Chapter 12

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a/n: Guys this chapter was written by missthang_alyssa18 cause I have no motivation and she's a real one

Y/n POV:

I woke up before Aaron to take a shower. My head was pounding I can't wait to go home today and sleep this headache off. Shit what happened last night. I got out of the shower and I looked at myself in the mirror hickies on my stomach and breast. What the hell happened to me.  I put on my tights and my button up shirt on. I walked out just to catch Aaron pulling up his boxers. Shit Aaron looks good.


"Shit Aaron I didn't mean to look umm I'll just take my bag and wait for you downstairs in the lobby" " y/n it's okay I mean after last night was pretty amazing" "w—-what you mean last night?" "ooh nothing y/n see you later". "Aaron!!!! stop  please tell me what happened last night." " well last night you went over to Em and JJ room and well the three of you had a threesome and you came back and we had sex." "Did we use protection? " no because I thought you where on birth control." "Ooh umm well I was out and I didn't pick it up yesterday before coming on this case."
" y/n it's okay if you get pregnant again, I'll do everything in my power to make sure nothing happens to you or the baby, when it comes to you being pregnant" "thanks umm Aaron, ooh and please don't tell Em and JJ I told you that they're seeing each other I know there rules about team dating and they're both really happy." " y/n it's okay I already knew, all they got to due is sign some paperwork and keep their both work and personal life professional".

I sat on the outside of the 4 seats on the jet.  Aaron was by the window and Em and JJ was across from us. I got up to move , Em grabbed my arm I looked back she asked " you okay y/n" "yeah Em I'm fine." I lied because I'm dying inside. What happened . Em and JJ and I drink tequila and vodka. We had a threesome. Shit I had my first girl on girl on girl threesome. And shit Aaron and I fucked and cum shit!!!!!!!!!. Okay I'm it's fine, it only a few weeks until I know I'm pregnant right? I sat on the couch and I took a nap.

My mind wondered about a life with Aaron and kids in it . Son /daughter: "mommy!!!daddy!!! Did you see that" "yeah baby, daddy and I are so proud of you . Mom and daddy are very proud of you baby. And daddy loves mommy." " I love you mrs Hotchner" "I love you mr Hotchner...." "hey y/n wake up your hyperventilating" Em said. I jumped up like I was running for my life.
"y/n you okay" Aaron said. "Yeah I'm fine must of been a dream." " good or bad?" JJ said. "Good actually."

We headed back to the bau and we got into our car and we headed home. I stopped at the store so I can by food and toss out anything old. I bought 4 pregnancy tests I kept two home and took two and left them in my desk. It's only been one night I gotta wait a few weeks or so.


2-4 weeks later


It's been a few weeks and I haven't felt sick. Was I glad I wasn't pregnant? Or was I really hoping I was pregnant? I mean I want kids I do I want them with Aaron I want to have small mini us running around. I got ready and I went to work I walked in and something made my stomach feel nauseous. But I put it past me. " we have a case" Aaron said. We all sat around the round table Penelope still talking about the case.

In Dallas, Texas Two family's killed in one week. In both family's the mother was raped and the unsub made the father watch and once he was done he made the children watch while he killed the parents and then killed the children. Stabbed 15 times and shot twice.

As Penelope pulled up the photo. I felt like I was going to be sick . I ran to the bathroom and ran to a stall and I throw up. I got up flushed the toilet and I went to the sink and watched my face. I walked out and Aaron noticed something happened. He raised an eyebrow. I told him I'm fine, he whispered "pregnant" and I said I don't know with my shoulder. We arrived to the jet I went into the bathroom I took the test . I peed and waited the 5 minutes. As the timer goes off there was a knock at the door. I throw the box away and put the test in my back pocket. I opened the door and it was Aaron. " so are you?" I took the test from my back pocket and we both looked. He stands behind me as I turned the test . " positive". " y/n you wanna do this again" "more than anything Aaron but I want you by my side I don't want anything to happen to me again please." " I won't y/n, so how far you think you are" "probably 3 weeks tops." We walked back out and we sat across from JJ and Em . I laid my head on Aaron's shoulder and my hands on my stomach, I smiled as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

We arrived to Dallas, Texas and we got into an suv. We get the hotel, Dave assigned everyone rooms, "Spencer and Derek room 210. Aaron and I room 205. JJ and Em room 110. And y/n room 105 ." So the girls and I got off our floor as I got in I felt like I've yet to see the day. So I undress to take a hot calm and relaxing bath . My phone goes off.

Em: y/n please talk to us

JJ:y/n do you regret the threesome

Y/n : no I do not regret it just please come to my room so we can talk

Aaron: hey y/n I really want to try and make us work

Y/n: me two Aaron

Aaron: y/f/l/n will you be my girlfriend

Y/n: yes Aaron Hotchner

*lound noise in y/n room*

"Hey Em are you guys in my room?"

"No we coming back up we went to get dinner,why"

"Cuz I'm in the bath and I can hear someone in my room"


I get out and put on a robe I look around and it almost looks like our unsub. I grabbed my gun from my To-go bag in the bathroom. I hold it up against our unsub. "FBI freeze Bobby brown". he came and pushed me And I fell backwards hitting the table. He was on top of me ready to kill me. "you wouldn't kill someone who's pregnant would you"
Emily's POV:
JJ and I were coming back up with take out and we heard something coming from y/n room sounds like fighting. So we pulled out our gun and we went in it was our unsub setting on y/n. " y/n pregnant" JJ said and with that I shot him .


Derek POV:

Me and pretty boy where getting ready for bed when we heard a gun go off I yelled for Aaron and Dave . " guys it sounds like those gunshots came from the first floor" Spencer said. " the girls are on the first floor" Aaron said.

They all took off running Em and JJ were with me out in the hallway with my stuff ready to go in their room. The team came asking questions about what happened. I could tell Aaron wanted to hold me .

"Guys I'm fine the unsub pushed me into the table and I fell backwards. So I am fine , just a bit tired." " y/n lets get you into our room" JJ said "thanks Em and JJ". I go in their room and we sat on the couch eating take out.

"So y/n what do you want to talk about" JJ said. "Well for one you guys were my first threesome and it was amazing and well Aaron asked me to be his girlfriend because he wants to try again and we'll this morning I just found out I was about 3 weeks pregnant." " omg congrats y/n but what does that mean for us" Em said. "Well I'm always down for some girl on girl fun with you guys, that's if you still want to spice up your sex life with me." "of course y/n you are what makes our sex hot and better" they both said. "Good because I always had a crush on the both of you."

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