𝐱𝐱𝐱𝐯. recordings

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The birds were chirping and the sun was shining through the window of Lily's bedroom.

The rays were just beginning to hit the bed where Lily, Lyla, Marlene, Mary, and Alice were laying all on top of one another.

The girls had just gotten to the house yesterday after Lily had sent them a letter the previous week asking if they wanted to have girls night.

Of course, they all said yes.

So here the five girls were laying fast asleep after staying up all night to catch up and talk about their remaining summer break.

Lily shifted in her bed with a groan and accidentally knocked Lyla off of the bed.

She landed on the floor with a thud that immediately caused Lily to sit up right.

"Ow." Lyla said from the floor.

"Oh my god!" Lily exclaimed.

"Are you okay?" She asked in a worried voice as she hoped of the bed.

"I'm great." Lyla said with a groan as she sat up.

Lily sighed and then glanced at the clock.

"Well, it was about time we got up anyway." She said before she made her way towards the bathroom.

"Ly? Would you do me a favor and wake up the others."

"What! Why me?!" Lyla whined.

"Sweetie cause you're the only other person up."

Lyla groaned and said,

"Fine, I guess."

She then proceeded to shake Mary, Marlene, and Alice gently.

Alice got up, slightly dazed and just sat there staring at nothing.

Meanwhile Mary and Marlene barely shifted.

Lyla shook them again, but still no movement.

She let a huff and grabbed the pillow from Lily's bed. Lyla then smacked them as hard as she could in the face.

"Ow!" Marlene said as she shot awake.

"Glad you're up darling." Lyla said with a smirk.

Marlene muttered,

"Bitch." Before she slowly got up and made her way towards the bathroom.

Lyla then looked down at Mary who was still fast asleep.

"Alright let's do this." She said as she shoved Mary off the bed.

Mary let out a yelp before she hit the floor with a thud.

"Oww." She whined.

"You bitch!"

"I had to get your arse up somehow." Lyla responded.

Mary rolled her eyes and raised her middle finger towards Lyla.

She laughed in response as she used the blanket Mary was wrapped in and dragged her towards the bathroom.

As the five girls were getting ready Lily set down the brush and asked,

"I know it's kinda late for breakfast, but there's this really cute diner near my house that we can go to."

"Food! Yes! When! Where!" Marlene exclaimed.

Alice stared at the blonde with wide eyes as she was practically shaking with excitement.

Mary laughed as she looked at Alice's and Marlene's expressions.

"Okay then, breakfast at Sage Diner it is."

𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒; remus lupin¹Where stories live. Discover now