Chapter 28

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y/n's POV:

It was about 5 months later and I had an appointment for an ultrasound today. We had got called in for a case really early so jj volunteered to stay with me and to take me to my appointment. I was putting on my shoes when I heard someone knock. I quickly went downstairs and opened the door to see jj with a box of donuts.

"Hey I figured you might be hungry so i bought donuts" "ugh I love you for this" she came inside and I ate 2 of the donuts in a span of 5 minutes. "Even though watching you shove the donuts down your throat is funny, we need to get going" she went upstairs to get Val and in the meantime I ate another donut.

"Okay Val is in the car seat and ready to go, and that's enough donuts for you" she grabbed my arm to pull me away from the box that was almost empty. "Noooo can I just have one more" "after we get back from your appointment you can eat the rest, but we need to go now or we'll be late" "ugh okay fine"
We were at the doctors office waiting for someone to come in. A minute later the doctor came in to do the ultrasound "okay ms. y/l/n, would you like to know the sex of the baby" I looked at jj with Val in her arms and thought for a moment. I looked back at the doctor and nodded. "We'll congratulations you're having another girl" I smiled and looked at jj to see her smiling too. Val started clapping and smiling which made me smile even wider.

We had left the doctors office and picked up some food on the way home. While we were on the way home, Emily called me. "Hey em, how's the case going" "it's okay, the rest of the team is here and we're all eating lunch" we heard all the hi's from the rest of the team and jj and I chuckled. We said hi back and emily kept talking to us about the case. "Oh shit it looks like we have a lead, I'll call you guys back later" before we could respond she hung up. I scrunched my nose but got pulled out of my thoughts when jj nudged my shoulder. "Hey, we're here"

jj carried Val and i carried the food inside. We all went to the living room and sat there watching a corny movie while eating the take out. I fell asleep midway through the movie and I woke up to jj pacing around the room. "jj what's wrong" she kept walking back in forth with her hand on her head and deep in thought. I got up and walked closer to her. She still didn't acknowledge me so I stood in front of her. I put my arms on each of her shoulders "jayje what's wrong, I've never seen you like this" she finally looked up at me with tears in her eyes "please don't freak out when I tell you this" "I make no promises but okay" "Aaron and Emily got into an accident" I instantly froze and my jaw dropped. "Wh-what kind of accident" jj paused and looked at me "well th-they we're following a lead for the case and they walked into a warehouse without backup and... and they got shot"

I had no words, I sat on the couch and put my head in my hands. Not long after, I felt tears streaming down my face, I felt the seat sink down next to me and then I felt an arm pull me in for a hug. jj rubbed her hand up and down my back, I looked up at her "jj please tell me they're okay" "I-I don't know" "w-what do you mean" "well pen called me to tell me they got hurt and they got taken to the hospital but she doesn't have an update yet" I cried even harder...I was finally so happy with my life and everyone around me...and just like that it crumbles. I didn't realize it but I soon started hyperventilating, jj hurriedly kneeled down in front of me. "y/n please calm down, it's not good for the baby" I kept breathing heavily "y/n look at me" I heard jj pleading but I couldn't look up at her "y/n please" I forced myself to make eye contact "take deep breaths okay, look just follow me" she started taking deep breaths and soon after I started doing the same thing. A few minutes later I had calmed down and then a phone rang.

jj looked at her phone on the coffee table and Penelope's name was on the screen, she immediately picked up the phone and raised it to her ear. jj stood up and started pacing the room like she did earlier. I watched her facial expressions change every second. She got off the phone I walked up to her "what happened" she looked up at me with watery eyes "they-they're fine, emily got hit in the arm and Aaron in the stomach but it missed any vital organs" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I pulled her in for a hug and we stayed like that until we both calmed down. She pulled away and leaned her forehead against mine, in that moment I wanted to kiss her more than anything. She looked at me and I didn't hesitate to kiss her. At first she didn't kiss back but then she leaned into the kiss. "y/n are you sure" "yes more than anything" she kissed me again and then broke the kiss and we walked to the bedroom.

As soon as we got near the bed she sat me down and had me lay down "let me take care of you". She pulled down my sweats and threw them to the other side of the room. She left light kisses on my leg starting from my ankle all the way to my core. She did the same thing to my other leg and then settled herself between them. She left even more kisses around my core. "jj please" I looked down at her and she smirked. "Tell me what you want" "please just fuck me" "your wish is my command". She immediately started attacking my clit. I gasped at the feeling and put my hand in her hair. "Oh shit" she looked up at me "isn't this what you wanted". I couldn't form any words so I just nodded. She pulled away "I asked you a question" "yes yes oh fuck jj" she smiled and leaned down to continue her attack on my core. While sucking on my clit she put 2 fingers in and pumped them slowly.  "jj please go faster". She didn't waste any time in going faster and sucking on my clit even harder.

My legs started shaking and just like that I came hard and fast. She didn't slow down until my high was over. "Shit jj you're too fucking good at that" she smiled at that and moved up to kiss me. She laid next to me and I turned to look at her "what about you" she looked over at me "what about me" "let me take care of you too" she was about to say something when her phone rang. She picked it up and it was a FaceTime from Emily. "Oh my emily are you okay" "yes my love I'm fine I promise" she turned the camera to show aaron in the room with her. My eyes widened seeing him walk around "aaron you're supposed to be in bed" "babe relax my bed is in the next room" "ugh fine... how are you guys feeling" Emily answered first "I mean besides being shot in the arm, I feel great" jj laughed. Aaron nodded at what emily said and jj broke the silence "so when are you guys coming home" "we should be home in a couple days, we just need to be cleared" "I wish you guys could come home now" I whined.

jj kept talking to both Aaron and emily and I just laid there admiring all of them. At that moment, an idea popped into my head and made a mental note to bring it up to all of them as soon as Aaron and emily came back...

Okay so I'm pretty sure that chapter 30 is gonna be the last chapter which means there's only 2 chapters left ahhh

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