Chapter 4

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Emily's POV:

I was sleeping peacefully when all of a sudden a loud alarm woke me up. I went to turn over when I felt an arm around my waist and that's when everything came back to me. Including what jj had said to me last night while she thought I was asleep. I shook jj's arm to get her to wake up. "jj wake up we have to get ready for work" "what no I wanna sleep" "jj we're gonna end up being late" "ugh okay fine I'm awake". Instead of saying anything else, I decided to get out of bed and go take a shower. While in the shower I thought about what jj had said. What could she have meant by that. Does jj have feelings for me. No that can't be possible.

A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts "em are you almost done, we're gonna be late for work" "oh uh yeah I'll be out in a minute" I jumped out of the shower and rushed to get ready. I put on a black turtleneck and black pants and I did my hair really fast and left my room. "Hey are you ready" "yeah". We got into the car and the drive was silent but this time it wasn't comfortable silence. This time there was some tension but I decided to just stay quiet and look out the window.

When we got there, I got out of the car and made my way in not really paying attention to see if jj was behind me. We got into the elevator and the ride was silent. "Em are you okay you seem a bit quiet today" "oh yeah I'm fine". The elevator door opened and I walked out before she could say anything else. I walked to my desk and put my things down and then I heard Penelope say "guys we have a case and it's a really bad one so prepare yourselves"

I walked to the round table and decided to sit next to Spencer instead of jj and then jj looked at me with a confused expression on her face which I chose to ignore. Penelope had gone over the case which had to do with abuse. I then felt nauseous and excused myself and ran to the bathroom. I ran into one of the stalls and immediately started throwing up. Shortly after I felt someone behind me grabbing my hair and rubbing their hand on my back. As soon as I finished throwing up jj said "Em what's wrong" "nothing I'm fine". I got up and went to the sink to splash some water on my face. jj just stood there watching my every move. I dried my hands and went to leave the bathroom when jj grabbed my wrist. 

"What do you want jj" "I want to know what's wrong Em" "I already said I was fine so just leave it" "no Em I know something is wrong, you've been acting weird all morning, just talk to me please" "ugh fine, I heard you last night" "what are you talking about" I paused and took a deep breath "I heard you when you said that I drive you crazy". As soon as I said that she froze "uh I- I don't know what to say, I thought you were asleep" "jj it's been killing me all morning not knowing what you meant when you said that" "emily I- I want to tell you but I don't wanna scare you away" "please tell me, I can handle it" "okay okay fine... emily I- I have feelings for you" "wait jj are you being serious" "yes and her fine if you don't, I completely understand and if you to move out-" I didn't know how to shut jj up so I grabbed her and I kissed her. I poured all of my feelings towards jj within that kiss. The kiss was so passionate and intense that I never wanted it to end.

jj pulled away and looked at me. "Emily what was that for" "well you were rambling and I didn't know how to get you to be quiet so I kissed you- and jj I- I have feelings for you too" "what you do" "yes I just didn't know how to tell you and I didn't know if you felt the same". jj was about to say something when Penelope walked in, "omg Emily are you okay" "oh yeah I'm good" "what happened earlier" "well it's a long story that I will tell you some other time" "oh well I'm here for you em if you need anything" "thanks pen" "oh also hotch is looking for you guys, he said he would fill you guys in on the rest of the case on the jet"

jj and I made our way to the jet and when we got on everyone stared at us. "Guys I'm fine I swear, jj made sure I was okay". "That's good em, we're all here if you need anything but we also need to catch you up" hotch said. So I sat down next to jj and hotch filled us in.
The case wasn't as bad as I had imagined, yes it was difficult at some points but jj definitely helped me get through it. When we got back hotch told us to take the next day off because the case was tough.

I got in the car with jj and we made our way home. As soon as we got in the door I asked jj "hey what were you gonna say earlier" "earlier when" "when we were in the bathroom and Penelope walked in" "oh-". jj made her way to where I was and grabbed both my hands "I was just gonna ask you if you wanted to go on a date". I froze where I was because I didn't know what to say. "Of course that's only if you want to" "yes jj of course I want to" "wait seriously". Instead of saying anything I pulled her in for a kiss and put my hands on her hips. I pulled back after a moment and said "doers that answers your question" she started to laugh and then I said "hey is it too much to ask for us to cuddle tonight, and I don't really wanna go to bed alone" "yes of course em"

I went to my room and changed into pjs which consisted of a tank top and short shorts. I looked up and saw jj standing in the doorway only wearing an oversized shirt. My jaw dropped and I just stared at her. "Em why are you looking at me like that" "jj you are absolutely stunning" " haha thank you but have you looked in the mirror" "haha very funny". I got into bed and she got in right after and we cuddled until we both fell asleep shortly after.

A/N: my bad if they're spelling errors, I don't proofread 😗

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