Chapter 24

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1 month later

y/n's pov:

After that Halloween night we had back to back cases and we were flying everywhere. Today for the first time in forever, we only had paperwork. I was currently sitting at my desk with a huge stack of paperwork and a big cup of coffee.

Skip to like 6ish

After a long day of just doing paperwork and more paperwork it was finally time to go. Rossi got up and cleared his throat to get our attention. "So as many of you know, tomorrow is thanksgiving and I want to invite you guys to come over to my mansion for a thanksgiving dinner" we all agreed to it and soon enough everyone was getting ready to leave.

Aaron and I left and we got Chinese food while on our way home. We got home and saw Val in the living room watching a movie with our nanny. We let her go home and we watched another movie with Val in the living room. She fell asleep in my arms and I took her to her room and put her to bed. Afterwards I took a quick shower and went straight to bed.

The next day

I woke up to someone kissing all over my face repeatedly. I opened my eyes and saw Aaron smiling which made me smile too. He started kissing my neck and I moaned which made him look back up at me and smile. "As much as I would love to continue this, we have a baby to feed and a dinner to get ready for" he groaned at that but agreed.

I got out of bed and made my way to val's room and woke her up. We went to the kitchen where Aaron was making coffee and pancakes. After eating Aaron went to get ready and in the meantime I took Val to the backyard to play. Aaron came out later with a quarter zip sweater and jeans and wow did he look amazing. Val was tired after playing outside so I took her to her room so she could nap. In the meantime I Gwen and showered and got ready. I put on a black bodycon dress and did some light makeup. Once Aaron and I were both ready we got in the car and made our way to Rossi's house.

Emily's pov:

jj and I were in the middle of getting ready to go to thanksgiving dinner when I got a bright idea. I sat on the bed waiting for jj to come out of the bathroom. She came out with a towel wrapped around her body and I went up and kissed her. "I have an idea for you but you can't say no" "Ooo what is it" I pulled out the vibrator and held it in front of her. "I don't get it" I chuckled "I want you  to-" right as I was about to say it, someone knocked on the door. Before walking out of the room I turned and looked at her "wear it".

I walked to the door and opened it to see Penelope on the other side. She was dressed in a colorful dress with colorful shoes to go along with it. "Hey Penelope, what are you doing here, I thought we were all meeting at Rossi's house" "oh yeah but jj asked me to stop by cause she had something to give me" "oh yeah come in". jj came out and saw Penelope sitting on the couch "oh right I have to give you your jewelry" she ran back in the room and came out again with a bunch of jewelry that pen had let her borrow when she was undercover on a case.
We got to Rossi's house with Penelope following behind us in her car. We were the last ones to get there and saw everyone in the kitchen. We were all talking and laughing with each other, out of the corner of my eye I saw jj put her hand on y/n's thigh and slowly move it upwards. I pulled out the remote for the vibrator and turned it on to the lowest setting. I looked at her and she jumped a little and looked at me. I smirked and she took her hand off of y/n's thigh.

Spencer then asked her a question and I decided to tease her. I turned the vibrator onto the highest setting. I turned to look at her and she gasped while in the middle of her sentence. "jj are you okay" "y-yeah I'm fine". I left it on the setting until I could tell she was about to cum and then I turned it off. She bit her lip and then excused herself. I looked around and everyone was engaged in a conversation. I went and followed her, I grabbed her wrist and pinned her against the wall. "What do you think you're doing" "finishing what you started" "you can do that later with y/n and Aaron" "but I can't wait that long" "yes you can my love". I convinced her to not touch herself until we were alone with y/n and Aaron.

after the dinner

y/n's POV:

We had all drank a lot and danced a lot, it was truly one of the best nights I've had in a long time. "Guys my rooms have finally been finished so you guys are invited to stay over" we all cheered and got back to drinking. Spencer went up to his room first and rossi went not long after. 20 minutes later the rest of us had to help Penelope and Derek up to their rooms because they were drunk out of their minds.

We had brought them to their rooms afterwards Aaron and I went to our room and jj and em went to theirs. As soon as I closed the door Aaron put his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. We started making out and I pushed him on the bed. Before getting on top of him I started taking off my dress slowly, wanting to tease him. As soon as it hit the floor, someone had knocked on the door. I froze until I heard jj whisper "relax it's just me and Emily". I relaxed and then opened the door and let them inside.

jj wasted no time in pulling me in for a kiss, she put her tongue in my mouth and fought for dominance. She pulled away and then threw me on the bed next to Aaron. Both her and emily were wearing robes, jj looked at me and took of her robe. She was wearing a black lace set with garters and everything. I practically drooled at the sight. She straddled my lap and started trailing kisses down my body. Once she reached my belly button she trailed more kisses back up to my neck. She reached my ear and bit it. I moaned at that and she kept doing it. She got off me and put on her robe and left the room.

Emily took her place and started making out with me. jj came back in the room not long after holding a vibrator and a strap. My jaw dropped "do you just carry these around with you" jj laughed "no just on special occasions like this one".  Emily got off me and and took of her robe to reveal the same set as jj. Both her and jj took of their lingerie slowly trying to tease both Aaron and I. Once they were completely naked. jj put on the strap and then put the vibrator on her clit. She grabbed my chin "get on all fours". I wasted no time in doing so and then emily got on all fours next to me.

jj teased my entrance with the strap "jj please" "please what, tell me what you want" "please just fuck me" at that she thrusted inside me mercilessly. "Shit jj right there" I looked over to see Emily with her mouth open and her eyes closed while Aaron thrusted into her at practically the same speed as jj. I heard jj moan from behind me which just turned me on even more. I was getting closer and closer and right as I was about to cum jj pulled out. "B-but I was so close" "you don't get to cum until everyone else does" i whimpered and she slammed into me again. I gripped onto the bed sheets and my knuckles turned white. I got closer to my edge again and she pulled out again.

She kept edging me until I couldn't hold it anymore. I came hard and she pulled out quickly and made me sit up to face her. "What did I say about you getting to cum" I stayed quiet not knowing what to say "answer me you whore" her saying that turned me on way more than it should've "you told me I couldn't cum until everyone else did" "since you can't follow directions you're gonna lay here and watch all of us fuck and you're not allowed to touch yourself."

Emily laid on the bed and Aaron settled himself in between her legs again while jj moved fo sit on her face. I sat there just watching them breathlessly. jj was biting her lip to hold her moans so we wouldn't get caught and Aaron had his head thrown back while pounding into Emily. I wanted to touch myself so bad but I decided against it. Emily came again around Aaron's cock and jj then came into Emily's mouth.

Aaron pulled out of Emily and told me to lay down. As soon as I did he rammed himself into me and was going at a fast pace "oh fuck Aaron please don't stop". He kept going at the same pace and I looked over to see jj eating em out which made me want to moan. I bit my lip hard and threw my head back. "Aaron I'm gonna cum" "cum for me whore" at that I came around his cock and slapped my hand over my mouth to avoid moaning. My legs were shaking and I wanted to scream at the feeling. Aaron kept going until he was reaching his climax "Aaron cum in my mouth" he immediately pulled out and I moved towards him. Emily moved next to me and waited for Aaron to cum. He came into both our mouths and we looked at each other before swallowing his cum.

jj could barely walk so emily had to help her back to their room so we wouldn't raise suspicion. As soon as they closed the door I laid back on the bed and shut my eyes.

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