Chapter 8

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⚠️some smut⚠️

jj's POV:

The next morning I woke up with a headache and I remembered everything that happened the night before. I got out of bed quietly making sure to not wake Emily up. I put my clothes on and went downstairs because I was hungry. When I got downstairs everyone else was there eating breakfast and drinking coffee. After about 20 minutes, emily came downstairs and went straight to get some coffee. Everyone was talking amongst themselves meanwhile I just sat there drinking my coffee and trying not to think about the night before.

Emily came and sat next to me and I got up to go get more coffee and then decided to sit next to Penelope. We had a conversation and talked about having a girls night since we haven't had one in forever. Then afterwards hotch said he was leaving and everyone made their way to their cars. I got in the car and Emily got in after me and I pulled out of the driveway and started driving home. The drive home was silent and there was tension but we both decided not to address it. Once we got home, I went straight to my room to get ready for work. Since we didn't have a case hotch said we could come in later.

As I was about to go into the bathroom to take a shower, I heard a knock on my door. "jj please open up, I just wanna talk" "go away emily" "listen, you don't need to open the door but I need to tell you something and wether you want to listen or not is up to you but it's something I need to get off my chest" I was gonna open the door but instead I chose to just sit on my bed and listen to what she had to say. "jj, last night when you asked me to be your girlfriend, I froze and not because I don't wanna be your girlfriend but because I'm scared of commitment. My relationship with Andrew was one in which I put my heart out more than I ever have and it didn't end well for me. I chose to put my commitment issues to the side for the sake of making him happy but instead I made myself unhappy in the process..." As she was saying all this I started to cry because I had never thought about it like that and I just assumed that she didn't want me. "But jj you're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'm so grateful to have you in my life and I never want to lose you, so if the offer is still on the table then I would love you be your girlfriend".

By that point I was sobbing and I ran to go open the door and saw Emily standing on the other side with tears in her eyes. Instead of saying anything I pulled her in for a hug and we stayed like that until both of us calmed down. "Em I'm so sorry I didn't think of it like that, I just assumed you didn't wanna be with me. And I'm so sorry I ignored you all morning, if I could take it back then I definitely would". She put her hands on either side of my face and pulled me in for a kiss. "jj you have nothing to be sorry for, I never talk about my feelings or my commitment issues with anyone and that's my fault but that's something I need to change and I'm willing to try that with you, that is of course if you let me be your girlfriend". I kissed her again and then pulled away and looked into her eyes "I'm pretty sure that answers your question"

We stood there just looking at each other until I looked at the time and realized we were gonna be late. "Shit em we're gonna be late and hotch is gonna kill us". We both rushed to take showers and get ready. Once we were both ready we got in the car and made our way to work.


I'm y/n and today I woke up at 5:30 and did my morning routine seeing as I start my first day at the bau. I stopped at the coffee shop and picked up donuts since I didn't know what to bring. I had my go bag packed and in my car just in case we got a case . I showed up and I found my way to Aaron Hotchner's office. Wow he's hot I told myself, he shook my hands, his hands where so big I would love to feel his hands all over my body. I followed Hotch out to the round table where he introduced me to the team and I held out the box of donuts. My eyes caught two beautiful women. One being a brown eyed and a raven hair and the other with blonde hair and blue eyes. They were both so beautiful.

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