Chapter 27

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y/n's POV

It was our first day back to work since Christmas. I was dreading it but at the same time I wanted to go back. I got dressed in a regular button up shirt with slacks. The nanny had come by so Aaron and I were out to work.

I was looking outside the window when suddenly I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked over at Aaron and his eyes were focused on the road. He started inching his hand up higher and higher on my thigh. He started rubbing my clit through the pants and I held back a moan. I tried to look unfazed by it but really I wanted to moan so bad but I didn't wanna give him that satisfaction. I bit my lip and just kept looking out the window. As soon as he pulled in to the bau he took his hand away leaving me all hot and bothered. I decided not to say anything so we just walked inside together and made our way upstairs to the bau.

I went to sit on my desk when Aaron came back out to tell us there was a case. We went to the round table and Penelope started explaining the details. Once the picture popped up I felt extremely nauseous so without a word I ran to the bathroom. I felt someone running after me but I ignored them because of the feeling in my stomach.

I reached the bathroom just in time and i felt someone grab my hair and hold it back. Once I was finished I turned to see jj looking down at me. "Hey love are you okay" "yeah it's just morning sickness" "w-wait y/n are you pregnant" I realized I just told jj with our meaning to. "Shit yeah, please don't tell anyone cause Aaron and I were gonna tell everyone next week when I have my next ultrasound" "y/n it's okay I won't tell anyone" I got up and hugged her and then moved towards the sink to splash some water on my face.

I went back to the round table and everyone looked at me "guys I'm fine I swear it's just the stupid stomach bug" they still didn't stop looking at me "can we just get back to the case" Derek looked at me "wow this stomach bug is making you snappy" I rolled my eyes and sat down. Penelope filled me in on the rest and then we all made our way to the jet.

It was two days later and we had just solved the case an hour ago. Today was my birthday but I didn't really make a big deal out of it. And no one had said a word to me. In fact everyone was acting really weird.

Right now I was sitting on the jet looking out the window and emily was across from me. I felt her staring at me so I looked at her "is there a reason you're staring at me so intently" "you're beautiful that's all" "yeah whatever" I got up and went to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I couldn't tell if I was being snappy because I was hormonal or because the team genuinely forgot about my birthday. I pushed it aside and left the bathroom and sat down away from everyone.

We got back to the bau and I was packing up my stuff when I heard Rossi "who's up for drinks, it's on me" everyone said yes except me "sorry guys I'm just not in the mood tonight" jj came up to me and nudged my shoulder "y/n come on, it's not the same when your not there" "maybe next time guys". Everyone left quicker then normal which I thought was odd. I went to see if Aaron was ready but his office was empty. I texted him multiple times and he answered telling me not to wait up for him cause he was in a meeting with Strauss.

I hopped in the car and made my way home. When I opened the front door I called out for the nanny and Val but there was no response.I walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the counter saying they were in backyard. I walked to the backyard and when I opened the door everyone jumped out and said "SUPRISEEEE" I smiled widely and went to hug all of them. "Wait so you guys didn't forget about my birthday" Penelope chuckled "of course not silly, how could we forget" Derek smirked "is that why you were being so bitchy today" I looked over at Aaron and he nodded "actually guys there's something Aaron and I have to tell you... I'm pregnant" everyone was so happy over the news and they all congratulated us.

Mostly everyone left except for jj and em. "Guys have you seen Aaron". "Oh he left with Val" jj said "what why". Emily moved closer to me until I was backed up against a wall and then she put her hand on my hip "because we wanted you all to ourselves" "w-what are you talking about" "well you and Aaron are getting married, and we usually always have to share you but this time jj and I wanted you to ourselves" she tugged on my shirt and pulled it up a little. jj got closer to me too and placed her head in the crook of my neck. In the moment I was so beyond turned on.

Emily leaned closer to me and whispered "I would love to take you right here in this kitchen but since it's your birthday, I'll be nice" I whimpered at that "go upstairs and get undressed, jj and I will be up there in a minute". I listened and went upstairs and hurriedly undressed I didn't know what else to do so I sat on the bed waiting.

Emily and jj walked in quietly, jj stood in front of me and grabbed one of my wrists while Emily grabbed the other. jj put the cuffs around both my wrists and pushed me back in the bed. Emily took of her shirt and my eyes dropped to her perfectly shaped boobs. "My eyes are up here love" I looked back up at her and she smiled. She climbed onto my face while jj got in between my legs.

Emily lowered herself till her entrance was right above my mouth. I was about to lick up her slit when jj started rubbing my clit which made me moan so loud. Emily gripped onto the headboard and looked down at me "stick your tongue out". I did as she said and she started riding my face. I moaned into her which made her moan too. She slowed down and I used my teeth to lightly graze her clit. She threw her head back and reached down to grab some of my hair pulling me closer to her. "Oh fuck that feels so good" I let go of her clit and started licking up her slit over and over.

I stuck my tongue inside her which caused her legs to start shaking. At the same time jj picked up her pace making me repeatedly moan into emily. I could feel her get closer to her high and I went to grab onto her thighs but I remembered i was cuffed. jj went faster and faster and as I was about to cum, she stopped completely and pulled away. I whimpered and Emily looked down. "Aww are you disappointed that you didn't get to cum". I didn't answer her and she moved off of me and slapped me. I was taken back, she didn't slap me hard enough to hurt me but just enough to turn me on even more. "I asked you a question" "yes I was disappointed" "well you I only get to cum if you make me and jj cum" I nodded and she got on top of me again.

I attacked her clit and did exactly what I had done before. Her legs started shaking around my head and soon enough she came on my face. She didn't hesitate to switch places with jj. So jj got on my face and immediately dove in, attacking her clit just as I did with Emily. She went to grab onto the headboard but first she undid my cuffs. She rubbed my wrists gently and I moved them to wrap around her thighs and hold her up. She started riding my tongue at a fast pace. And at the same time I moved my hand to start rubbing her clit. I went at duck a fast pace that within second she trembled and came on my face.

Since I got both of them to cum, Emily sped up her pace too while inserting 2 fingers inside me and I came hard and fast while me legs shook around her head. I threw my head back into the mattress and squeezed jj's thighs. As soon as I came down from my high, jj got off of me and Emily pulled me up to kiss me. I tasted myself on her lips and moaned into her mouth. She smiled and whispered "good girl".

After that jj, Emily and I went for several hours and we came so many times that I'm sure by tomorrow morning I wouldn't be able to walk.

Okay I just started college sooo if I don't update as often then that's why

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