Chapter 26

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y/n's POV:

It's been a couple days since Christmas and today was val's birthday. I got up early to go out and get a cake. We were gonna have the party at our house but Rossi wanted it to be at his. I went and got her a cake and went to drop it off at Rossi's house. I walked into his house to see a whole bunch of decorations "wow you really went all out" "well of course I have to spoil Val, I love her as much as my own child" I smiled and put the cake in the kitchen. "I'm sure she'll love it, thank you so much" "anything for my family"
I got home and that's when I realized I was late. I didn't think much of it because I was really stressed out so I figured it was because of that.

I went  and got myself and Val ready. I put her in a cute pink dress which made her look even more adorable. Aaron was ready at about the same time so we headed over to Rossi's house. He opened the door and led us to the backyard.

We walked outside and saw the whole team standing there with al the decorations I had seen earlier. Rossi came over to us and he took Val with him to show her all the decorations. We all watched her and I was so happy just seeing her full of joy.

After eating and talking we brought the cake outside and sang happy birthday to her. We cut the cake and i had her sit in my lap while I helped her open the gifts. most of her gifts consisted of clothes and toys and every time she saw a toy her eyes lit up. Soon after opening the gifts, she fell asleep in my arms so we decided to head home.

3 days later

I had slept through most of the day because Emily, jj, Penelope and I had a girls night and we stayed up so late. I went to eat breakfast and saw Aaron in the kitchen feeding Val. I wrapped my arms around him and placed a light kiss on his shoulder. I smelled something that made me nauseous and I ran to the bathroom to throw up.

I came back like 5 minutes later "y/n what happened" "I just threw up, it's nothing I swear" "are you sure" "yes I promise" he dropped the subject and served me some eggs. I ate them and then went to get ready. Then I went to get Val ready while Aaron got himself ready.

I looked at the clock and it was almost 6 so we got in the car and made our way to emily and JJ's house. We had just finished eating Rossi's pasta when I ran to the bathroom to throw up. I felt a hand hold back my hair. After I finished throwing up I turned to see Penelope "y/n what's wrong" "I don't know, I thought it was a stomach bug but I'm also late" "ohhh what if you're pregnant hun" "I don't know, maybe, but I don't have any pregnancy tests with me" "I can go out and get one" "but how" "don't worry just follow my lead"
I followed her out of the bathroom and back to where the rest of the team was.

"Y/n are you okay" Aaron came up next to me"oh yeah I'm fine I just have a stomach bug" "I am desperately in need of more alcohol" "oh I have, what do you want" I froze thinking we wouldn't be able to get out of here. Penelope disappeared to where ever Rossi took her, she came back a few minutes later. Derek looked at her "so where's the alcohol" "Dave only has fancy wine and I'm looking for something stronger" "y/n can you come with me to buy some" "oh uh yeah sure" we walked out of the house "see I told you to just follow my lead" I laughed at that and we got in the car.

We went and got what we needed and made our way back to Emily and jj's house. I hid the pregnancy tests in penelopes bag and we went to find the team. They were all in the backyard so we sat there just drinking except I didn't drink anything but water. Penelope got up "I left the rest in the kitchen I'll be back" after a minute or so I got up I whispered to Aaron "I'm just going to the bathroom I'll be back"

As soon as I walked in I went to find Penelope and she handed me the pregnancy tests. "Do you need me" "no pen I'll be fine, thanks though" I ran to the bathroom and hurried to peed on both sticks. I put a timer on my phone for 5 minutes and I sat there waiting. I was playing with the rings on my fingers when the timer went off. I went and looked at the first test and it said pregnant. I looked at the second one and it said the same thing. I started crying cause I was so happy but at the same time I was shocked. I hurried to get out of the bathroom and stuffed the tests in the pocket of my sweater. I crushed the wrappers and threw them in the trash.

I walked back outside and Aaron came up to me "y/n are you okay, you were in the bathroom for a long time" "what yeah I'm fine i just have a stomach ache" he was gonna say something else when jj interrupted us to take Val out of his arms. Then Spencer said "guys it's almost time, there's 2 minutes". 2 minutes later we were all counting down to the new year. "5...4...3...2...1". Fireworks started going off not far from us and Aaron pulled me in for a kiss "I love you y/n" "I love you too Aaron" I pulled on the collar of his shirt to bring him closer and whispered "I'm pregnant". He pulled back shocked "y/n really" "yes Aaron" "y/n that's amazing". I smiled at him and we just admired each other.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around to see jj smiling at me and she pulled me in for a kiss. "woah jj what are you doing" "oh shit y/n I'm sorry" I thought no one saw us until Spencer said "wait jj why did you kiss y/n" "uh I- uhhh" she was fumbling with her words until emily came next to us and spoke "we haven't been completely transparent with you guys". They looked at us confused, Emily looked at Aaron and I for reassurance and we both nodded. "Well we've kinda been sneaking behind your backs know" they were still confused but then Derek started smiling "wait so you're telling me you guys been getting down and dirty" we all slowly nodded. Spencer's jaw dropped and Rossi looked unfazed.

"Ugh finally you guys told the team, I've been dying to talk about it with someone" "wait Penelope you knew" Spencer looked even more shocked "yes but they made me swear not to tell and it's been eating me up inside" Derek looked back at us "when did this start" "uhh to be honest, not long after y/n joined the team" "wait is that where that noise was coming from on Christmas" I blushed. jj spoke up first "what are you talking about" "you know exactly what pretty boy is talking about" "okay yes that was us but can we please move on from this". Rossi looked shocked "wait you guys did it in one of the guest rooms" we all hesitated but nodded slowly "well at least I have people that clean there and you know what, I don't even wanna know what room it was in" Spencer looked at him "oh I can tell you, it was the room-" "Reid I said I don't wanna know"

After telling them everything, we spent the night just watching the rest of the fireworks and enjoying each others company. I was eager to go home and sleep and Aaron realized that so we were the first ones to leave and go home. As soon as I got home I put Val in her bed and went straight to mine not even bothering to change my clothes.

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