Chapter 3

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TW: mentions of rape

jj's POV:

After emily had gone to her room I sat down on the couch and tried to process everything that just happened. I more specifically was trying to process that one moment with Emily. We were so close that it felt like time had stopped like if we were soulmates. And now I'm not sure if I have feelings for her or not. I decided not to stress over it and eventually fell asleep on the couch.


There I was asleep and I heard screaming but not just anyone screaming, it was Emily screaming, so I ran across the hall and I saw Em tossing and turning.

Emily's POV:
Emily's nightmare :
"Andrew please don't do this your drunk I don't like when you're like this" " shut up Em you're going to take all of me and you're not going to cry". Andrew forced himself inside me, I couldn't move because he had my legs and arms tied to the bed. He started choking me while he cut my legs. And while he was thrusting himself inside me. Good thing I'm on the pill.

As I cried I felt someone slowly shaking me and telling me to wake up, the voice was calm and loving, it was bringing me out of my nightmare so I opened my eyes and I saw JJ , and without saying a word I brought her into a hug. We sat there and her hand rubbed my back until I stoped crying. Once I had calmed down she turned to look at me and said "em what happened, are you okay" "yeah I'm okay I just had a nightmare" "nightmare about what" "jj yesterday when we were talking about Andrew, I didn't tell you the whole truth" "em what do you mean" "well when Andrew would come home drunk, he wouldn't just beat me... he would rape me sometimes too". Immediately she pulled me into a hug "oh my god em, I'm so sorry that happened to you". Instead of saying anything I just stayed quiet because i knew if I said anything than I would start crying again.

We stayed there on my bed and my head was on jj's chest. We were sitting in a comfortable silence until I heard sniffling. I looked up and saw jj with tears in her eyes. "jj are you okay" "what yeah I'm fine, it's just that you're the strongest person I've ever met" "jj that can't possibly be true" "well it is, Emily I know we just met but there's just something about you that radiates positive energy and even though you had a boyfriend that treated you like shit, you still manage to be so happy and I love that". By that point I was crying again and I pulled jj into a hug and we just sat there crying until we both calmed down.

I calmed down first meanwhile jj still had tears rolling down her cheeks. I took this as the opportunity to do the same thing she did to me yesterday. I grabbed her face in my hands and put my thumbs on her cheeks and wiped away the remaining tears. She looked up at me with this look in her eyes but I couldn't tell what it was saying.

jj's POV:

Emily was the one who calmed down first meanwhile I was still crying but I was trying to control myself. At one point Emily grabbed my face in her hands and put her thumbs on my cheeks. She wiped away my tears just like I did to her last night and immediately my mood shifted and I felt much better. I looked up at her and as soon as our eyes connected I felt this need to kiss her. But I can't do that, it's too soon and I don't want to make her uncomfortable. So instead of kissing her I decided to break the silence. "Hey I'm gonna go to sleep cause we have work tomorrow" I got up from the bed but then Emily grabbed my wrist "no jj please stay with me" "em are you sure" "yes of course I'm sure, jj please I can't sleep alone tonight" "okay okay as long as your okay with it" "yes I'm okay with it, I promise"

I got back into her bed, got under the covers and pulled them up making sure to cover both me and Emily. I really wanted to cuddle with her but I didn't want to push it so instead I turned to the other side and closed my eyes. "jj are you asleep yet" I turned back around and said "no why, what happened" "I was wondering if we could umm" but she struggled to finish her sentence. "Wondering if we could what" "uh well I was wondering if we could cuddle, but we don't have to if you don't want to, it's just that-" she started rambling and I didn't know what to do so I just hugged her. "Yes of course em, anything you want" so she turned to lay on her right side and I cuddled into her. I put my arm around her waist and planted a kiss on her head. At one point when I thought she was asleep I whispered "emily prentiss you drive me crazy in all the best ways possible" and just like that I fell asleep...

A/N: sorry if the gets confusing with the whole pov thing and s/o to missthang_alyssa18 for helping me with this chapter

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