Chapter 20

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Tw: rape/abuse

Two months later

y/n POV:

I was sleeping peacefully when all of a sudden I got a call. I didn't look at who was calling, I just grabbed the phone and picked it up. "There better be a good reason you're calling me this early in the morning" "I'm sorry lovebug, but we have a case" "shit Penelope I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you" she chuckled "it's okay just get here as soon as possible- oh and tell hotch please because he won't pick up his phone" we said our goodbyes and I turned to face aaron and I started shaking his arm. "Aaron wake up we have a case" he wouldn't respond so I kissed him lightly on the lips and he stirred in his sleep. I kept doing that till he woke up. "We have a case and Penelope needs us asap" "what why didn't she tell me" "she said you don't answer the phone"

We walked into the bau and I made my way to my desk to drop off my stuff. "When are you gonna have that baby already" I turned to see Derek smiling at me "haha very funny, I'm not even 4 months yet so you're still gonna have to wait awhile" I smiled back at him and we made our way to the round table. Penelope explained the case which had to do with someone abducting women, raping them and discarding their body after three days. "Guys we have no time to waste so wheels up in 10"

While we were on the jet we continued talking about the case. Spencer was looking at the pictures of the victims and then he said "I hate to say it but all of these victims look like y/n". As soon as he said that i stiffened. Everyone on the jet looked at me and looked at each one of them. "y/n I'm staying with you tonight and we need to stick close together" I nodded my head then I got up to go the bathroom. I started to breath rapidly and I closed my eyes trying to calm myself down until I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Emily "hey are you okay, I know this is a lot to take in" "oh uh yeah I'm fine" "are you sure" "what- yeah I just need to breathe"
Once we landed we went straight to the precinct and started to build our profile. Penelope gave us a lead so Spencer and jj went to check it out.

We had been following different leads for hours and hours. I sat there trying to keep my eyes open and Aaron had noticed. "Okay I think we should all head back to the hotel and we'll continue this tomorrow morning". Everyone nodded their heads and we all went back to the hotel.

The next day

We had all gone back to the precinct the very next morning. Penelope had called us to tell us a new victim had been found and she sent the pictures to us. I looked at the photos and they were so gruesome that I had to run to the bathroom to throw up. jj came in not long after and held back my hair. "y/n are you okay" I went to the sink to splash water on my face "yeah I'm fine I just need fresh air". I ran out of the bathroom towards the exit and I heard jj calling my name but I didn't turn around. I turned the corner and just stood there catching my breath. I looked around the corner to make sure jj or the rest of the team weren't there. Before I could turn back I felt something being put over my mouth and I fell back into someone's arms.

I woke up in an empty room with my hands tied behind my back and my legs tied to the chair. My head was hurting and I started to get worried about the baby. I looked around to see if anyone was here. I saw another girl not too far from me who was also tied up like I was except she wasn't awake. I recognized her as the woman that we had been looking for. As I tried to get her attention someone walked into the room with a knife in their hands. They walked over to me and stood in front of me. They took the mask on and I looked up and saw a man that fit the exact description of the unsub we were looking for. He brought the knife to my neck and put pressure but not enough to cut me. "So I've heard you've been looking for me" he walked around me and stood in front of me again. "Now tell me y/n what have you figured out about me" I opened my mouth to talk but no words came out. "Why are you so quiet". I looked down and then he slapped me, hard. I bit my lip to hold back my tears. He didn't say anything else and instead walked out of the room.

jj pov:

I ran back to where the rest of the team was at. "Guys, y/n left" Aaron's head shot up "wha-what do you mean she left" "I ran to the bathroom with her and she threw up and then after she ran out of the precinct and I called for her but she just- she kept running and I ran behind her trying to catch up to her but-but she disappeared". The whole team ran outside and we searched all around for her but we couldn't find her.

Emily immediately called Penelope "Penelope I need you to track y/n's phone" "what why" "just please do it Garcia" "o-okay well her last known location was at the precinct but there's no signal on her phone" I brought my hand to my face and started to panic. "Can you please tell me why I just did that" "y/n disappeared" "what-what do you mean" "she went outside for fresh air and now she's gone". I walked away because I needed to clear my head. I turned the corner and stepped  on something. I looked down and saw a ring, I bent down to pick it up and inside I saw Aaron's name. Oh shit this is y/n's ring. I ran back to where the team was at "guys I found y/n's ring on the ground around the corner" Aaron grabbed it and looked at it. "What if she was abducted by the unsub, I mean she looks like all the other victims" we ran inside and tried to get Garcia to give us and new leads that could lead us to the unsub.

y/n's POV:

I must've been knocked out again because I woke up to my bad still hurting, I looked over and saw the woman who was now awake. She was trying to talk but she had duck tape over her mouth.

The unsub walked in with the same knife from earlier. He grabbed the woman's hair and yanked it back. He brought the knife to her neck and cut her. I didn't have any duck tape over my mouth so I started yelling at him to stop. "Shut up". I kept yelling at him and he walked over to me and grabbed my face "I told you to be quiet clearly you can't be trusted." I closed my eyes and then I felt him kick my stomach. He kept kicking me over and over and I cried out. He walked over to the corner of the room and came back with duck tape and put it over my mouth. At that point I had tears streaming down my face and I wanted to scream from pain and anger. He walked over to the woman and dragged her out the chair and to a bed that previously wasn't there. She was already naked so he pushed her on the bed and he tied her to the bed posts. He took his pants off and didn't hesitate to thrust inside her. All you could hear was her muffled crying. I tried to untie myself so I could go and help her. I closed my eyes and tried to hold back my tears. I opened my eyes when I heard a huge bang and a door being kicked down. I looked over to see the team holding their guns up at the unsub. Aaron ran over to me and untied me. I clung onto him and kept crying. He carried me bridal style to the ambulance so they could check me out.

"A-Aaron I think I- I think I lost the baby" "y/n don't worry about that right now". He got in the ambulance with me and we went to the hospital. We got there and they made Aaron wait in the waiting room. They took me to a room and did an ultrasound. "y/n I'm sorry but you lost the baby" I started crying hard and the nurse rubbed my arm. "I'll go get the man that was waiting for you" I didn't say anything as she walked out the room. Not long after Aaron walked in and rushed to sit by my side. "y/n what's wrong" "I- I lost the baby". He bent down to kiss my forehead and he pulled me in for a hug. "Don't let the rest of the team come in here please I can't do this tonight" Aaron had gone out to talk to the rest of the team and then came back in and stayed with me until I fell asleep...

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