Chapter 7

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...But just then a knock at the door pulling us out of our thoughts...

Emilys POV:

"Oh shit" I whispered to jj "I'll be there in a sec" jj yelled to whoever was behind the door. I quickly pulled down my skirt and went to put on my underwear but I couldn't find it. I looked up at jj who was smirking, "jj are you serious" "haha ofc I'm serious, looks like you're gonna have to go commando" "ugh you are so paying for that later". jj got up to open the door and I ran and sat in one of the chairs facing her desk.

jj opened the door and on the other side was Rossi. He looked inside the room and saw me sitting there, "oh hey em I didn't know you were in here" "oh yeah, jj just needed my help with something" "oh okay well anyway I came here to invite you guys to my house tonight for dinner". We both agreed to go and soon enough jj closed the door again. "Em that was way too close we can't almost get caught again" "we'll maybe if you didn't make me wear vibrating underwear then this wouldn't have happened" "well you enjoyed it right?" "Ugh yeah I guess" "exactly". I got up and walked over to jj to give her a kiss and then walked out of her office.

When I got to my desk I realized mostly everyone had already left. I packed up my stuff and went to meet jj by the elevator. We got in the car and made our way home to get ready to go to Rossi's house. I got ready pretty quickly so I went and watched tv in the living room to kill some time. 20 minutes later jj came down. "Hey are you ready". I jumped because I didn't hear her come into the living room. "Oh my bad I didn't mean to scare you" "no it's fine but yeah I'm ready". We made our way to Rossi's mansion and walked in to see everyone else in the kitchen.

jj was talking to Penelope when Derek came up to me. "Hey so earlier you were in jj's office for quite some time, wanna explain". His comment caught me off guard but I tried to hide it. "Oh I was just helping her with something that had to do with our last case". He looked at me with a questionable expression on his face but he decided not to ask anymore questions. Soon after we went and ate the food Rossi made which was delicious. Afterwards we all went to the living room and by that point we were already kinda tipsy.

All of a sudden Penelope came from the kitchen holding 2 more bottles of wine. "Guys we should play something" Penelope said. She sat down next to Derek and then said "we should play truth or dare". So we all sat around a table playing truth or dare and we had started with basic dares and stuff until Derek decided we should spice it up. We kept going around until it was jj's turn. "Ooo I think I'll pick dare this time". Derek chuckled and whispered something to Penelope. "Okay jj I dare you to kiss emily". I blushed when I heard what Penelope said and I looked at jj. She turned towards me and looked at me nervously. "jj we don't have to if you don't want to" "no em it's fine". jj moved closer to me and kissed me and it quickly turned into a really passionate kiss until we heard whistling.

I broke apart from the kiss and saw the whole team staring at us. It stayed silent until hotch broke the silence and said he was going home. "Guys we're really drunk so I don't think any of us should drive" "yeah Rossi's right plus it's late" "yeah plus I have a bunch of spare rooms you guys can stay in". Everyone got up but then Rossi said "okay so I have 5 guest rooms but 2 are being renovated so 2 of you guys are gonna have to share". We all looked around at each other until Derek said, "well I wouldn't mind sharing with my babygirl". "Oh uh and I can just share with jj, I don't mind". I looked at jj and she looked happy but there was also a look of lust behind her eyes.

Eventually we all went to our rooms, I went to the room and waited for jj to close the door. Once she did I asked her "are you tired" "um not really, why" "well I thought we could do something fun" "ooo like what". I pinned her against the wall and she gasped at the sudden movement. I began to pepper kisses on her neck and once u got to her ear I whispered, "well I thought I could eat you out but you can't make any noise or else you won't get to cum" "ooo deal but can we do one thing" "and what might that be love" she hesitated to ask me but then whispered in my ear "can I sit on your face" "of course my love". I made my way to the bed and sat on the edge and jj stood in between my legs.

I pulled her head down to kiss her and at the same time I was tugging at her shirt. She pulled it off to reveal her lace light blue bra "shit jj you look hot" she giggled and then unbuttoned her pants and took them off. I stood back up and pulled her in for a kiss. She put her hands on the back of my head. I started to kiss her neck until I found her sweet spot. "Shit em that feels so good" I made sure to leave a hickey and I kept kissing the rest of her neck. I wrapped my arms around her to tame of her bra and then I pulled away to look at her. I sat down on the bed and started kissing down her body while massaging her breasts at the same time. I tugged on her panties and she pulled back and took them off.

I moved further up on the bed and laid down. She got on the bed and placed herself right above my face. I wrapped my arms around her thighs and licked a strip up to her clit. I started sucking on her clit and jj moaned loudly "remember what I said about making noise" jj sighed. Before she could respond, I went back to sucking on her clit. I licked my finger and teased her entrance. jj gripped the bed frame and I knew she wanted to moan really badly. I pushed my middle finger into her and moved it slowly. jj looked down at me and whispered, "em please go faster" I picked up my speed and then inserted another finger. At the same time I sucked on her clit and not too long after I could tell she was about to cum. I inserted one more finger while still sucking on her clit. Her legs started shaking and at the same time she came on my face. I licked her clean and then she got off of me and laid next to me.

I brought my fingers up to her mouth and she sucked on them while staring at me. "Fuck jj that was so hot and you taste amazing" she chuckled and kissed me and we started to make out. I pulled away because I needed air and we just laid there admiring each other. "Em can I ask you a question" "go for it" "will you be my girlfriend". At those words I froze and I started stuttering like crazy. "Oh uh jj I-" "you know what em, just forget I asked, it's fine". At that she turned over and I laid there still stunned at jj's question. Since I was still somewhat drunk I just decided to sleep it off and then I would just talk to jj in the morning.

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