Chapter 5

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A/N: this is my first time writing smut soooo you know

Emily's POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night and looked at the clock to see it said 2 am. I tossed and turned hoping to fall asleep again but I couldn't fall asleep. I sat there staring at the ceiling and then i realized that I was horny. I brought my hand down to touch my clit a be started rubbing it slowly at the same time I used my other hand to massage my breast. I started rubbing faster but it wasn't enough. But then I had an idea but I had to be quiet.

I turned over to my nightstand and frappes a vibrator out of the drawer. I brought it down to replace where my fingers just were. I moaned out loud, completely forgetting that jj was next to me. I brought my hand to my mouth to muffle my moans. Then all of a sudden jj turned over and put her arm over my waist. She didn't wake up so I made sure to be even more quiet. As I was about to cum I felt the vibrator being moved and it was replaced with someone's mouth. My eyes shot open and I looked down to see jj in between my legs. "Oh fuck jj pl- please don't stop" I grabbed the back of her head so she wouldn't stop. "jj please" "tell me what you want em" "you- your fingers in- inside me please". She then thrusted two fingers inside of me. "jj I'm gonna cum please don't stop". Instead of stopping she went faster and I was moaning uncontrollably.

As I was about to cum jj pulled her fingers out. " I- I was about to cum why did you stop" "because you decided to touch yourself without letting me know" "but I- I don't-". I couldn't form any words because I was on edge. "I know you want to cum don't you" as she said that, she thrusted one of her fingers inside me. "jj please let me cum this time please" she picked up her pace and inserted another finger in me "why should I" "because- oh shit jj please don't stop" "if I let you cum do you promise to be good" "yes jj I promise, I swear I'll be good". jj inserted another finger and pumped faster and faster. "Oh shit I'm gonna cum fuckkk" "go ahead and cum for me my love" those words sent me over the edge. jj kept pumping her fingers in and out of me while I was cumming. Once I was able to control my moans she slowed down and then pulled her fingers out.

She brought her fingers to her mouth and sucked them clean while we held eye contact. "Em you taste amazing" "shit jj that was hot" "go back to sleep before I have to teach you another lesson." "I wouldn't mind that" "I'm being serious em" "okay okay fine, goodnight love" "goodnight em"

The next morning we woke up wrapped in each other's arms. I kissed jj's forehead and started planting kisses on her chest and in between the valley of her breasts. I sucked on her left nipple and twirled my tongue around it which made her move around. I kept kissing on her body and then started sucking on her right nipple. "Oh fuck em don't stop" I kept sucking her nipple and made my way up to her mouth. She grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in for a kiss. I bit her lip and she moaned into my mouth. "Fuck em you really know how to wake someone up" "I think I'll have to start waking you up like this more often" "haha very funny, go get ready for our date" "ooo okay".

I got up and went to take a shower and shave. By the time I got out of the bathroom jj was no longer there and I assumed she had gone to get ready. I went to my nightstand and saw a note that said Don't dress casually. I went to my closet and picked out a black dress that had a slit running up the right side. I paired it with silver heels and underneath I wore a black lace set. I did my hair and light makeup, put on some perfume and made my way to the kitchen. There stood jj with a beautiful red dress that showed off all her curves. "Wow jj you look amazing" "thank you, but you look stunning" I didn't respond because I was just admiring her and how gorgeous she looked. "You know you're staring right" "I just can't take my eyes off you, you're literally perfect" "and so are you, are you ready to go". I nodded my head and we made our way to the car.

The drive was pretty quiet until I decided to break the silence. "So where are you taking me" "ohh you'll see" "why can't you just tell me now" "because I don't wanna spoil the surprise, just relax we'll be there in like 10 minutes". Soon enough we arrived at this fancy Italian restaurant. We both got out of the car and made our way inside. The waiter already seemed to know jj and he led us to a table that was pretty secluded. "Wow jj this is really nice" "do you like it?" "Are you kidding, I love it" "oh great I was hoping you would". We sat down and ordered our food. We talked a little bit about work and then our childhoods which was something we forgot to talk about the other night.

Once we finished eating we went back to the car but jj had a little more to drink than me so I decided to drive us back home. Before we got home I asked "before we go home do you want any dessert" "only if it's you" "oh don't worry you'll get that too" "oh wait I want ice cream". I stopped by an ice cream shop and went inside to get us both ice cream. I came back to the car and drove us home. I had to help jj go inside but once we did she immediately went to the couch. I took off my heels and went and sat next to her and we sat there eating our ice cream. We turned on the tv and started watching reruns of friends.

I felt jj's hand on my thigh and started running it up slowly. "What do you think you're doing" "I don't know what you're talking about" I turned her face so she could look at me "I know I let you dominate me last night but that was a one time thing love" "Ooo I like this side of emily prentiss". I started kissing her neck making sure to leave hickeys as I went and jj kept whimpering. "Em please" "please what, tell me what you want" "I want you to fuck me" "I would love too but you're drunk" she groaned and then rolled her eyes. "Don't roll your eyes and me love" "but em i just want you to touch me" "jj you're drunk, but if you're good then maybe tomorrow I'll reward you"

"Okay fineee". "jj come on I'm taking you to your bed". jj got up and I helped her make her way to her bed. Before she got in I helped her get her dress off and put on an oversized shirt. I helped her get in bed "Em please don't leave me, come lay next to me". I could barely keep my eyes open so I quickly took of my dress and got in bed next to her. And the last thing I heard was jj saying goodnight.

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