𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. train ride with the girls... and reggie

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The rest of their break had flown by extremely fast.

Now it was that time of the month where platform 9 3/4 would be filling up with students of different houses and ages.

After the Marauders had boarded the train, Lyla broke away from the guys and went to go find Lily, Marlene, Mary, and Alice, but first, she had to make a small detour.

"Lyla no! I don't want to!" Regulus whined as Lyla dragged him by his shirt.

"Well to bad Reg, I'm forcing you." the older girl said.

"But-"  Regulus tried to protest.

"No buts Regulus! I don't want you hanging around with guys like Mulciber, or worse Snape."

Regulus groaned.

"Fine." He said with a huff.

Lyla smiled triumphantly before sliding the door open to the compartment.

"Hey darling." Marlene said.

"And apparently Regulus too." Lily said.

"Hello Regulus." Alice said with a smile.

Lyla then sat down beside Mary, who handed her a sugar quill.

Regulus was still standing in the doorway staring at the girls uncomfortably.

"Baby Black, we don't bite Y'know." Mary said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, you can come in." Marlene said with a grin.

Regulus looked at Lyla before hesitantly coming in and closing the door behind him.

Lily scooted toward the side and patted the now empty seat in between her and Alice.

Regulus then sat down next to her and gulped.

Fuck! What would mother say if she saw me sitting here. Especially next to this Evans girl. He thought grimly.

"So Lils, how was your Christmas?" Lyla asked the red head.

Before she could even respond Marlene and Mary interrupted.

"Ooh, it was good." Marlene said with a smirk.

"Especially since she had Amos Diggory to keep her company." Mary said while matching Marlene's smirk.

Lily blushed in embarrassment

Lyla then stared at Lily flabbergasted.

"Amos Diggory?!" Lyla shrieked.

"No offense, but I thought you had standards Evans." Regulus said, finally contributing to the conversation.

He then took a bite of the sugar quill Mary had handed to him and continued looking at Lily.

Marlene snorted at Regulus' comment.

"Yeah, what he said." Lyla said.

Lily rolled her eyes and said,

"Oh relax, sure he is quite attractive and dreamy-"

Lyla sent her a look with a raised eyebrow.

"But, he's a prick." Lily concluded.

"An arrogant one at that." Alice said while shaking her head in disapproval.

Mary had a proud smile on her face.

"Alice Fortescue!" Lily scolded even though she laughed a little.

"What?!" She asked defensively.

"It's just that Al, we've never heard you talk about anyone that way before." Lyla said with a laugh.

"How come we never hear you talking that way about Potter and Black?" Mary asked.

"Well because I believe that James and Sirius are the good kind of cocky."

"Fortescue, care to elaborate." Regulus said.

"Well, they're still kind and humble at heart."

"They aren't constantly bragging about their accomplishments like Amos. They're confident and cocky cause they know their worth. Whereas Amos Diggory on the other hand simply does it to brag and make it known that he believes that's he's better than you."

"Wow." Marlene said.

"That was deep Al." Lyla said with a grin.

"Why thank you." Alice said with a small bow, while giggling.

"Basically wrote a whole fucking essay on their personalities." Mary said with a laugh.

Lily too started laughing in her seat before she grabbed a box of jelly beans.

Regulus shook his head with a small smile.

Being in this compartment, differed a lot from his usual one.

While this one was filled with smiles, laughter, and happiness.

The other was filled with a dull and depressing mood in the atmosphere.

And for the second time in Regulus' life, he didn't care what his mother and father would think.

He didn't care if they found out he had been sharing a compartment with Marlene McKinnon, Mary MacDonald, Alice Fortescue, and Lily Evans.

A blood traitor, a halfblood, another blood traitor, and a mudblood.

Because he considered these girls his friends, and that's one of the few things Regulus had always wanted in life.

Besides his brother back, and a normal family.

Regulus Arcturus Black just wanted to be accepted. He just wanted to feel loved.

I had time, so I figured why not give y'all a double update ;)

𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒; remus lupin¹Where stories live. Discover now