𝐢𝐢𝐢. feasts and dance parties

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The train ride didn't take very long, and soon the five Marauders were in the Great Hall watching the sorting ceremony.

"3 galleons on Hufflepuff." Sirius said as the next first year walked up to the stool.

James shook his head and said,

"5 galleons on Gryffindor."

"10 galleons on Ravenclaw." said Remus.

"Moony, that kid right there does not look like a Ravencl-"

"RAVENCLAW!!" the sorting hat shouted.

Remus smirked and stuck out his hand in victory.

"Pay up morons."

"Well shit." Sirius said while handing him the galleons.

"Damn it." James said.

Lyla turned to Peter and they both started laughing at the fact James and Sirius both lost 10 galleons.

"Oh shut up both of you." James said while looking annoyed at his best friends reactions.

"Ya, it's not fare, Moony always guesses them right." Sirius chimed in.

Lyla clicked her tongue to her mouth and said,

"Probably, because he's smarter than you."

Sirius and James made an "uhhh" sound, while Peter just shook his head at his best friends dramatics.

"Awww, thanks Ly." Remus said.

"Course Moony. Now if you idiots will excuse me, I still am in much need of seeing my other best friends and my wife." She said while standing up.

"See you later love." Remus said while smiling at her.

She winked at him before walking away. But before she was far enough she heard James and Peter snicker and Sirius gag.

She rolled her eyes. After 4 years of knowing them, she had gotten quite used to the their constant teasing and placing bets of when they thought Remus would grow some balls and ask her out. Although that's not the type of relationship she and Remus had. She knew he thought of her as his best friend, just like she only thinks of him as her best friend. Their relationship was totally platonic, despite what other people said.

Her thoughts were broken when she finally found the people she had been looking for.

"Oh my god! Is that the one and only gorgeous Lyla Vance." Marlene said while standing up and walking towards her.

"Marls!" Lyla squealed.

The two embraced each other and when Marlene pulled apart she said,

"Merlin, it's been to long since we've seen each other."

"I know, I almost forgot what your beautiful face looked like."

"Didn't you two see each other like, one week before we left for Hogwarts?" Mary questioned.

"Oh Mary, you know our Lyla and Marlene are always one for the dramatics." Lily said shaking their head at the two, even though she had a smile on her face.

"Missed you too Lils." Lyla said while going over to hug Lily.

"Ya, just forget about me. Your other best friend. What's her name again?" Mary said sarcastically.

"Oh c'mon Mary. Y'know I missed you the most." Lyla said while hugging her.

"Well of course, why wouldn't you." she said.

"Oh our Mary, always so modest." Alice said while sitting down next to Lily.

"Alice! Where were you?" Lyla asked.

𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒; remus lupin¹Where stories live. Discover now