𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐯. the marauder's map

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So far the start of term since the break had been uneventful.

During that past few months the Marauders had searched the library tirelessly to try and find some spells, so they could complete the map.

And during their second week back, they had figured it out.


It was currently 2 am and the Marauders were spread out on the library floor.

Books and messy papers surrounding them.

"It has to be here somewhere." Remus said as he looked through all of his messy written notes.

They all looked disheveled, Remus especially.

"Moony, maybe we should get some rest." James said with a yawn.

Peter hummed in agreement, he nearly was passed out on the floor.


"The spell is here somewhere, I know it." The boy protested.

"Moony, are you sure?" Sirius asked, slightly irritated.

"Yes." Remus responded defensively.

"I think what Sirius is trying to say-" Lyla interrupted.

"Is that maybe the reason we haven't found the correct spell is because, maybe it doesn't exist yet."

"Yeah...no. That's not what I was trying to say."

Lyla and Remus both rolled their eyes.

Remus then sighed while thinking about what Lyla said.

Then it hit him like a lightning bolt.

"That's it!" Remus exclaimed.

"What is?" James asked.

"The spell. Lyla's right it doesn't exist."

"Meaning what exactly?" Sirius asked in a tired and agitated voice.

"We have to create a spell." Lyla responded while she ran her hands through her hair.

"Oh ok, so no biggie. It's like we do this all the fucking time." Sirius responded sarcastically.

(End of Flashback)

It had been almost 2 weeks since that night in the library, and they had finally came close the finishing the map.

The Marauders had stayed up every night till 3 am trying to figure out how to create the spell.

So every morning they would enter the Great Hall looking like ghosts.

They had bags under their eyes, their hair was disheveled, their eyes were blood shot, and all 5 of them were uncharacteristically quite.

The only times they weren't was when they got themselves their own pot of coffee.

But all those sleepless nights had finally payed off.


The Marauders were in their dorm room, as per usual, and they were all hunched over the desk.

"Okay, are we sure this is going to work?" Peter asked hesitantly.

"Yup, we're sure Pete." James responded.

"Ok, just clarifying. Cause no offense, but that's what you said that last 7 times, and-"

"And it didn't work." Remus said.

𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒; remus lupin¹Where stories live. Discover now