𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢. sirius' birthday

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Their time at Hogwarts was passing by so quickly.

It was already November 2nd and it was going to be Sirius' birthday tomorrow.

As he constantly reminded his friends for the last month and a half.

But little did Sirius know that his best friends had been planning his birthday party for said, month and a half.

So now the Marauders were in their dorm going over the party status.

"Okay, decorations." James said as he paced around the dorm with a clipboard and quill in his hand.

"Check." Peter said.


"Got it." Remus said.


"Already smuggled it outta Hogsmeade." Lyla said.

"What about-"

"We got the lights."

"And the dj." Peter said.

James opened his mouth to protest but Remus cut him off.

"And we already made sure no Professors would hear noise."

"Or go to the Room of Requirement." Peter said.

"James, we've gone over this 11 times in the last 2 days." Lyla said, trying to reassure the boy.

"We have everything." Remus said while giving James a reassuring smile.

James sighed and ran a hand through his curly hair.

"I know, I know. I just want to make sure everything's perfect."

"I mean things have gotten worse with Sirius at home."

"Well I mean obviously, his parents are trying to force him into a marriage." James said quietly.

"Look, I just want to make sure that Sirius has a good time and that everything will go perfectly."

Lyla smiled at James.

She always loved and admired how caring the boy was.

And she always felt super grateful for James.

The boy might be an idiot, arrogant, and cocky, but he was also caring, selfless, and a great friend.

And James Potter definitely had a bigger heart than anyone Lyla had ever met.

So seeing him in such a worried and frantic state, over something as small as his best friend's birthday party, Lyla shook her head with a smile.

She pulled him into an embrace and laughed into his shoulder.

James froze at first, but then he relaxed and hugged her back.

"Everything will be ok." Lyla said softly.

James sighed and smiled into her hair.

He got so used to saying those words to everyone else, he sometimes forgot to say it to himself.

So it felt nice for someone to tell him those comforting words every once in a while.

"Thanks Ly."

And with that they broke apart and Remus wrapped an arm around James' shoulder.

Just like James did to Remus whenever he was in need of comfort.

And Peter threw a box of treacle tart at him.

James smiled.

Peter always made a remembrance of everyone's favorite food, so that when they were sad he would give it them, hoping it would make them feel better.

𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒; remus lupin¹Where stories live. Discover now