Chapter 17

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Their door was closed so I slowly opened it and the sight in front of me made me wanna drool...

y/n POV:

Emily was wearing black lingerie and jj was wearing blue lingerie. Emily was eating jj out and just the sight of it made me wet. jj was moaning loudly which made me even more horny then I already was. They were so caught up in what they were doing that they didn't hear me come in. I started to touch myself and accidentally let out a loud moan. jj's eyes shot up and she smirked at me. Emily turned to look at me and patted the space next to her. I sat there and watched em work her magic. jj was a moaning mess "y/n kiss me please". I got closer to her and kissed her lightly, I put my head in the crook of her neck and started sucking on her sweat spot, making sure to leave hickeys. Not long after she came while moaning out both mine and Emily's name.

Em tapped my leg and I looked over at her, her head was still buried in between jj's legs, helping her come down from her high. we maintained eye contact and she moved closer to me and whispered "open". I opened my mouth and she stuck the two fingers that were just inside jj, into my mouth. I sucked them clean and stared at Emily while doing so. jj started to kiss behind my ear and she bit it making me moan. She moved down to my neck and then back up to my ear "lay down". I wasted no time in laying down on the bed.

jj and em got off the bed and started making out, I moved my hand down to rubbing my clit. Emily turned to look at me "y/n don't you dare touch yourself". I whimpered and just watched them make out. jj took off Emily's bra and Emily did the same to jj. It felt like forever and I was getting more wet by the second. I needed a release so I moved my hand back down and started rubbing my clit. I threw my head back and tried to hold in my moans. I was about to cum when I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull it out of my pants. "y/n what did I tell you about touching yourself, you only get to cum when I let you" "em please, I just wanna cum, I was so close". She didn't say anything and instead took off my shirt. jj got on the bed and leaned down to kiss me, we made out while em planted kisses down my stomach until she reached my pants. She took them off, taking my thong with it. She kissed back up and removed my bra. All of a sudden I felt her mouth wrap around one of my nipples and I moaned into jj's mouth. She pinched the other one and I moaned even more. Soon after, em wrapped her mouth around my other nipple and pinched the one that was just in her mouth.

jj got off the bed and disappeared into the closet. Em let go of my nipple with a pop and started to kiss down my stomach, she spread my legs and planted kisses on my thighs. "look at you all wet just for jj and I" "em please" "please what" "please touch me". at that moment jj walked out with a vibrator. She laid down next to me and placed the vibrator on her clit, she threw her head back and moaned. At the same time Emily started sucking on my clit "fuck Emily" I put my hand on the back of her head and pushed her closer to my core. "shit Emily right there don't stop" She put one of her fingers inside me and curled it, hitting my g-spot. "please let me cum, I'm so close" "y/n look at me" I looked at Emily, seeing her in between my legs brought me closer to my climax. "shit em I'm so close" "y/n look at me while you cum" Right after I came so hard and my legs started shaking, she kept sucking until my high was over. "do you wanna taste yourself". I nodded my head vigorously and she moved up to kiss me. I moaned into her mouth but she soon moved towards jj and I whimpered at the loss of her lips on mine. She put her fingers into jj's mouth and she sucked them clean. I could tell jj was close so I I settled myself in between her legs and thrusted my middle finger inside her. I pumped faster and faster till she came not long after.

I sat there trying to catch my breath "shit that was amazing". Emily looked at me with lust in her eyes "oh my love we're not done with you". She disappeared into her closet and I sat there with a confused look on my face. shortly after she came back out with a strap. My jaw dropped as I looked at it. She walked towards me and put her finger under my chin to close my mouth. She gripped my chin and pulled me up to kiss her. Then she laid on the bed, I moved to get on top of her and slowly pushed the strap inside me. jj moved towards Emily and sat on her face while facing me. I moved up and down repeatedly and the feeling was euphoric. I fastened my pace and started playing with my boobs. jj moaned and grinded on Emily's face with brought me closer to my climax.

All you could hear were the endless pants of jj and I as we inched closer and closer to our climax. "Fuck Emily you feel so good inside me" I bounced up and down at a fast pace and I started to rub my clit. "Em please don't stop, I'm gonna cum" jj was a moaning mess and grinded faster on Emily's face. Her legs started shaking and Emily had to help hold her up, she reached her high and not long after I reached mine too.

jj helped take the strap off and went to the bathroom to clean it. I laid down next to Emily and tried to catch my breath. I looked over at Emily and then got an idea. I straddled Emilys waist and started to kiss her. I kissed down her neck leaving a trail of hickeys behind until I reached her soaking wet core. I waisted no time and started sucking on her clit. She moaned loudly and closed her eyes. I replaced my mouth with my thumb and rubbed her clit while inserting my tongue into her. "shit y/n that feels amazing" She pushed my head further into her and I picked up my pace. Then I pushed two fingers inside her and I started pumping slowly "faster please y/n". I obeyed her wishes and started to pump faster and faster. jj came back and laid down next to em and just watched us. I curled my fingers and hit her g-spot. Her legs started shaking and she opened her eyes to look at me. She stared at me as she was cuming and I then slowed down my pace.

We all sat there just catching our breath when all of a sudden the door swung open and I jumped but then it turned into a smirk...

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