Chapter 16

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Aaron's POV:

I was in the car with y/n and val and they were both asleep in the backseat. I looked in my rearview mirror to see them peacefully asleep. I smiled to myself, this is the happiest I've been in a long time and I never wanna lose y/n and the kids. I decided to go to y/n's house instead of mine because hers is closer. I pulled into her driveway and looked in the back to see both of them still sleeping. I walked over and took val out of the carseat and brought her inside first. once she was settled in, I went back out to get y/n. I carried her bridal style and laid her down in the bed and covered her.

I walked back out into her living room and sat down to finish some paperwork. I turned on the tv  for background noise and looked down at my watch. It was only 8 o'clock so decided to order some takeout for me and y/n just in case she wakes up.

It was around 10 o'clock now and I just finished the paperwork, at the same time y/n came out of her room. Once we made eye contact she jumped and put her hand on her chest. "I didn't mean to scare you" "you didn't I just didn't expect to see you in my living room" she came over and sat next to me "I bought you take out just in case you wanted, it's on the counter" "omg thank you so much" she went to the kitchen and came back around 5 minutes later with the food. "I just finished some paperwork but are you up for a movie" "of course love". We put on a cheesy movie and y/n ate her take out. Halfway through the movie y/n fell asleep with her head on my shoulder. I turned of the movie and carried her to her room. I covered her with the sheets and planted a kiss on her forehead. I pulled out a ring from my pocket, I've been wanting to give it to y/n for a long time now as a promise to always love her and stay by her side. I carefully slipped the ring on her finger and walked out of the room.

the next morning

y/n's POV:

I woke up to the sun shining in my face and I pulled the covers over my head. After about 5 minutes I decided to just wake up and I went to the bathroom to wash my face. That's when I realized I had a ring on my finger that I've never seen before. I took the ring off my finger and on the inside it said Aaron's name with a heart next to it.

I went out to the kitchen and saw Aaron making coffee, he wasn't facing me so I went and wrapped my arms around him. I let him go and he turned around. I grabbed his face and pulled him down for a kiss. "did you see it" "the ring is beautiful, thank you Aaron" "anything for you my love". We made out until we started to hear val cry. Aaron went to get her while I prepared breakfast for us. We ate and I quickly got ready cause I had to go to em and jj's. "hey Aaron I'll be back in a few, I'm going to em and jj's house" I kissed him before I left and got in the car making my way to their house.

When I got there it was just Emily cause jj had gone out on a run. "hey y/n, so what's up" we sat down on the couch and I covered my hands to make sure em didn't see the ring because I just wanted to focus on telling her I'm pregnant. "I didn't  wanna tell you on the jet cause I didn't want the rest of the team to hear me" she nodded her head "I-I'm pregnant" "omg y/n that's great". She hugged me and then kissed me on the lips gently. "jj and I will be here for you the whole time, don't worry" "I couldn't thank you enough" "oh by the way does jj know" "uh yeah she found out after she came looking for me to tell us we had a case". Em and I kept talking about many things and she mentioned that she wanted to propose to jj in the near future. I immediately hugged her "wow em I'm so happy for you" she chuckled "well I haven't asked her yet" "I know but still" "don't think that'll change anything between us" this time she smirked at me "haha I would hope not".

Not long after, I left her house to go get ready to move into my new house. We had decided to move my stuff first because I had most of the stuff for the baby so by 2 o'clock the whole team was at my house helping me move. By the time we finished, it was way past midnight and we decided to un pack our stuff the next day.

The next day

Aaron and I have been unpacking all our stuff and putting it where we wanted. We had told the team to come over at around 7 so we could have a little housewarming party. Right now it was around 4 and we were almost done unpacking. Soon after, I had showered and got ready then I went and got val ready as well. By 7, all 3 of us were ready and Rossi was the first one to get there and he brought his infamous pasta as well as other food. Penelope and Derek came afterwards with plenty of drinks. Next, was Spencer and then came em and jj. We all ate the food Rossi brought and it was as amazing as could be expected. While everyone was talking to each other I got up, "guys Aaron and I have some news to tell you" everyone looked towards us and I continued "by now I'm sure you've realized we're dating but I'm just establishing that" I laughed nervously and continued "Aaron and I are also expecting another baby" They all smiled and Penelope looked ecstatic. She ran over and hugged me and then everyone else came up to hug us. Everyone was so entertained by val that they didn't realize what time it was.

It was around 11 and mostly everyone was getting ready to leave. Emily pulled me aside and told me that her and jj had something to show me back at their house. She told me to come over in half an hour. So in the meantime I put val to sleep and got ready. "Aaron I'm gonna go over to em and jj's cause they said they had something for me" "okay just be careful" "I will love"

I got in the car and made my way over to their house for the second time today. Luckily they only like like 10 minutes away so I didn't have to drive very far. I pulled into their driveway and got out. I knocked on the door and then I got a text from Emily telling me the door was open. I walked in and looked around, all the lights were off so I made my way to their room. Their door was closed so I slowly opened it and the sight in front of me made me wanna drool...


guysss I swear this is still a jemilyxreader story 😭

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