Chapter 1

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Emily's POV:

*Ring ring ring* ugh I hate getting up in the morning. It is only 5:30am and have to meet with the bau unit chief today at 6:30 am.

All of a sudden I heard Andrew yell "Emily! Why aren't you making me coffee?"

I then walked into the kitchen and said "Andrew I told you yesterday I have a job interview and I need a ride." "Whatever I'll give you a ride." We then got in the car and we were on our way to the bau. As I got out of the car he rolled down the window, "ooh and Emily don't bother coming home we're done." "Andrew you don't mean that." "Yes I do I'll pack your stuff up today I want you gone by tomorrow Emily, goodbye."

As I was waiting for the elevator it opened I walked in and I heard some say hold it . I stuck my hands out and a beautiful blue eyed and blond hair woman came in. I didn't know what to do so I just broke out crying. "Oh my are you okay." she said "Oh uh yeah I'm fine" "are you sure, you don't look okay." "Yeah I'm sorry it's just my boyfriend broke up with me and he kicked me out of the house and now I have nowhere to go." "Oo no poor baby oh by the way I'm Jennifer Jareau but you can call me JJ if you like." "I'm Emily Prentiss" "hey stay with me I live in a two bedroom apartment so you can stay with me." "Are you sure JJ" "yes of course Em."

Once we got off the elevator I asked jj where hotchner's office was. She led me there and I knocked on his door and I heard someone say "come in" from the other side of the door. I walked in and saw him at his desk with a bunch of files in front of him. He looked up and said "you must be Emily Prentiss" "yes I am and you must be Aaron hotchner" "yes but you can call me hotch". After that hotch just filled me in on everything I needed to know. Once he was finished, he showed me to where my desk was and then introduced me to the rest of the team. After he introduced me, me and the team talked until hotch told us to get started on our paperwork. I sat at my desk and realized that my desk was right across from jj's which made me excited yet nervous at the same time. The day passed by slowly cause I had no paperwork so I just spent the day setting up my desk.

Soon enough it was 5 in the evening and jj asked if I was ready to leave. "Ugh I've been ready for hours haha" "well then let's go". jj and I got into the elevator and we headed to her car, we got in and we were on our way to her house. The drive was pretty quiet and I mostly just stared out the window. "Hey is something on your mind" jj asked. "Just the breakup from this morning, i guess I'm just still processing it" "oh okay, i know we just met but im sure you deserve better" "haha thanks". We pulled into her drive way and she then led me into her house. "Okay so this is your room, it's really plain right now but you can decorate it however you like" "thank you so much for letting me stay with you" "of course just feel free to make yourself at home". Afterwards I just looked around the room and then realized that I had no clothes and they were all still at Andrews house. I left my room and went to the kitchen where jj was "hey can I ask you for a favor" "yeah sure what's up" "so I kinda just realized that all my clothes are back at my ex's house so I was wondering if you could take me there to pick them up" "oh yeah sure"

We got into her car and made our way to his house. When we got there I went inside and saw all my stuff in a couple boxes on the floor, jj was right behind me and went and picked up one of the boxes and took it to the car. After we put the boxes in the car I locked the door and left the key on a table that was on the porch. I got back in the car and we went back to jj's house. We brought the boxes into my room and I started to unpack them and put my stuff away. After putting away as much stuff as I could I went and took a shower and got ready for bed. As soon as I got in bed I immediately felt the sleep hitting me and just like that I fell asleep.

A/N: ahhhh okay wow that was the first chapter 🙈 lowkey excited for where this goes...

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