Chapter 23

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y/n's POV:

It's been 2 days since Emily's birthday and today we had to go in to do paperwork. Aaron and I got ready and got in the car to go to work. We had dropped Val off at the daycare and he went to his office and I went to my desk.

I got started on my paperwork but I didn't have much since I haven't been back for that long. I finished all of it by lunch time and I went out to eat with em and jj. We decided on going to a Mexican restaurant that was 5 minutes away. While we were there I brought up Penelope. "Guys I have a question" the both looked at me puzzled but nodded "when we got back from our last case, Penelope pulled me aside to ask if something was going on between Aaron, jj and I" they looked at each other before saying "oh-" "I was just wondering if you guys were comfortable with me telling her because I already asked Aaron and he was fine with it" the table went silent as they were both deep in thought. Emily spoke up first "I mean if jj is fine with it then I am too". I looked over at jj and she nodded "yeah I'm fine with it but I just think we should all tell her"

We had decided on having a girls night with Penelope so we could tell her. It was originally gonna be us going out to eat with Aaron too but he said he had too much paperwork so we made it a girls night instead. I volunteered to have it at my house and they were all supposed to come by soon seeing as it was almost 7. I was in the middle of feeding Val when I heard a knock at the door. I went and opened it to see Penelope holding wine in both hands. "I come bearing wine" she said as she smiled from ear to ear. I smiled and welcomed her in. "Oh and em and and jj said they were bringing ice cream" I nodded "we'll make yourself at home, I just need to go finish feeding val"

After feeding val I brought her with me to the living room and sat there with Penelope. "So are you finally gonna tell me your little secret" I laughed a little "don't worry you'll definitely be finding out tonight, just in a little while". Seconds later the doorbell rang and I handed val over to Penelope and went to get the door. Emily and jj walked in holding ice cream and more wine. We all went over to the living room and we started picking out a movie. While emily was looking through the movies I saw that Val had fell asleep in penelopes arms so I picked Val up and brought her to her bed.

I didn't realize how long I had been in there and when I walked out Penelope was staring at me with her mouth open. "Ummm why are you looking at me like that" "YOURE SLEEPING WITH JJ AND EMILY TOO" my jaw dropped and I looked at em and jj "guys I thought we were all telling her" jj shrugged "I know I'm sorry it just slipped out". I walked over and sat next to Penelope she was smiling widely "IM SO JEALOUS OF YOU OMG" I started laughing and she hugged me "you know you could've told me right" "yeah but you're not exactly good at keeping secrets" "wha-what do you mean I'm great at keeping secrets" "sorry pen but you really aren't" I said with a half smile. She laughed playfully which caused us to all start laughing.

Two weeks later

Today was Halloween and we were having a costume party at Rossi's house. Emily, Aaron and I had all made a plan to end the night with us topping jj, we just had to figure out where to do it. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Aaron walked in looking like he was going to work. "Did I miss something, are you going to work" "what are you talking about, this is my costume" "Aaron you're wearing what you regularly wear to work" "you said you were going as a school girl so I decided to dress up as your professor" I laughed at his response "is this just an excuse for you to not actually dress up" "maybe".

We had left Val with a nanny that Rossi hired for us and then we were on our way to Rossi's house. We got to Rossi's house and everyone was dressed in their costumes. Emily was wearing a devils costume while jj was wearing an angel costume. We all spent the night playing truth or dare and many other drinking games. Of course Aaron didn't drink much so he volunteered to drive jj and emily back home. And since Spencer didn't drink much, he took Derek and Penelope home. Before we left Penelope winked at me because she knew exactly what was gonna happen.

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