𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐱. sirius' and regulus' guide

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After Lyla had seen the rose in the broom closet, she had a major set back.

One that confused all of the people who cared about her, seeing as they thought she was doing better.

So it seemed that they were back to square one.

It was 7 am in the morning and the sun was peeking behind the clouds.

Lyla was sitting on her bed with her knees to her chest.

She was drinking firewhisky out of a flask and had an empty box of cigarettes in front of her.

She was seemingly staring out into nowhere and she continued drinking.

"Okay, enough of this." Lily stated with a huff.

She grabbed the flask out of Lyla's hand, immediately snapping her out of her thoughts.

"What the hell Lily?" Lyla said as she tried to grab for it.

Lily handed it to Marlene who set it down on her bed.

Lyla turned back to Lily and glared at her.

"Why'd the bloody hell you do that for?!"

"Jee ,I don't know. Perhaps because I can't stand seeing my best friend continuing to ruin herself."

Lyla rolled her eyes and got up from the bed.

"Look. How I chose to cope with things shouldn't concern you!" Lyla said with a clenched jaw.

"You're right, I shouldn't judge. But it should concern me. Especially when it affects someone who I care deeply about!" Lily argued.

Knowing the 2 girls were both extremely stubborn, Marlene, Mary, and Alice knew this wouldn't end well.

"Look, Lyla please." She pleaded.

"Can you just trust my judgment here?" Lil asked.

Lyla chuckled, which caused her to receive confused glances from the girls.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Lyla said while trying to stop her laughter.

"What's so funny?" Marlene inquired.

"It's just that you-" Lyla said while pointing at Lily.

"Want me to trust your judgement?" Lyla asked with a laugh as if it were the funniest thing in the world.

"Yes, last time I checked that's what I said." Lily responded sassily.

Lyla snorted.

"Lils, you once called that greasy haired slimeball who called you a mudblood, your best friend. You also thought that he was a "good person."

"So uhh, excuse me Miss Evans, if I doubt your so called good judgement." Lyla finished with a grin before she exited the dorm.

"I think you're a good person, so I must have some good judgement." Lily responded.

"If anything that proves even more that you don't!" Lyla yelled back in response.

"You have a tendency to befriend fucked and screwed up people Lils!"

Lyla then quickly poked her head back into the doorway.

"Except for you Alice. You're and angel." She said with a wink before she was out of eyeshot again.

The girls all shared worried glances.

"Stage 3." Mary said with a sigh as she looked back at the empty doorway.

"Humor." The girls all said simultaneously.

"We need to have a talk." Lily said.

"But we are talking." Marlene said with a grin.

𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒; remus lupin¹Where stories live. Discover now