𝐢𝐢. fifth year

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(Fifth Year)

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(Fifth Year)

It was September 1st 1975, and to say that Lyla Vance and Sirius Black were excited, was an understatement.

The two were practically shaking with excitement. To which they got scolded by Orion and Walburga Black, and Aleksander Vance.

The reason for their excitement, it was finally the day that Summer was over. If they said that aloud people would think they were the weirdest teenagers on the planet, but for them it was like a gift from the Gods. For they hated being home, because well, they hated their families. Lyla less than Sirius, because at least her mother was there and she made the Summers bearable. But for Sirius who only liked one of his cousins and his one favorite uncle, this day felt like Christmas.

"Sirius." said the stone cold voice of Walburga Black.

"Would you stop bouncing like a child and remain calm."

"Just be more patient like your brother." said Orion while gripping Sirius' shoulder and pushing him forward quite roughly.

"Lyra, you must have patience too." said Aleksander.

"Oh Aleksander, there's no need to scold her. She's just excited to see her friends." said her mother while giving her a father a warm smile in attempts to calm him.

Her father simply sighed and said,

"Well let's get on with it, we don't want to be late."

It didn't take the families long to get to the platform and soon Sirius and Lyla were sprinting through the the wall, desperately trying to get away from their families as quickly as possible.

Once they were through Sirius didn't hesitate to quickly aboard the train without even saying goodbye. Walburga scoffed and rolled her eyes at her older son's actions, before turning to Regulus giving him her usual little goodbye speech.

Lyla embraced her mother in a tight hug. Her mother sighed and said the words she would always say whenever she was to send her daughter off to Hogwarts

"Have fun dear. Be safe. I love you, forever and always, my little rose."

Emilia kissed the top of her daughter's head and pulled away from the embrace.

Lyla sent her a mother a smile before pulling Regulus' hand so they could aboard the train.

"C'mon Reggie."

The two quickly boarded the train and they went looking to find the others.

It didn't take them very long seeing as they always sat in the same compartment every year.

Before Lyla could open the door, Regulus let go of her hand and said,

"See you around Ana."


"Reggie c'mon, why won't you sit with us."

"And have to deal with Sirius for the next four hours. I'll pass" he said while turning to leave.

"Who gives a shit about Sirius." Lyla said while gripping his shoulder preventing him from leaving.

" He's a big boy, he can deal with his little brother being in the same compartment as him and his friends."

"That's also another reason I'm not sitting in there. It's those other three." he said gesturing his head towards the compartment.

"James, Remus, and Peter won't mind."

"Ana, I appreciate it. I really do, but I already agreed to sit with you and those other girls one year, and now this is- it's to much."

Lyla sighed and looked visibly disappointed.

"I just want you to be careful sitting with those other guys. Like Snape, Rosier, and Mulciber."

"And I will be." he said.

He kissed to top of her head and before he walked away he said,

"I love you big sis."

"Love you too, little bro."

She sighed watching him walk away before opening the door to the compartment.

"LYLA!" Peter shouted getting up from his seat to embrace the girl.

"Calm down Pete, I'm pretty sure the whole of England heard you." Sirius said while laughing.

"Oh, sorry." he said while going to sit back down.

"Don't worry 'bout it Pete." Lyla said while ruffling his hair.

"At least someone in this compartment is excited for my arrival."

"We're all excited, some of us just show it more." Remus said while glancing up from his book with a smile.

"Hey Moony. Missed you too." She said while sitting down next to him and laying her head in his lap.

"Oi! What about me!" James said with a pout.

"Nahh. It was actually a nice break not seeing your face for the last two months." she said while smirking.

Remus chuckled lightly and Sirius started coughing in attempt of covering his laugh, when he received a glare from James.

James dramatically gasped and said,

"How dare you! Y'know I'm really starting to feel under appreciated in this compartment."

"Hey, we do appreciate you Prongs." Sirius said while James pouted and laid his head in Sirius' lap.

"Like soo much." Peter said, while jokingly putting his hands over his heart.

Lyla rolled her eyes and muttered, "Drama queens."

Remus laughed quietly, although his attention was still focused on his book.

He absently minded started playing with Lyla's hair while continuing to read. Lyla could never figure out how the boy managed to mentally block out all the noise James, Sirius, and Peter constantly made. She wished she had that ability, because she never really did appreciate all the headaches she got due to the amount of noise the four boys made.

She looked at the three boys across of her and watched as James said one of the stupidest things she probably has ever heard, and saw how Peter and Sirius agreed with him. She rolled her eyes and than looked up at Remus and watched as he stopped reading and started to bicker with James about how what he said wasn't true.

She smiled to herself, because no matter how much those four boys annoyed her and constantly gave her headaches, she wouldn't trade it for the world. Because they were her boys, and although she would never admit this aloud, she loved them to death.

Ahhh! I loved writing this chapter, hope you liked it. - acciom00ny

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