𝐱𝐢𝐱. fuck, marry, crucio

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Mary flopped on her bed and sighed dramatically.

Lily rolled her eyes and shook her head.

Mary all week had been dramatically saying how all their friendships were over since they were leaving school for break.

She had been randomly hugging the girls and she even made them friendship bracelets.

4 pairs of friendship bracelets be exact.

"Mary, how many times do we have to tell you this. Just because we won't see a each other for a month, doesn't mean we're going to stop being best friends." Alice said with a sigh.

"Yes it does Al!"

"Mary, it's one Christmas that we're not spending together." Marlene said, trying to reason with the girl.

"It's not the end of the world." Lyla said.

"Except it is." Mary said with a deadpan expression.

"Bloody hell Mary. We only have enough patience to deal with one dramatic person in this friend group." Lily said while pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Ya, and it's Lyla." Marlene said.

From across the room Lyla raised her arms and said,

"Why the fuck are you dragging me into this?"

Mary smiled at their interaction.

"Look Mar, I know we normally spend Christmas together but it's just one Christmas." Alice said.

"Ya, and we're going to see each other at least once during the break." Lyla said.

Mary sighed.

"Yeah, I know. It's just it feels like one Christmas is going to turn into 2, then 3, and then boom! We don't hang out anymore, we don't even know each other's names, favorite colors, or zodiac signs. We're just strangers."

"I can assure you Mary, that's not happening." said Lily.

"How bout this." Marlene began.

This caught Mary's attention and she immediately sat up.

"Every time we go on break the night before we have a girls night."

"Ooh! I love that idea!" Lily exclaimed, getting up from the bed.

"We can paint each other's nails." Alice said.

"Put on face masks." Lyla said.

"Watch movies."

"Eat candies."

"Talk about boys."

Marlene coughed.

"And girls." Lily quickly added.

"That actually sounds... really great." Mary said.

"Great! Let's start now!" Lyla said while pulling Mary up and dragging her to Alice's bed.

The five girls all sat down in front of the bed and started pulling out their different items.

They set their face masks, candies, makeup, and nail polish all on the floor.

Then Marlene got up and started looking for a record to play.

It started playing softly in the background as Marlene sat down next to Mary.

Alice started applying a face mask to Lyla's face as Mary opened a sugar quill.

Soon the five girls all had different colored face masks on and they were eating an unhealthy amount of candy.

Well, in Marlene's eyes it was the "appropriate" amount.

"Okay, okay." Mary said.

"How about a round of fuck, marry, crucio?" She asked while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Ooh, I'm in." Marlene said.

"Me too!" Lyla exclaimed.

Alice hesitated at first but it was quickly replaced with a smile.

"Sure, why not."

They all turned to Lily and she sighed.

"I suppose one round can't hurt."


"Ok Marls, fuck, marry, crucio. Snape-" Mary began but Marlene cut her off by making a gagging noise.


"And... Donna Shacklebolt."

"The fact, that you didn't include Dorcas, offends me." Marlene said with a huff.

"Then it would have been to easy." Alice said.

"As is, Mary didn't go that hard on you Marls." said Lyla.


"Fuck Parkinson. She's a bitch, but she's a hot bitch."

Lyla snorted and Lily shook her head with a laugh.

"Marry Donna. She's nice and hot. Good wife material.

"And lastly crucio Snape. I don't really need to give an explanation for that one."

"He's not that bad Marlene." Lily said defensively.

"Whatever you say Lils." Lyla said.

"Ok my turn."Marlene said with a mischievous smirk.

"Lyla, fuck, marry, crucio."

"Let's just get this over with."

"Except it's Professor edition."

"Really Marlene?!"

"Hey! It makes things interesting." Marlene said defensively.

"Alright let's do Filch."

"Bloody hell." Lyla grimaced.


"And Dumbledore."

"Shit." Lyla muttered.

"Alright marry Minnie. Cause why not." Lyla said.

"Crucio Filch."

"And fuck Dumbledore." Lyla said quietly.

"Sorry what was that?" Marlene said.

Lyla sighed and said,

"Fuck Dumbledore."

"Still couldn't catch that?" Mary said.

"I said I'd fuck Dumbledore." Lyla said in annoyance.

"Oh my god, my hearings terrible. Can you repeat that?" Lily said while laughing slightly.

Lyla huffed in annoyance and she threw her hands up.

"I said I'd fuck Dumbledore!" She yelled.

"Sorry, didn't hear you Ly." Alice said with a smile.

"I said- you know what never mind."

Mary, Marlene, Lily, and Alice all started laughing.

"That was not funny." Lyla said, even though she couldn't help but smile herself.

Marlene looked at Lyla and soon they both burst out laughing again.

The five girls were all sitting on the floor of their dorm, laughing with some of their best friends.

Best friends who eventually grew to become each other's sisters, and they wouldn't have it any other way.

Sorry this chapter is short. The next one will be it's usual length. Anyways hope you liked it and love you

𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒; remus lupin¹Where stories live. Discover now