcupine quill up your dirty and greasy-"

"LYLA!" Lily exclaimed, cutting her off.

The girls angry expression seemed to falter at the sight of her friend's pleading look, not wanting her to make a scene.

She glared at Snape before returning back to her potion. Meanwhile, her blonde haired partner was looking at her like a proud mother.

James, Remus, and Peter all stared at the girl incredulously, while Sirius just shook his head and laughed quietly.

Once Remus snapped out of his daze he turned to Sirius and asked,

"Who is she?"

By now James and Peter turned to look at Sirius expectantly.

"That my dear friends is Lyla Vance."

Remus suddenly remembered Sirius mentioning how she was a good childhood friend of him and his brother.

"I-Is that t-the one you s-said we would l-like?" Peter asked.

Sirius nodded before saying,

"Ya, she's pretty cool. I think you guys should meet her."

"Well after what she told Snape, I already like her." James said.

Remus turned back to look at her and take in her features. He noticed she had light brown skin, dark brown almost black hair, plump pink lips, and clear light green eyes. He couldn't deny she was quite beautiful.

She looked up and caught him staring, she raised an eyebrow questioningly, grinning slightly as she noticed he began to blush. She winked at him before turning back to focus on her work, if it was even possible Remus turned more red before diverting his attention back to the potion.

He looked up to see Sirius smirking at him, having watched the entire interaction. Remus mumbled a "shut up." Which caused Sirius to laugh.

The rest of the potions class went by surprisingly quick, and soon it was time for Slughorn to check the potions.

Slughorn quickly checked everyone's potions and soon it was time for him to check Snape's and Lily's. But in order for Slughorn to get to their table he had to hold onto Remus' shoulders so he wouldn't fall, and this small action caused Snape to say,

"Ewww. Wouldn't want to have to touch Loony Lupin. Not with all the scars he has."

"Severus! Don't say that!" Lily bellowed before sending an apologetic look towards Remus's way.

This comment caused Remus to feel one of two ways. One being ashamed for what he is, and the second being having the urge to punch Snape in the face again.

Based on the looks on James', Sirius', and Peter's faces they would have preferred Remus go with the second option.

But before any of them could say anything to Snape, it was time for Slughorn to check his potion.

While Slughorn bent down to examine it, he saw Lyla mutter something under breath, and then suddenly the potion exploded in Slughorn's face.

"Awww, what happened Snape. I thought you said even an idiot could brew this potion." she said while smirking.

Her comment and the explosion caused the class to holler in laughter. Including the girls sitting at the table.

As she looked at Snape's angry expression she started laughing more, and then she turned to Remus, James, Sirius, and Peter and winked at them.

"Miss Vance! You are to see Professor Mcgonagall straight away." Slughorn said after he got cleaned up.

"Ok, will do." She said while saluting at him.

Soon after class the four Gryffindor boys too got their revenge on Snape. Which landed them detention with none other than, Lyla Vance. And it was on this day that the five Marauders were brought together, and Minerva Mcgonagall regretted ever deciding for them to have a shared detention. Which allowed them to be in the same room, alone, for two whole hours.

Hope you guys enjoyed the prologue chapters. The next one will be following the actual story. I really enjoyed writing this, especially the little flirty interaction between Lyla and Remus, so definitely expect a lot more of that in the future. -acciom00ny

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