𝐥𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. james' birthday

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James Potter liked to consider himself a guy of many talents.

Whether it be quidditch, transfiguration, the endless pranks he did with his friends, or just the way he was able to make any guy or girl melt with a cheeky comment or smile.

Of course, no one except his close friends new it was all a front.

They new James, the real James.

The one who was caring and kind. The one they liked to consider the "mum" of the group. They knew the James that would always put other's needs before his own. The one who was selfless, and had endless amounts of love to go around.

James was always there, for everyone!


Which is why every birthday he had, they made an even extra ( and trust me, they always made a huge effort on random days ) effort to show him just how much he meant to them, and show how much he was truly loved.


James yawned as he slowly got out of his bed, the covers falling off his body.

He rubbed his eyes tiredly and began to walk towards the bathroom, or at least that's what he thought.

Someone had then grabbed ahold of his shoulders and began steering him back to the direction of his bed.



"Go back to bed, you're tired." A calm voice whispered in his ear.

James continued to mumble incoherent things as he slowly climbed into bed.

"Yeah you're very sleepy." Another voice said more ominously.

"Pete! We're supposed to be soothing, not some creepy fortune teller!" The first voice whispered shouted.

James frowned as he began to slowly wake up.

"Huh? Wait Peter?"

"No, go to sleep." A new voice said as they smacked his face.

"Lyla!" The first voice scolded.

"My bad Pads, I'll do it more gently next time."

"Thank you."

James heard Lyla sigh as she said,

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep-" As she repeatedly smacked him in the face.

"Ow." She said, once Sirius smacked her hand away from James.

"Sirius! Don't smack her, I'll have to hear about it for a week." Remus muttered.

Lyla gasped as she held her hand.

"Arsehole." She mumbled.

James began to stir and they all looked over at him.

"Am I dead?" He groaned.

"Is this heaven?" He asked again.

"He clearly has a fucked up idea of heaven." Lyla said.

𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒; remus lupin¹Where stories live. Discover now