𝐱𝐱𝐯. oh no lily flower!

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It was bright and sunny day. The black lake was glistening beautifully, the grass was an impeccable shade of green, and the flowers were blooming.

It seemed that spring had come a bit earlier to Hogwarts.

5 particular Gryffindor girls had decided to take advantage of the beautiful day.

The girls were sitting by a tree staring out at the black lake.

"Ahhh, it's a beautiful day." Alice said with a content smile.

"Yeah, it is Al." Marlene responded.

Lyla stared out into the lake and sighed.

She watched as Alice muttered a spell and saw as a white daisy started growing in the girl's palm.

"Hey Al." Lyla called out.


"Do you want me to turn those daisies into a flower crown?"

Alice's face lit up as she nodded.

"That would be lovely."

Lyla then scooted towards Alice and gently took the flowers from her hand.

She started weaving the stems into intricate little knots, so it wouldn't come undone.

"Ly, where'd you learn how to do this?"

"Oh my mom taught me." Lyla said with a smile.

A few minutes later Lyla had finished the flower crown for both her and Alice.

She gently placed the flower crown on top of Alice's head, just as Alice had done to her.

"Heyy, what about our flower crowns?" Marlene whined.

"Yeah, meanies." Mary said.

"The flower crowns are me and Alice's thing." Lyla responded.

Mary stuck her tongue out at her and Lyla laughed.

"Oh don't worry Mary, we'll make you and Marlene some later."

"Aww, thanks Al." Marlene said.

When Marlene and Mary turned away, Alice winked at Lyla and whispered,

"Don't worry, this'll always be our thing.

Lyla smiled at Alice's words before she glanced at Lily who had her eyebrows furrowed.

"What's wrong Lils?"

Lily lifted her head up and sighed.

"Oh nothing. Just frustrated."

"Stuff about O.W.L.S?" Marlene asked.

Lily nodded her head before she let out a huff.

She closed all of her books and put her notes and flash cards away in her bag.

"I'm done with this shit."

Mary's eyes widened in surprise.

"Who are you and what have you done with Lily Evans?" Mary asked with a laugh.

Lily rolled her eyes playfully before leaning back against the tree.

A few peaceful minutes had passed by and the girls were all laughing with smiles on their faces.

Then all of a sudden they heard laughter coming from higher up on the grounds.

Lyla looked up and saw Severus Snape hanging upside down, along with laughter coming from a few boys.

The laughter belonging to James Potter and Sirius Black.


"What's wrong Snivellous?" Sirius called out.

𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒; remus lupin¹Where stories live. Discover now