Chapter 13

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Around 9 months later


My relationship is with Aaron has been going great, he has taken of me and this baby nonstop. My relationship with jj and em is also going great. Our sex has been so beyond amazing that i can't begin to describe it and I can't wait to have this baby so that we can get back to that.

My due date is in a couple of days but today I have to go to the office to pick up some stuff. I got dressed and made my way to the office. As I was driving I felt some pain but I ignored it. I got to the office and every one was knee deep in paperwork.

Penelope was the first one to see me "omgg y/n what are you doing here" she squeezed me tight "uh Penelope you're squeezing me too tight" "omg I'm so sorry" "haha you're fine but I'm just here to pick up some things" "well the team will be very happy to see you" "you guyssss, y/n is here". Everyone looked up at me and came over to where I was standing.

After talking to all of them I went to my desk and as I was grabbing what I needed I felt something trickle down my leg. I looked down and realized that my water had broke. "Um guys my water broke". Penelope ran up to me and soon enough we were on our way to the hospital.


Hours and hours later I was exhausted but I had given birth to a beautiful girl. Aaron and I both agreed on naming her Valerie which the rest of the team loved. They had all come in to visit me and immediately bonded with the baby. I rested in the meantime and Aaron stayed by my side the whole time.

Months later

I had gone back to work about a month and a half after I gave birth. And so far it's been great. We had just come back from a case and Aaron had given us the day off. Valarie was napping when all of a sudden Aaron texted me telling me he was bringing me food and that he would be over in a few.

He came over with take out and ice cream. "Okay so I know Valentine's Day is around the corner and I was wondering if you would let me take you out to dinner." "What Aaron, you don't have to do that" "y/n trust me I want to do this, you deserve it" "okay fine but where are you taking me" "well that's a surprise".

We hung out for a little and then he told me that we had tomorrow off too but he hasn't told the team yet. He told the team about an hour later and then got up and got ready to leave. "Aaron it's late, don't go" "no y/n it's okay" "Aaron please, plus you can spend extra time with me and the baby". Afterwards we hung out a little more and then I went to sleep.

The next morning Aaron had to leave early cause he had a meeting and at the same time emily and jj texted saying they were coming over later.

A couple hours later

Em, jj and I were all watching a movie together, I was sitting in the middle, jj was on my right and em on my left. I was so into the movie that I didn't even notice jj had put her hand on my thigh. She started to move it up slowly, inching closer and closer to my core. Emily slapped her hand at the last moment and jj looked up at her. Emily mouthed something and I couldn't tell what it was. She then looked at me and said "y/n we need to talk" "uh oh I don't like the sound of that" "y/n it's not bad I promise". Em and jj looked at each other for a moment and then em said "okay so you know Valentine's Day is coming up and we know Aaron is gonna take you out or something but we kinda have a plan." "What is it"

Em and jj made eye contact again but jj spoke up this time. "Well after you finish going on your date with Aaron we wanted you to bring him over to our house." "What for". Emily and jj both moved closer to me and whispered in either ear "a foursome". As soon as they said that my mouth dropped and I looked back and forth between em and jj. "Guys are you serious" Emily smirked "why would be joking" "uh I- i don't know". "Well are you open to it" jj said "I mean of course I am". They both smiled at each other and em said "do you know if Aaron would be" "I mean we've talked about it before so I'm sure he would be". We discussed it a little more and they found out that Aaron and I had wanted to have a foursome with them for a while now. Once they heard me say that they were both ecstatic.

We had decided that we would keep it a secret from Aaron and then the day of which is in 2 days, I would tell Aaron I have a surprise and bring him to jj and em's house.

We had finished watching the movie when val started crying. I went to her room and picked her up and brought her with me to the living room. Emily decided to hold her and she stopped crying pretty soon after. She fell asleep in Emily's arms and I ran to take a picture.

A little while later em went and out her down and came back to the couch to watch another movie. Midway through the movie I fell asleep and the last thing I heard was someone whispering "I love you"

Uhhh this is kinda a filler chapter but the next one will be better I swear

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