Chapter 9

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Tw: mentions of rape


All night I tossed and turned in bed and I barely got any sleep. At one point I just decided to get up and go on a run. I got ready and left a note for Emily telling her I was going on a run.

I left the house and decided to run to a park nearby. As I was running, everything that happened 2 weeks ago came back to me including the kiss I shared with y/n. Oh shit why did I kiss y/n. Now I have to tell em and she's gonna be devastated. I sat down on a bench nearby and tried to catch my breath. The last thing I wanted to do was argue with Emily but i have to tell her.

After a couple minutes, I got up off the bench and made my way to a coffee shop that was near my house so that i could get coffee for both em and I. By the time I had got back home, Emily had just woke up. "Hey em I bought coffee for the both of us" "ugh you made my morning, thank you". Emily sat down on one of the chairs on the island table in our kitchen. "Em I need to talk to you" "are you okay, what happened" "uh remember 2 weeks ago when we went out to drink with the team" "yeah what about it, jj you're scaring me" "I well- I cheated on you with y/n" "jj are you serious" "yes em im so sorry, you don't understand how terrible I feel about betraying you and if I could take it back then I would" emily just stared at me as tears welled in her eyes. "I can't do this right now, I'm just gonna go get ready for work". Emily walked towards her bedroom and shut the door.

After a few minutes of just sitting there I went to take a shower and get ready. I really wanted to talk to em but I thought it was best to just give her space. Once I got ready I went to Emilys room but it was empty and I found a note saying she caught a ride from Spencer. I got in the car and made my way to work and when I got upstairs Penelope had told us we had a case. We all made our way to the round table and Penelope presented the case.

Y/n POV:

There we were around the round table , and Hotch said wheels up in 30, we got on the jet, Hotch sat by the window and I sat on the outside just in case I needed to use the bathroom. And Em and JJ sat in front of me and Hotch. I pulled out my phone and texted Aaron, Em and JJ.

Aaron Hotchner

Hey um so both Em and JJ know that I'm pregnant and that it's someones from the bau but the don't know it's yours and umm I was wondering if I can tell them

y/n tell them, I believe In you and besides I want you to be safe so if JJ and Em know it's better because then cause then it won't look suspicious when you keep going to the bathroom.

Thanks Aaron

JJ and Em

hey so I figured you should know who the dad is and before you say anything please don't judge me because I know it was a one time thing but I really like him
The father of my baby is Aaron Hotchner

Em: y/n you and Aaron omg

JJ : was he good, no wait is it big

yes he's good and yes it's big, but I'm telling you guys so it doesn't look too suspicious if Aaron babies me and he knows that you guys know that he knows .


We get to la and we arrived at the police station, and go over the case. 3 female raped and abused and killed within 24 hours. As we where going over the case I started getting these flashback of me when I was 15 and my foster brother raped and abused me. " he has an tattoo of clover on his neck" Derek said. Shit it can't be him. Can it ? I went running of the police station, I need air  
"Y/n are you okay " Em said. "Yeah I'm fine I just need a minute Em." Emily went back inside and as I was about to head back inside a rag was placed on my mouth and I passed out.

"Hello y/n" a voice said, my voice was groggy, my head was pounding. Mm what where am I .   I woke up ugh where am I . "Wow y/n you still look good" "Alex? Is that you" " y/n you remember your own foster brother" "remember? How could I ever forget what you did to me, you abused and raped me. " ooh y/n you asked for it" "how did I ask , I was 15 and you were 25 , that's rape Alex" "Shut up bitch."

As I was tied to a pole standing up with my own handcuffs. He slapped me, he sliced me with a knife and then kicked me in my stomach. I screamed in pain, he stabbed me in my stomach, I felt my self weaken.

"Fbi drop the knife Alex smith" Aaron said, we locked eyes tears fell from my eyes, Em and JJ both helped me down, I just dropped down crying. " y/n what's wrong" Em asked " I umm I think I may have lost the baby. I cried my eyes out while the EMT stitched the stab wound "ooh
y/n I know how excited you where it'll all be okay" JJ said .

Aaron's POV:

Y/n lost the baby, my heart breaks for her, I was so excited about being a dad.


We were on the jet on our way home, I was laying on the couch with my legs up and my hands on my stomach, Aaron bends down putting his hands on top of mine, and looked me in the eyes and whispered. " it's okay y/n we can try again if you want" Hotch said. "Thanks but can you sit with me while I fall asleep" "sure y/n" and just like that I fell asleep on Aaron's lap.

jj's POV:

We got off the jet and I went back to the office because I had forgot something which meant that emily rode back with Spencer. Once I got what I needed I drove back home. I opened the door and saw Emily sitting in the kitchen. I didn't know what to say so I just said hi. She jumped and turned around to look at me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" "no it's fine, I need to talk to you anyway" I stood across from her and waited for her to continue. "Okay so I know I ignored you since you told me but I just needed space to think and the whole thing with y/n made me realize that I never want to lose you and I never want anything bad to happen to you. I'm still disappointed that you betrayed my trust."

She got up and went to stand in front of me and she grabbed both of my hands. "Em im honestly so sorry that I cheated like I feel so bad and I don't know what came over me in that moment" "jj i forgive you but please don't every betray my trust like that again" "Emily I promise, like I swear" "next time you want to kiss another girl just make sure you let me know". She walked away to the fridge and I turned to look at her. "Wait what do you mean by that" "I don't know what you're talking about" "you know exactly what I'm talking about" she turned to look at me. "That's for me to know and you to find out"

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