Chapter 29

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A couple months later

y/n's POV:

So far today was an extremely slow day at work. Currently I was at my desk doing paperwork as was everyone else. I was in need of a break so I decided to go talk to Penelope. I walked away from my desk towards Penelope's lair. As I was walking to her office she came up alongside me. "Hey lovebug" "hey pen, I was about to knock on your door" "ooo yay I love when people visit" I giggled and walked into her room. "Oh wait sit here" I sat in the chair she pointed to and I groaned at how comfortable it was.

"So how's it going with your lover or should I say lovers" "well wouldn't you like to know" "hey it's not my fault you have an eventful sex life" I laughed at that "well if you must know, it's going good except i can't wait to have this baby already" I rubbed my stomach and Penelope smiled at me "ooo lucky you". We stayed like that just talking about a whole bunch of stuff and catching up. "I have been here longer than I should've and my pile of paperwork is not getting any smaller so I think I should go" I got up and started making my way out when all of a sudden I felt some type of liquid drip down my leg. I looked down and saw a puddle on the floor. "Omg y/n your water broke" She helped me walk out of her office.

"Guysss don't freak out but call an ambulance cause y/n is going into labor" everyone's head shot up to look at me. Spencer rushed to Aaron's office to tell him and Aaron rushed out and made his way towards me. "y/n are you okay" "yes but I would preferably like to get to a hospital asap" "okay an ambulance will take too long let's just go in the suv" Aaron ran downstairs to get the suv while the rest of us made our way to the elevator.
I woke up to the bright lights in the hospital and looked around to see Aaron on the couch asleep. I turned my head a little more to see my daughter sound asleep. I smiled at the sight of both of them asleep. Aaron shifted a little and woke up and looked at me. "Hey love how are you feeling" "honestly I feel great" "that's great, so you know how you thought of the last name right" "yeah and I told you you could think of the next one" "yes well I thought of a perfect one" "oh did you now" he nodded with a playful smile on his face "well what is it" "Elizabeth" "I love it" "really" "yes of course my love". The team came in not long after and we all sat there enjoying each other's presence.
1 month later

Today we all had the day off and I was just laying in bed taking it in. I had invited jj and Emily over for brunch so that I could bring up my idea and hopefully they liked it.

I opened the door and saw them there excitedly. "y/n I love you but I'm starving" "I know I know the food is on the table." I quickly ran upstairs and got Aaron and we walked downstairs with Val and Elizabeth. We all sat in the living room eating and watching a children's movie. Emily broke up the silence first "so y/n what did you wanna talk about" I put my plate down on the coffee table and turned to face them all. "Well you know how you guys have yet to have the wedding and so have we" they all nodded and I kept going "well I was wondering if you guys were interested in having a wedding together" "y/n what do you mean" "I mean like we get married on the same day at the same venue and everything" "oh shit that actually sounds really nice" Aaron and jj nodded in agreement "wait so is that a yes" they all said yes and I got super excited.
We had invited Penelope over to tell her the news and so she could help us because she loved wedding planning. She showed up 20 mins later and a little disheveled "lovebug I know you said it was urgent but I'm hungover" "you got drunk without the team omg" "shhhh don't tell" I chuckled and we made our way to the kitchen where the rest of them were. "Okay so what is the news you so desperately needed to spill" we all looked at each other and I decided to be the one to say it "okay well we all decided to have a shared wedding if that makes sense" Penelope gasped "wait seriously" we all nodded at the same time "omg we have to plan it I'll come back" she rushed out today the house and to her car.

5 minutes later she came back with a stack of magazines with wedding dresses and everything. "You guys are lucky I like looking at these in my free time" she gave us all a magazine and we started flipping through it.

After hours and hours of looking at dresses online and looking through every magazine Penelope had brought. We decided on going to try them on within the next week. "Okay so when are we all going" jj said. Penelopes head shot up "what do you mean all we can't all go together, you cannot see what emily or y/n are gonna wear" we all broke out laughing and Penelope pulled out a planner. "Wow pen you're really prepared for this" "I'm always prepared" "okay so jj you and I are going tomorrow, emily go and i are going Tuesday and y/n you and I are going Thursday" we all nodded "oh and Aaron I already called Rossi and he said he'll take you tomorrow" his eyes widened "wow that was fast" "well you're dealing with a professional" she chuckled at her own words and then sighed "what would you guys do without me"
4 months later

Today was the finally the day of the wedding. I was beyond excited and I couldn't believe they agreed to this. The kids were with Penelope and I was currently having my makeup done. I wanted to see if the kids were good so I called up Penelope. "y/n what's wrong" "nothing I just wanna see if the kids were okay" "yes I swear they are fine" "where are you guys" "were in the car on the way to the place" "oh shit then call me back" "y/n relax it's fine you're on speaker". Penelope was in the middle of saying something when all of a sudden a heard a huge bang noise.

If there's typos I'm sorry 😭 but the latest chapter is next ahhhh

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