Chapter 14

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Valentine's Day

y/n POV:

Today was Valentine's Day and Aaron had given us all the day off. He had told Penelope about our plans and she volunteered to watch Val for the night. So this morning I went and dropped her off and made sure pen had everything she needed. When I got back home I saw a box on my kitchen counter with a dress next to it and a note. The dress was red and long and it had a V-neck which would show the right amount of cleavage. I picked up the note and it said wear this dress on your date with Aaron because we wanna be the ones to take it off you tonight xoxo em and jj.

I opened the box and inside were a pair of sparkly heels. I opened my phone and sent a thank you text to both em and jj and then I went to get ready. I showered, shaved and did everything I needed. I got out and put on a red lingerie that I've been waiting to wear for a while. I put on the dress and I realized it had a slit starting from my mid thigh. I put on the heels and my jewelry. I did my hair and makeup and then put perfume on. Aaron had texted me saying he was on his way so I went and grabbed my purse and made my way to the living room.

Aaron texted me a couple minutes later telling me he was outside so i made my way out and I got into Aaron's car. The way he was dressed made me wanna skip dinner and go straight to em and jj's house but I decided against it and held my composure. "Wow y/n you look absolutely stunning" I blushed and looked him up and down "you know you don't look too bad yourself" he chuckled and pulled out of the driveway. "So where are you taking me" "didn't I already tell you it was a surprise" "okay okay fine" "we'll be there in like 5 minutes so you'll find out soon enough"

We pulled up to a really nice restaurant that had a very long line outside. We got out the car and Aaron gave the key to the valet driver and we made our way inside. We got led to a table that was pretty secluded. "Do you like it" "it's beautiful but what about the line outside" "what about it" "I mean we skipped the whole line and it was really long" "well I know people". We ordered the food and it came pretty quickly. The food was amazing but the entire time Aaron looked nervous. "Aaron are you okay" "what yeah I'm fine" he paused and reached over to grab my hands. "y/n I have to ask you a question" "what is it Aaron" "y/n will you move in with me". I froze and looked up at him "it'll be easier for us and for the baby plus jj and em can come over whenever they want".

I got up and walked around the table and sat on his lap. I put my hands on either side of his face and gently kissed him. "Yes Aaron I'll move in with you" he pulled me in for another kiss and we stayed like that for a couple minutes. I pulled away and looked down at his watch and saw the time. "Aaron tonight has been amazing but now it's time for my surprise" "y/n what are you talking about" "well you'll find out soon enough". I dragged him out of the restaurant a took the keys from his pocket. We got in the car and I made my way to jj and em's house. "y/n where are we going" "don't worry, you're about to find out".

Before getting there I handed him a blindfold "here put this on" "what why" "just trust me Aaron" he put on the blindfold and soon after we pulled up to their house. I led him inside and into their room. Em, jj and I made eye contact and Emily handed me a pair of handcuffs. "Aaron do you trust me" "yes ofc y/n" I kissed him and then whispered "lay back on the bed". He laid back on the bed and I handcuffed him to the bed. I got on top of him and started unbutton this shirt, I kissed down his stomach and then undid his pants and just left him in his boxers.

I moved back up slowly and whispered in his ear "I'll be back". I got off him and looked at Emily letting her know it was her turn. She undressed and got on top of Aaron and started to kiss him. At the same time jj helped me take off my dress and she started kissing on my neck. I held in my moans and and started to take off her clothes. We made out and both tried to hold in our moans. We separated to catch our breath and we both looked to where em and Aaron we're. Aaron was moaning my name and em was giving him a blowjob. Just the sight of it made me wet.

I could tell Aaron was about to cum so I walked over and took off his blindfold. He looked down and realized it was Emily. At the same time he came in Emily's mouth while screaming out her name. I walked over to emily and started to kiss her and I could taste Aaron on her lips. jj came behind me and started massaging my breasts which caused me to moan into Emily's mouth. jj nibbled at my ear and then whispered "y/n please sit on my face" I lightly pushed jj on the bed and she moved up to lay next to Aaron. I placed myself above jj's face. She immediately started sucking on my clit "oh fuck jj please don't stop". I threw my head back and started riding jj's face looking for more friction. "Shit that feels so good"

I looked next to me and saw em bouncing on Aaron's dick. "Shit y/n you look so hot riding jj's face" I grabbed the headboard and my legs started shaking and I could barely hold myself up. "jj please don't stop I'm gonna cum" I came on jj's face shortly after and jj slowed down as I came down from my high. I looked over at em who was staring at us with lust in her eyes. "jj come kiss me, I wanna taste y/n on your lips". Aaron looked at me with the same lust that em did. "y/n come sit on my face" I got on Aaron's face eagerly wanting to cum again. This time I sat on his face facing Emily. Aaron was sucking on my clit and then inserted two of his fingers into me. I gasped at the sudden feeling but I started moaning as Aaron picked up his pace. "S-shit Aaron f-faster please". At the same time I watched em and jj make out which was hot as fuck. Em looked at me and smirked "y/n you taste so fucking good"

Emily started to pick up her pace "shit Aaron I'm gonna cum". I threw my head back while listening to all the moaning. "Aaron I'm close please go faster" I looked to the side and saw jj intently staring at us while rubbing her clit. Seeing jj touch herself was enough to send me over the edge. "Fuck Aaron I'm cuming" shortly after Emily came too while yelling out Aaron's name. I got off of Aaron's face and he said "y/n switch places with Emily" I went and got on top if Aaron's dick and didn't hesitate to start bouncing. Emily laid down in between jj's legs and started eating her out. "Shit Aaron you feel so good inside me" "y/n don't stop, I'm gonna cum". I started bouncing faster and at the same time I heard jj moaning Emily's name. Seeing emily eat jj out brought me closer to the edge and soon enough I came while screaming out Aaron's. name. jj came right after while her legs shook and she moaned uncontrollably.

We went a few other rounds and by the end of the night I was exhausted and we all fell asleep next to each other and I felt the happiest I've felt in a long time.

Okay now that I think about it, I probably should've wrote the smut from a third person POV but I'm too lazy to rewrite it. Also idk how I feel about this chapter but it's whatev.

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