𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. midnight snacks

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Lyla woke up the next morning yawing and exhausted.

She spent all night working on the painting, determined to finish it.

So when she walked into the Great Hall that morning and sat down next Remus, with bags under her eyes, and her hair messed up, he got slightly concerned.

"Love, are you ok?" He asked, his voice laced with worry.

"Mhm, fine."

"You don't look fine." James said.

"I'm just tired, and in desperate need of coffee." Lyla said while grabbing a cup.

"This'll help too." Sirius said while taking out a flask.

"Sirius Orion Black!" James whisper shouted.

"It is seven thirty in the morning!"

"Put it away!"

Sirius rolled his eyes and put the flask away.

James sighed and shook his head while filling up Lyla's plate with food.

He put the plate in front of her and she smiled at him.

"Thanks dipshit."

"No problem."

Peter than handed Lyla her favorite jam for her toast and smiled at her, before taking a bite of his bacon.

She started eating some of her breakfast and then turned to look at Remus, who had a glum expression on his face.

She then remembered the full moon was in a few days.

Lyla didn't really know how to comfort him.

She always thought she wasn't great at comforting people, so she just did what she normally did when she saw that Remus was distressed.

She interlocked his hand with hers underneath the table.

At the sudden feeling of contact, Remus turned to face her and he smiled. He than gave her hand a light squeeze.

Although when she looked away he continued to stare at her, and unbeknownst to Lyla, that small action was the thing that would always drive his worries away.


Lyla had finished all of her classes and needless to say was extremely exhausted.

So as soon as she got back to her dorm she immediately neglected all of her assignments and took a long, much needed nap.

6 hours later

When she woke up, she felt amazing.

Well, almost amazing.

She was starving and she groaned as she looked at the clock and realized she missed dinner.

She quickly changed out of her skirt and blouse, and put on something more comfortable.

Lyla then exited her dorm and the common room, and headed towards the kitchens.

While walking over their she bumped into someone familiar.

"Oh hey Pete." She said.

"Oh hi Lyla." He said with a smile.

"Where you headed off to?" He asked her.

"Just the kitchens, I'm starving."

"Oh I- I just came from there." Peter said.

"Really?" She asked looking at him confused.

"Ya, I actually went over there to get you some food." He said while looking at the ground.

"You did?" Lyla asked him, a smile spreading on her face.

"Yeah, I just noticed you weren't at dinner, and I figured you'd be hungry, so."

"Thanks Pete." Lyla said while embracing him in a hug.

He hugged her back and rested his head on her shoulder.

They pulled apart and Lyla suddenly had an idea.

She grabbed Peter's hand and started dragging him towards the quidditch pitch.

Once they were there, they sat down on the bleachers and Peter took out the food that he got for her.

She looked at it and saw he got her, turkey, bread, potatoes, and a slice of chocolate cake.

All of her favorites.

She smiled and started eating.

Peter broke the silence and asked her,

"Hey Lyla, what's the name of that star?" he said while pointing at the one bright star to the left.

She laughed and said,


"Like Sirius' brother."

She nodded still laughing.

"That one?" He said while pointing to another one.

She stopped laughing and sighed.


"Like.. your sister?" He asked hesitantly.

She nodded sadly.

"What happened between you and your sister?"

"You don't have to answer by the way." Peter quickly added.

"It's fine Peter. Ummm well, we used to be close. When we were younger we were practically inseparable. But then.. uhhh, as we got older.. we started having different opinions about things."

"She started believing my dad and all his prejudiced bull shit. She than started to distance herself from me, and she slowly started becoming the daughter my dad wanted her to be. Then, I decided to go Hogwarts instead of Beauxbatons, unlike her. And well...when I got sorted into Gryffindor, my relationship with my dad fell apart-"

"And so did you and your sisters?" Peter asked her.

Lyla nodded and said,

"Pretty much."

"I'm sorry. They're arseholes." Peter said, trying to cheer her up.

She laughed and put her head on his shoulder, he leaned his head against her head.

"Thanks Pete." Lyla said quietly.

"What are best friends for." He said, placing a kiss on top of her head.

They sat in a comfortable silence, just watching and staring at the stars.

Lyla was glad that Peter was here with her, because she didn't really feel like being alone.

Because when she was alone, her thoughts would wander.

And anytime they did, they would always lead back to things that she never wanted to think about, things that happened to her that made her sick to her stomach.

And she hated that she couldn't forget about it.

I'm excited to write some more chapters were you see Lyla and Remus interact.. alone. Also you'll learn more about Lyla's backstory in later chapters. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. - acciom00ny

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