Chapter 30

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Omggg I can't believe this is the last chapter...

Penelope was in the middle of saying something when all of a sudden i heard a huge bang noise.

y/n's POV:

"Pen-Penelope what happened" there was no answer on the other end "Penelope please be okay" I looked up to the lady doing my makeup "c-can I please borrow your phone" she looked at me weirdly but reached over and gave me her phone. I dialed 911 and told them what had happened. The man on the other end asked me for a location and I blanked. Then I remembered Penelope had shared her location with me this morning so I rushed to look for it and told the man where she was.

I gave the lady her phone and I got up out of the chair and started walking fast. I could hear the lady call my name a million times but I walked faster until I left the venue. I called Aaron while out of breath. "y/n what's wrong" "I-it's Penelope" "what about Penelope" "sh-she got in-into a car crash" "y/n breath" I took slow deep breaths and he didn't say anything until he heard my breathing even out. "How do you know" "cause I was in the phone with her" "stay where you are I'm on my way"

10 minutes later he pulled up in front of the venue and I jumped in his car. We went to the hospital closest to the crash and ran inside. I ran to the front desk "um I'm looking for Penelope garcia" "are you a family member" "uh yes" "well she's getting checked out by the doctor but I'll update you when she's ready for visitors and also the 2 kids that were with her are in the daycare on the second floor" I thanked her and ran to where Aaron was at. We went to the daycare and saw Val playing with 2 other kids and Elizabeth was in a crib.
I was in the waiting room with the rest of the team while Aaron held Val and I held Elizabeth. The nurse came out and we all stood up "she's ready for visitors but she asked to only see y/n first" I looked at the rest of the team and they nodded and I handed Elizabeth to emily.

I followed the nurse to penelopes room and lightly knocked before peeking my head through to see her. She instantly smiled and patted the bed next to her. I sat down next to her and smiled and Elizabeth giggled "how are you feeling pen" "physically I feel fine but I feel awful mentally" "pen if you're talking about being with the kids while it happened I told you it's not your fault the guy who crashed into you was a drunk driver" "I know but you trusted me with the kids and I failed to care for them" "pen they're fine and you're fine and that's what matters right now"

We talked some more and then she told me to get the rest of the team. They came in and we all talked for hours until both Val and Elizabeth fell asleep. I was about to say goodbye when Penelope spoke first "okay I've been wanting to say this all night cause it's been on my mind since the crash" "pen if it's about the kids-" "y/n I promise it isn't, it's more about the fact that I ruined your wedding" so much had happened today that I honestly had forgot about the wedding. "It's fine I was able to cancel most of the stuff before it arrived" Rossi said. Penelope furrowed her eyebrows "it's not about what we ordered it's about the fact that today y/n, Aaron, em and jj were supposed to get married. We had all said it was okay at the same time which made it look planned. We had all started laughing because of the fact that we said it in sync.

"Guys I have an idea" Rossi said. "What's your idea" em said "well you know how I have a mansion right" I rolled my eyes along with everyone else "you can all roll your eyes but it's true, anyway I was thinking that we could just have the wedding in my backyard". My jaw dropped "what how" "well I already told all the places that we ordered from to push it back for tomorrow" "and how did you know what our answers would be" "a magician never reveals his secrets" he wiggled his eyebrows at the same time and I chuckled. "So what do you guys say". The four of us looked at each other and we nodded our heads.  "But what about Penelope" "guys I'm supposed to get discharged tomorrow morning so count me in"
The next day

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