Chapter 22

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s/o to ssajemily_cm   for the idea behind this chapter


"y/n we needed to talk to you because we have an idea and we need your input"...

y/n's POV:

I looked up at them confused "what are you guys talking about" jj and Aaron looked at each other and then Aaron started talking. "Well you know how Emily's birthday is coming up right" I nodded slowly and then jj started talking. "We wanted to give emily a really special birthday present" I stood quiet for a second "okay like what". I sat there thinking of all the things Emily could possibly like. I was so deep in thought that I didn't process what jj had said next. "we all top Emily". my head shot up, "w-what". jj moved closer to me and put her finger under my chin so I could look at her "you heard me" I processed what she said and I blushed just thinking about it.

I was about to say something when someone knocked on the door. jj jumped and Aaron told them to come in. Penelope peeked her head through the door "sorry to interrupt but we have a case" Aaron was the only one who wasn't startled so he answered Penelope "okay we'll be right there". She eyed jj and I but then closed the door. I quickly got up and walked out heading over to the round table. Aaron and jj walked in shortly after me I could sense them looking at me but i didn't look at them.

Penelope was presenting the case but the whole time I was thinking about what had just happened in Aarons office. I was making it seem like I was terrified at the idea but truthfully I had dreamed about this for a long time now I just never thought it would happen. I got pulled out of my thoughts when Aaron said "wheels up in 30". I started gathering my stuff and when I looked up it was just Aaron and jj left. "so y/n, what do you say" jj said with a smirk. "I-i mean how could I possibly say no" as soon as I said that, Aaron and jj smiled widely.

after the case

We were on the jet coming back from the case when I got a text from Penelope. I looked down at my phone and it said when you get back, we need to talk. I was confused by what that meant but I just said okay. Once we got back to the bau, I went to my desk to get some things. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Penelope standing behind me. I followed her to her lair and sat down at one of the chairs she had there. I started spinning around in the chair before she stopped it with her hand. "y/n are you hiding something from me" "what are you talking about" "when I had walked in to Aarons office to tell you guys we had a case, I feel like I interrupted something" I froze at that. I wanted to tell her but she's not good at keeping secrets but I also need to ask em and jj if they want her to know. I decided to act like I had know clue what she was talking about. "pen you didn't interrupt anything, I swear" she just stared at me like she was profiling me. "I may not be a profiler but I know when someones lying" "okay fine, I can't tell you everything but I will soon, I promise" she rolled her eyes "ugh fine, I'll accept that answer for now but you're gonna have to tell me soon" I laughed and nodded. I got up about to make my way out "goodnight to my favorite technical analyst" she smiled "more like the only one you know" "yes but still my favorite" we smiled at each other and I walked out towards my desk.

I gathered my stuff and saw Aaron still in his office, I quickly went up to his office and knocked. I peeked my head through "hey I thought you would've gone home by now" "actually I wanted to wait for you and I got a head start on my paperwork at the same time" "well are you ready" he nodded and got up and started to collect his things.

the next day

I was in the middle of getting ready for Emilys party. Emily wasn't one for birthday parties but Penelope wanted to throw one for her really bad. I walked into the bedroom full dressed "Aaron are you almost ready" he looked over at me "wow y/n you look great" "you don't look too bad yourself" "but to answer your question, I'll be ready in a minute I just need to put my shoes on" "okay well val and I will be waiting for you in the car" I made my way to val's room and gently picked her up and made my way to the car. I buckled her into her car seat and sat in the car, Aaron came down shortly after and we made our way to em and jj's house.

We had just finished singing happy birthday to Emily and she had opened all our gifts. The whole night she was smiling but I could tell something was up.

We had just finished saying goodbye to Penelope who was the last one to leave. She took val with her because Aaron made an excuse saying he had something planned for me tomorrow morning.

jj and Aaron were cleaning up in the kitchen and that's when I realized Emily was nowhere to be seen. I decided to go upstairs and check to see if she was there. As I was making my way upstairs I heard moaning. I inched closer to their bedroom and it got louder. I slowly opened the door and looked inside. Emily was laying on the bed with no clothes on and touching herself. I instantly got turned on and decided to get started on our gift for her.

I walked towards the bed trying to not make any noise. Emily's moans got increasingly louder and I knew she was about to cum. Instead of letting her, I grabbed her wrist which made her open her eyes and look at me. I whispered "now what do you think you're doing" she stuttered like crazy and it turned me on even more to see her squirming under my touch. "Why are you so quiet all of a sudden" she kept stuttering and I just chuckled sinisterly. The same wrist that I was holding, I pulled it towards my mouth. I made sure she was looking at me before sucking her fingers clean. I hovered over her and whispered. "I'm gonna go get Aaron and jj and when I come back you better be kneeling at the edge of the bed, and don't touch yourself" she nodded vigorously and I quickly went downstairs.

I returned not long after with Aaron and jj behind me. I walked in to emily touching herself again, I quickly walked up to her and grabbed her chin "what did i tell you about touching yourself" "not to" "I couldn't hear you, what was that" "you told me not to touch myself". I leaned down to kiss her and she immediately tried to fight for dominance so I pulled away. "That's not how we're playing it tonight my love" jj walked up next to me and pulled Emily's hair back before talking "tonight you're gonna listen to y/n, Aaron and I, understood" she nodded her head "I need words" "yes I understand" "good girl, now since you didn't listen to y/n's directions you don't get to cum, unless you redeem yourself"

Emily's POV:

Aaron walked towards me and stood in front of me. I looked up at him before putting one of my hands on his shaft. I licked the tip before spitting on his cock. I used both hands to stroke his length. jj looked at me with such dominance in her eyes which made me even more wet. The fact that I was letting them all dominate me was something I would've never saw coming but being under their mercy is so exhilarating.

I started to suck on his cock at a slow pace and then I started to speed up found faster and faster. I would feel his length hit the back of my throat which made my eyes water but I didn't mind. I was enjoying this way to much. I kept doing this until he came in my mouth while he screamed a string of curses. I swallowed it while making eye contact with him. jj then grabbed my chin and made me look at her "lay on the bed with your back flat" I didn't hesitate to listen to her because I so badly wanted to cum. Aaron waisted no time and he thrusted inside me which made me grab the sheets. He slowed down and pulled out and then just teased my entrance. "Aaron please" he continued to tease me and then he quickly thrusted inside me.

jj and y/n both moved to sit on my face. I took turns eating both of them out. I licked up y/n's slit while she rubbed her clit. I switched and up jj's slit and then I teased her entrance. "Emily don't tease me or you won't get to cum" I thrusted my fingers inside her and pumped them faster and faster. I started sucking on y/n's clit at the same time. I was getting closer to my edge and Aaron could feel it. "Emily you don't get to cum until you make y/n and jj cum" I groaned but quickly resumed what I was doing. I started to tease y/n's entrance with my tongue and then I thrusted my younger into her. I kept the same pace with both y/n and jj but then I curved my fingers so I could hit jj's g-spot. "Shit Emily don't stop that feels so fucking good" she started riding my fingers and I kept the same pace. She came on my fingers and I slowed down my pace.

Aaron continued his pace and I was so close to cumming but I had to hold it back. I fasted up my pace with y/n. I rubbed her clit at the same time and kept eating her out at the same time. "Fuck emily right there" I went faster and faster "oh shit I'm gonna cum" not long after she came on my face and I licked up every last drop. They both got off my face and Aaron fasted his pace. "Please don't stop Aaron" I gripped the sheets until my knuckles turned white "cum for me emily". Those words sent me over the edge and I came around his cock while my legs quivered. I could tell he was close too but he pulled out and y/n started stroking his cock until he came in her mouth. She swallows every last drop with a smirk on her face.

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