𝐱𝐥𝐯𝐢𝐢. halloween

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The warm days of September had long faded, and had turned into the colder, chilly days of fall.

The leaves had turned all different shades of reds, oranges, and yellows as the wind blew them in all different directions.

Although, even the cold days of Autumn were due to fade out and turn into the even colder days of winter.

With today being October 31st, Halloween, the Marauders had decided to throw their yearly Halloween party in the Room of Requirement.

It was what students were most excited about and what was talked about constantly.

After classes ended, the older students would be in their dorms getting ready, and wondering what exactly those Marauders had planned this time.

Meanwhile the younger students would be disappointed that they weren't old enough to go, but they hoped that someday when they got older they could finally be apart of what seemingly everyone was talking about.

Hell! Even Professors knew of the party being held, but yet they said nothing. They allowed the Marauders and their students to have some carefree mischief on this Halloween night.

And as the last class of the day was dismissed, the students practically ran out of their classrooms and started walking at a fast pace to their dorms.

Each student having the same question running threw their mind.

Ohh, I wonder what those Marauders are gonna do this time?


"What the hell are we gonna do this time?!" James yelled anxiously as he paced around the dorm.

"I don't know Prongs, this is usually you, Padfoot's, and Lyla's job." Remus answered, not even bothering to look up from his book.

"Okay, okay they're expecting something big right?" Lyla asked as she anxiously chewed on her finger nails.

"Yeah, obviously. They always expect us to throw the biggest and best Halloween party!" Sirius exclaimed as if everyone in the world knew that.

"And we have nothing planned?" James asked.

"Yup." Peter answered as he watched his three friends pace.

"And it's today?" Lyla asked in a horrified tone.

"Yeahh, sounds about right." Peter said as he awkwardly scratched his head.

"Oh Merlin's balls." Sirius cried out before dramatically flopping onto the bed.

"We're so screwed." James muttered as he flopped down next to Sirius.

"Our social status is gonna be as low as Sirius and James' iq!" Lyla cried, as she flopped on top of James and Sirius.

"Ugh bitch!" Sirius mumbled.

"Yeah, you bitch." James said as he reached around awkwardly and smacked Lyla's head.

Lyla gasped and turned to face him.

"Jimmy I will not hesitate to rock your shit right now!"

"Did you just call me Jimmy?!" James asked incredulously.

He got up from the bed at stared at Lyla with his mouth wide open.

Lyla got up off of Sirius and turned to face James.

𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒; remus lupin¹Where stories live. Discover now