𝐱𝐢. guest commentator

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"I don't wanna get up." Lyla said with a groan as she burried her face deeper into the pillow.

Lily rolled her eyes and continued trying to pull the girl out of bed.

"Lyla! It's the first quidditch game of the season. You need to get up!" Lily insisted.

Lyla begrudgingly got out of bed and lazily made her way towards the bathroom, where Marlene was already getting ready.

"She force you out too?" Marlene asked.

Lyla nodded and Marlene muttered, "bitch."

As Lyla finished getting ready and headed out of the bathroom she frowned.

"Wait a minute." She muttered.

"What?" Mary inquired with furrowed eyebrows.

"Lily!" Lyla called out to the redhead.


"Since when did you care so much about me and Marlene being late to a quidditch game."

"Yeah, you've never cared that much about quidditch before." Marlene said suspiciously.

"Perhaps maybe it has something to do with a certain raven haired quidditch cap-"

"I don't bloody like James Potter!" Lily shouted, cutting off Mary.

"You know Lils, James isn't the only raven haired quidditch captain at Hogwarts. Why'd your mind jump to him so fast?" Alice asked Lily with a grin.

Lily scoffed.

"Oh shut up." She said.

"And by the way, you two are going to be late." Lily said while looking at Marlene and Lyla.

"Oh shit we are." Lyla said as she started grabbing her quidditch gear.

"But stop trying to change the subject!" Marlene yelled as her and Lyla made their way out of the dorm.


"You're late." James said as Lyla and Marlene ran towards the locker room.

"Really no shit." Lyla replied sarcastically.

"Sorry, Lily held us up." Marlene said while catching her breath.

James' eyes widened and he ran a hand through his messy hair.

"What'd she say?" He asked excitedly.

Marlene and Lyla shared a look and grinned.

"Nothing." Both girl said simultaneously.

James frowned as they walked away, but he quickly shook his head and walked towards the team.

"Alright lads.. and ladies. First quidditch match of the season."

"We're playing against Slytherin, but that doesn't really matter."

Sirius raised an eyebrow at James.

"Okay I lied. Of course it fucking matters!"

"We're playing against Slytherin goddamnit!" James shouted.

"We need to crush those snakes to a bloody pulp!"

The team cheered excitedly and James grinned.

"Hey by the way does anyone know who's commenting today?" Donna Shacklebolt asked while looking around at the team.

James, Marlene, Lyla, and Sirius frowned.

"What do you mean? It's Jordan as always." Sirius said.

"Nahh, he's sick. So Mcgonagall just said she'll choose someone random."

𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒; remus lupin¹Where stories live. Discover now