𝐱𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐯. sirius black

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Lyla sighed and shifted in her bed as the breeze came through from the window.

The sunlight shone through, illuminating the wooden floors and making the gold frame of her mirror shine.

Lyla's eyes slowly drifted open and she sat up in her bed with a groan.

She looked down at her stomach, which was covered in white bandages.

Thoughts of what occurred yesterday filled her mind and she drew in a shaky breath.

Then suddenly the smell of food filled her senses.

She turned and on her nightstand was a silver tray with eggs, bacon, coffee, pancakes with strawberries on top, and a note with a rose attached to it.

Lyla hesitantly picked it up and unfolded the note. Inside it revealed her father's neat penmanship.

Lyra, I hope you understand that I did what I had to do, and hope you accept my apology.


Aleksander, your father.

Lyla was so furious that she unknowingly set the rose and note on fire.

How could her father ever think that a simple breakfast would make up for all the pain he caused her.

Lyla scoffed and stared at the food for a bit longer.

She finally reached out for a piece of bacon, but before she could she felt a paw on her hand and heard a hiss.

Lyla looked up and met the light blue eyes of her sister's cat, Apollo.

He smacked her hand away from the bacon and hissed.

"Really Apollo?"

The cat simply hissed again.

"I know he made it but I'm hungry." Lyla said as she continued looking at the cat.

Apollo looked at the food, then back up at Lyla and meowed.

"Apollo!" Lyla scolded.

The cat blinked in response.

"I am not going to let a perfectly good plate of food go to waste!"

The cat turned his head to the side and meowed.

Lyla huffed and picked up the cat. Apollo hissed, but it quickly turned into a meow when Lyla started to scratch his head.

She picked up the bacon and took a bite of it.

"Oh my god." Lyla said, her voice slightly muffled.

Apollo let out a small meow from Lyla's lap. She looked down at the cat and smiled when she saw that the small, white cat was asleep.

Lyla continued eating peacefully until an owl flew in through her window.

"Jaxs, what are you doing here?" Lyla inquired staring at the Potter's family owl.

The owl hooted while looking down at the letter attached to its leg.

Lyla untied the letter and brushed her finger on top of the owls head.

Jaxs let out one final hoot before flying off.

Lyla sighed and opened the letter. She was quite surprised when she saw Sirius's neat cursive rather than James' messy writing.

Hey Vix,

So that dinner party was fun right. Really gotta love our families.

Anyways your probably wondering why I'm writing a letter and sent it with the Potter's owl, well surprise bitch. I ran away.

𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒; remus lupin¹Where stories live. Discover now