Chapter 15

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Two weeks later

y/n POV:

I woke up to Val crying and I ran to her room to check on her. After calming her down I looked at the time and realized I only had half an hour until I had to wake up get ready for work. I hopped in the shower and started thinking about the past 2 weeks. Ever since that night Aaron, em and I have been so close. Aaron and I were supposed to move in together last week but we kept getting case after case so we never got the chance.

At work

I dropped val off at the bau daycare and went to sit at my desk. I sat down and I felt a massive headache coming on and at the same time I felt really nauseous. Is it cause I didn't eat anything today. I looked up and no one was here so I decided to go and get myself something to eat. as I was on my way to pick up some food I realized I was 2 weeks late. Instead I decided to go to the store and pickup a pregnancy test. I quickly went inside and got the pregnancy test and made my way back to the bau.

I walked over to my desk and shoved the bag into one of the drawers on my desk. "hey you look a bit worked up, are you good". I looked up and saw Derek standing there with a concerned look on his face. "what...yeah I'm fine, just tired" "Ooo why's that, did someone get a little late night lovin" "Derek shut up, I'm not in the mood" instead of waiting for his response, I got up and went to get myself a cup of coffee. I waited about 5 minutes and then walked back over to my desk. I made sure no one was looking and I grabbed the pregnancy test ad made my way to bathroom. I went into one of the stalls and took the pregnancy test. I sat there waiting with my eyes closed and the test in my hands. After about 3 minutes I opened my eyes and looked down to see that it said positive. I didn't know what to do so I just started crying to the point where I could barely breath. at the same time someone had walked in and then I heard jj's voice "y/n are you in here, we have a case" "o-okay I'll be o-out in a minute" "y/n are you okay". instead of verbally answering her I just opened the door to the stall and saw her standing right in front. She looked down at my hands and saw what I was holding. I got up and looked her in the eyes. She walked towards me and looked down at the test. "omg y/n you're pregnant" She pulled me in for a hug and started to rub my back. Once I calmed down she took the test from my hands and put it in my back pocket. "y/n its gonna be okay, Aaron, em and I are all gonna be here for you every step of the way" I splashed some cool water on my face and as I was drying my hands jj spoke up again. "speaking of which, are you gonna tell Aaron" "yeah I was gonna tell him before we got on the jet"

We made our way over to the round table and I quickly sat down so no one would see the test in my back pocket. Penelope explained the case and it had to do with newborn babies being kidnapped in New Jersey. I became nauseous but ignored It so as to not raise any attention. After pen had explained it hotch said "wheels up in 30". Everyone walked away making their way back to their desks. The only people left in the room was jj, Aaron and me. jj looked at me and nodded her head signaling me to talk to Aaron. she walked out of the room leaving Aaron and I in there alone.

I walked towards him slowly, "Aaron can we talk" "oh uh sure" he looked at me waiting to say what I needed to say. "oh uh can we actually talk in your office" he nodded his head and started walking towards his office. I put my hands in my back pocket and followed him. once we walked into his office and closed the door and I looked to make sure the blinds were closed. "y/n are you okay, what's wrong" I didn't know how to tell him so I just blurted it out "I'm pregnant" I pulled the test out of my pocket and held it out to show him. he looked down and saw that it said pregnant. "y/n that's great" he pulled me in for a hug and I started to cry. "y/n why are you crying" "I-i don't know I just overwhelmed I guess" "I'll be here for you the whole time, don't worry" Aaron comforted me until I calmed down. "does anyone else know" "just jj but I plan on telling Emily soon" he nodded his head and looked down at his watch. "oh we gotta go or we'll be late" I rushed out to my desk and grabbed my go bag. while we were on our way to the jet I stuffed the test into the bottom of my bag.

After the case

We were on the jet coming back home and I sat by the window just looking out and thinking. Emily came up and sat across from me. "hey you've been acting different today, is everything okay" "actually I was gonna talk to you but I don't wanna tell you on the jet" "do you wanna come over when we land" "maybe tomorrow, I'm really tired" "okay that's fine" she smiled at me and I smiled back and she got up and walked away. Once we landed Aaron and I made our way back to the bau to pick up val. for some reason Rossi had gone back to the office too but once we picked up val Rossi pulled Aaron and I aside. "I have a surprise for the both of you and if you're up to it I can show you guys today" Aaron and I looked at each other confused but we both agreed to see whatever Rossi had to show us. We got in the car and followed Rossi to where he was taking us.

About 20 minutes later we ended up at a really nice house that looked brand new. Rossi got out of the car and so did we and we walked over to him. "SURPRISE!!!!!" Aaron spoke up first "David what do you mean" "I bought you guys a house with plenty of rooms for you and the incoming baby" Aaron and I both thanked Rossi and we stood there admiring the house. "wait how did you know we're having another child" "well I have my ways but don't worry I won't tell anyone"

Rossi took us inside to explore the house, it was beautiful, it had 5 rooms and each had its own bathroom. The master garden had a terrace which overlooked a really pretty garden. The kitchen and living room were also huge. The backyard had a pool and a hot tub and plenty of space for val and the baby to play when they get older. we thanked Rossi a bunch of times and got in the car and made our way back home. I was so tired from the case that I just fell asleep in the car...

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