𝐱𝐥𝐢𝐯. amortentia

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Normally the air was cold and chilly when you walked down to the dungeons of Hogwarts, but inside the potions classroom the air was warm and people started sweating due to all the heat from the cauldrons on the burners.

Slughorn had the Gryffindors and Slytherins all huddled up and they were staring at three very different looking potions.

"Miss Vance would you mind telling me the name of this potion?" Professor Slughorn asked, breaking Lyla from her daydream.

"Uh what?" She asked cluelessly.

James and Sirius sniggered but they quickly stopped when Lyla shot them a glare.

"The name of the potion?"

"Oh, right." Lyla said with a nod.

"Well what is it Miss Vance?"

"Oh, you wanted me to answer." Lyla said, faking innocence.

"Yes." Slughorn responded, starting to grow slight irritated with his student.

"Oh well I don't know." Lyla said with a grin.

Lily rolled her eyes from beside her.

"It's amortentia sir."

"Very good Miss Evans." Slughorn praised.

"Amortentia, the strongest love potion in the world. I want you all to go off in partners and start brewing it."

No one moved from their spot.

"Chop chop." Slughorn said as he shooed them away.

When James and Sirius immediately left, Slughorn stopped them.

"Eh, wait a minute. I don't want you two together."

"Why?" James complained.

Slughorn raised an eyebrow at him.

"Okay fair point."

"On second thought, I will assign you your partners." Slughorn said as he called everyone back in.

"All right, Black go with Fortescue."

"Oh thank Merlin it's Alice." Sirius muttered.

"McKinnon your with Meadows."

"Pettigrew with MacDonald."

Slughorn continued down the list until only a few names were left.

"Lupin and Vance."

"And finally Potter and Evans."

James broke out into a grin, meanwhile Lily groaned.

She mouthed "help me" to Lyla and Remus who just chuckled at her.

"Alright Moony, what are we doing?" Lyla asked as she and Remus were at their desk.

"Making a potion." He replied sarcastically.

"Well no shit Sherlock."

"I meant what was the first thing we need to do."

"Get the ingredients." Remus answered in the same tone of voice as Lyla.

"Not it." They said simultaneously.

Lyla pouted at him and gave him her puppy dog eyes.

"No." He said simply.



"Please Rem."

"No Lyla."

Lyla continued pouting at him until Remus rolled his eyes with a sigh.

"Fine, but you're lucky I love you Vance."

Lyla grinned at him.

And as Remus went to go get their ingredients, Lyla shouted,

"Love you too Moony!" To which Remus flipped her off.


"Are you sure we did everything right?" Lyla asked Remus as she stared at their potion.

"Yes, I'm sure." Remus said, clearly annoyed.

"Merlin, I'm just asking." Lyla said with a roll of her eyes.

"Yeah, for the seventh time in the last two minutes."

"Okay so? I just wanna make sure we did it right. We both know we are both shit at potions ."

Remus rolled his eyes.

"Well, you could have asked less times."

"Well, you have been less of a prick about it."

"You're insufferable you know that."

"Yeah, so you've said. For the seventh time in the last two minutes." Lyla responded.

Remus fake smiled at her and Lyla scoffed at him.

Silence passed for maybe a minute, before Lyla decided to make Remus even more annoyed.

"Are you sure we did everything right?" She asked.

"Oh my god." Remus muttered as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"It is taking everything in me not to strangle you right now." Remus spat.

Lyla huffed.

"Oh please, it's like not I don't want to strangle you either, and scoot over."

"What'd you mean scoot over?!" Remus shouted.

"You're standing so close to me I could practically smell the chocolate in your pocket, and those books that you always carry around with you."

Remus scoffed at her.

"I'm standing close to you?" He asked incredulously.

"You're the one whose so close to me!"

"I could basically smell that stupid vanilla perfume that you wear, and that ridiculous shampoo that you use that always smells like roses."

"At least I smell like roses and vanilla. You smell like chocolate, books, and firewhisky!"Lyla practically shouted at him.

"At least I don't have a strawberry flavored chapstick, and I don't always have a lingering smell of cigarettes!" Remus shouted back.

"How do you know I have a strawberry flavored chapstick?!"

"I don't know!" Remus shouted.

"How do you know I smell like chocolate, books, and firewhisky?!"

"I don't know either!" Lyla shouted at him.

By now, everyone had stopped what they were doing and had watched the scene go down. Even Slughorn was watching in anticipation.

"I hate you." Remus said.

"Well I hate you too." Lyla said.

They both scoffed and dramatically turned to look anywhere else, but each other.

Meanwhile, all of their friends watched the scene go down with knowing smirks plastered across their faces.

A/n :Ahhh, the good old amortentia chapter, also I totally didn't change the cover of the book... again😅

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