Chapter 2

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TW: mentions of abuse and homophobia

Emily's POV:

The next morning I woke up and didn't recognize where i was. That's when everything that happened the day before came back to me. I decided to get out of my bed and get food cause I didn't eat dinner the night before. I walked into the kitchen and saw jj making a big pot of coffee. "Oh thank god you're making coffee" "haha I figured you would want some". I went and grabbed two mugs and gave her one and then started to prepare my coffee. It was silent until jj had said "hey are you gonna be busy today" "nope, why do you ask" "I was just wondering if you wanted to just hang out here and get to know each other more" "oh yeah sure that sounds great, I'm just gonna finish unpacking some things and then we can order take out or something" "okay sounds good"

I went back to my room and finished unpacking the last box and then decided to take a shower. Afterwards I put on a tank top and sweats and went to the living room where jj was watching tv. "Hey do you wanna order the take out now or later" She looked up from the couch and said "uh we can just order it now if you want". We then ordered the food and she went to the kitchen to go and get some wine. "Hey I'm gonna get wine just pick a show for us to watch in the meantime". I was scrolling through the channels and decided to just put on pll. She came back with the wine and at the same time the doorbell rang. I got up to get it and came back to the couch. We sat there watching the show until we both finished our food. At one point she turned to look at me "okayyy I think we should just start with some basic questions".

So we sat there asking each other basic questions like favorite color and whatnot. At one point jj said "do you want to get into deeper questions and stuff" "I'll definitely need another cup of wine but yeah sure" so I poured myself another glass of wine and she started to ask me other questions. I answered them and then I asked her questions as well and she started to tell me all about her childhood and whatnot and then she told me she was bisexual and how she came to realize that. After that we stayed silent until she said "Do you wanna talk about your breakup" "Uh yeah sure, what do you wanna know" "anything your willing to tell me" "well we only dated for about 4 months and he treated me pretty well I guess" immediately my mood changed and I got pretty quiet. "Hey are you okay" jj put her hand on my thigh. I looked up at her "oh uh yeah I'm fine" "listen I know something is up and you don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable but just so you know I'm here for you" As soon as she said that I broke down crying and almost dropped my glass of wine.

jj grabbed the wine from my hand and but it on the coffee table and then pulled me into a hug. "Emily what's wrong". I stayed silent until I calmed down and stopped crying. "It's just I... I've never talked about my relationship with anyone and if I did then I always lied about it" "lied about what" "how he treated me... I would always say he treated me great but in reality he treated me like shit" I paused to take a deep breath and a sip of wine. "He did treat me great until one day i told him that I thought I might be bisexual and that day it's like something in him changed. He started to come home drunk and he would come into the room and beat me if I didn't listen to what he said. And he would tell me that he would never respect me because of my sexuality. One day he said he would never accept me for who I was. And I never broke up with him because for some reason I thought I would get him to change." "Emily I'm so sorry that happened to you" jj pulled me into a hug and I started to cry again. I was sobbing uncontrollably and she rubbed my back in the meantime.

At one point she grabbed my face and she used her thumbs to wipe the tears off my cheek. I looked into her eyes and we stayed there for what felt like forever. We were so close that it practically felt like we were gonna kiss. Then her phone went off and we both jumped back. She looked at her phone and saw that Penelope was calling. She picked it up and walked away to bring the cups to the kitchen. I sat there and tried to process what just happened. Do I have feelings for jj or am I going crazy. As I was thinking jj walked back in the room. "That was Penelope, she said she wants to have a girls night soon" "ohh okay". We stood there with an awkward silence until I said "Uh I'm gonna go to sleep cause I'm pretty drained" "oh okay we'll do you need me to do anything" "no I'm okay, thanks tho" "yeah of course just let me know if you need anything" "yeah sure". Then I walked away towards my room leaving her in the living room by herself"

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