𝐥𝐢. surprises at the manor

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It had been approximately 2 days, 7 hours, 34 minutes and 18.2 seconds since Lyla had kissed Remus.

Remus. John. Lupin. Moony. Her best friend. Another Marauder. She was fine, of course she was fine, why wouldn't she be fine?

It's not like this wasn't a life changing moment or anything, it's not like she was catching feelings for him right?

"Of course you fucking are!" Marlene yelled before letting out a huff.

"No I am not." Lyla responded defensively.

"Okay fine, you're right-"

"Thank you-"

"Because you already have." Marlene finished proudly with a smirk.

"Am not." She said with a groan.

Lyla then laid down across the compartment seat, her head resting in Alice's lap.

"Sweetie, Marls is right." Alice said as she stroked the girl's hair.

Lyla frowned and then Mary rolled her eyes.

"Look, Ly. It's obvious. There's no point in hiding it, you have a crush on him."

"No I don't. We're just friends!"

"For the love of Merlin, here we go again with this bullshit." Marlene exclaimed.

"Lyla, if you and Remus are friends, I'm straight." The blonde deadpanned.

Alice giggled, as Lyla snorted with a shake of her head.

"I don't have feelings for him."

"Oh my god!" Marlene groaned.

"What's Marlene complaining about this time?" Lily asked as she entered the compartment.

"She complaining about how Lyla keeps denying her feelings for Remus." Mary answered with a grin as she looked at Lyla's shocked expression.

"Oh so the usual." The redhead said as she sat down.

"Really?! You too!" Lyla yelled dramatically.

Lily simply shrugged as she said,

"Oh c'mon Ly, it's obvious you like him. I mean bloody hell you kissed him."

"Yeah, last time I checked that's not in the resume for friendship." Marlene muttered.

Lyla rolled her eyes with a groan.

"I don't like him."

Multiple groans and noises of complaints came from the girls as they looked at their best friend.

"And here we go again." Mary said.

"Lyla." Alice said fiercely.

The girl hummed in acknowledgement.

"You like him, and don't even bother denying it. Cause deep down you know we're right."

"I don't-"

"Shh, I'm not done."

Lyla pouted as she waited for Alice to continue.

"Do you know how many times I've heard you talk about that boy with a smile on your face."

"Or how many times you've told us that things have always been different between you and Remus. That you didn't feel the need to make fun of him like you do to James, that you didn't feel super over protective of him like Peter or Regulus, and that it wasn't the same type of friendship you have with Sirius."

Lyla frowned, cause she knew it was true.

Remus didn't feel like the annoying over protective brother that James was to her. Or the quiet and shy little brother that she needed to protect like Peter and Regulus. He wasn't what Sirius was to her. Sirius was her best friend, he knew her inside and out. He had seen her at her worst, just like she had seen him. She was able to talk to Sirius about her home life because he understood.

And I mean, sure she had been able to do all that stuff with Remus, but with Sirius, she knew she loved him, just platonically. Just like as much as Sirius made fun of her, and she to him, they both loved each other. But with Remus-

She knew she cared for him, a lot, but not in the same way as James, Sirius, Peter, or Regulus.

Lyla knew she loved him, but it didn't feel the same way as the others. It felt like more, it felt like-

Shit. Lyla thought horridly.

I'm totally in love with Remus. John. Lupin.


Lyla was sat on a chair in the dining room table, eating a bowl of cereal with an unamused expression.

As she continued munching on it, Capella rolled her eyes and said,



Capella motioned to how she was eating and Lyla frowned.

"Well do you not want me to eat?"

"No, it's fine that you're eating it's just that-"

"Do you not want me to do it here, cause last time I checked isn't that what the dining room is for, to eat-" Lyla said, interrupting her sister.

"I just think that right now it isn't the greatest time-" Capella argued.

"Well someone has to do something to fill this awkward silence."

"Well, isn't there something else you could do?"

"Like what?"

"Well, I don't know!" Capella said in a frustrated tone.

Lyla hummed and then she continued munching on her bowl of cereal.

"Are you serious right now?!"

"Do I look like him?!" Lyla yelled back

"No, you look much more slapable!"

"Oh shut up! We all know your the slapable sibling!"

Capella gasped.

"I. Am. Not." She said.

"Oh yes you are!"

"Oh no I'm not.


"Are not."


"Are not."


"Alright that is enough!" Aleksander yelled while rubbing his temples.

"Right now both of you are slapable." He huffed.

"Hmm wonder where we get that from?" Lyla muttered as she rolled her eyes, while her sister merely looked down at her hands.

Aleksander sighed as he shook his head.

"Unbelievable." He muttered.

No one said a word as they all continued staring off at different parts of the room.

Then, all of a sudden there was knocking heard.

"I'll get it!" Lyla exclaimed, already leaping from her seat. She was eager to get out of this room and also eager to see, who the hell would be knocking on their door at 8pm. They normally didn't have visitors.

She opened the door, and she gaped at who was standing at the door.

It was an older woman with brown skin, her straight, dark brown, and silky hair was loose. She wore black sunglasses, a black, tight dress hanging just above her knees, along with a pair of black high heels.

Lyla couldn't believe she was standing at the door to her home, she hadn't even come to their mother's funeral.

"Lyra, what in Merlin's name is taking you so long..."Her father's voice spoke, but trailed off when he saw the woman.

His jaw clenched as he rolled his eyes.

The woman just smiled at him.

"Holy shit." Lyla muttered.

"Oh hello dear, it's been quite some time." The woman spoke. The accent dripping from her voice.

Aleksander scoffed as he said,

"Long time no see, mother."

𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒; remus lupin¹Where stories live. Discover now