Chapter 19

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a/n: this chapter changes POVs a lot sooo yeah

y/n POV:

it's been about a week since that night with em, jj and Aaron. We had just finished up a case in Florida and Aaron gave us the rest of the day off. Earlier today I went to the doctor to get an ultrasound and the baby was perfectly fine.

I got home and fed Val then took her to play in the backyard while Aaron finished up some paperwork. While I was in the backyard I got a text from emily.

Hey do you wanna go shopping with me

Yeah sure

Okay great I'll pick you up in 20
I went inside and put Val in her crib and went and told Aaron I was gonna go out with em.

Last week emily had told Aaron that she was gonna propose to jj but she made him promise to act like he didn't know. So I told Aaron that em and I were probably gonna go shopping for the ring for jj. He nodded his head and I walked away to go get ready.

Soon after, emily texted me saying she was outside so I said bye to Aaron and got in her car. We got to the mall and she helped me buy some cute clothes for Val and the baby. We were passing by a Victoria secret when she grabbed my hand and dragged me into the store. She went and grabbed a bra and held it up for me to see. "Do you like this one" i but my lip and nodded.

We walked out of the store around 2 hours later with a bunch of sets of lingerie. We walked to a jewelry store and started looking at the rings. We spent a long time in the store trying to figure out which ring was best for jj. We walked out with a ring that was simple yet beautiful and fit jj's personality perfectly. I checked my phone and saw a bunch of missed calls and messages from jj. "Hey jj spammed my phone with messages, should I answer". Emily looked at her phone and saw just as many missed calls and messages from jj. "No don't answer, it's part of the plan I told you about" I nodded my head and we made our way out the mall and back to her house.

jj's POV:

I got home from my workout and Emily wasn't home but she told me she was going out somewhere with y/n so I went and showered. By the time I got out she still wasn't home so I decided to text her and see if she was okay. She didn't answer so I texted y/n. Neither of them answered so I started to get a little worried. I called hotch panicking, "hi jj what's up" "emily and y/n aren't picking up their phones and now I'm kinda worried, have you heard anything from them" "all I know is that they were gonna go to the mall". He paused for a second "come over in 10 and we can go to the mall and look for them" "okay I'll be there soon".

I hung up and went change my clothes. I quickly left and got in my car, making my way to Aaron's house. I got there and knocked on the door. He opened it and I walked inside and started walking back and forth. Aaron brought me in for a hug and it calmed me down. Aaron broke the silence "how about this, you call y/n and Emily and I'll text them and if they don't answer either of us then we can go look for them at the mall" I nodded my head and we went and sat on the couch.

Aaron's POV:

I told jj to call y/n and Emily while I texted them. I texted y/n asking if they had left the mall already and she said they had just got home and they were setting up. I waited a couple minutes and then broke the silence once again. "I think we should go to the mall now" she nodded and got up. We decided to go in her car but she told me to drive. We made it to the mall less than 10 minutes.

After searching in through most stores I got a text from y/n saying they were ready. "jj I honestly think they should be at your house by now, let's go check and if they're not there then we can come back here and ask to look through the security cameras" she hesitated but then nodded her head and we made our way to the car and to jj and em's house. 20 minutes later we got there and we walked in. The lights were off and jj was about to make her way back out to the car. "jj where are you going" "Aaron the lights are off clearly they're not here" "jj let's just look through the house to make sure"

jj's pov:

I didn't understand why Aaron was so adamant about looking through the house but I didn't wanna argue so I just agreed. I went into the kitchen and looked and then he went into the living room. I went and looked in the pantry and the bathroom and still couldn't find any sign of them. I came back out and saw Aaron facing the staircase. "Are we gonna go upstairs and check" he put his finger over his lips telling me to be quiet and he motioned me to go over to where he was standing. I walked over carefully and stood in front of him. After a few moments he said "look turn around". Without thinking I turned around and saw Emily on one knee holding the most beautiful ring I've ever seen.

"jj you are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on and even though we've had our rough patches, I wanna grow old with you and never let you go, jj will you marry me". I put a hand over my mouth, I was speechless but filled with such joy. "Yes of course I'll marry you". Emily instantly smiled and got up. She pulled me in for a hug and pulled me in for the most passionate kiss I've ever felt. She pulled away and put the ring on my finger. I started crying because I was the happiest I've ever been in my life. She rested her forehead against mine and then there was a flash. We both looked over at where it came from and saw y/n holding her phone and taking a picture. "So this is what you guys have been doing all day" emily and y/n looked at each other and chuckled and then they both nodded. "Wait Aaron were you in on this" he smiled and looked down which told me everything I needed to know.

After just standing there in comfortable silence I heard y/n say something. "Well Aaron and I are gonna go home so you guys can enjoy your night" she winked at us and I blushed. She walked over to us and whispered so we could both hear her "but don't have too much fun". She smirked and then walked out of the house with Aaron leaving just me and Emily together.

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