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The last three days until New Year's Eve passes, and the extreme excitement from Wanda and Sam for the evening fills the entire tower.

Steve has been thinking non stop about Natasha, but every time he's seen her, and tried talking to her, she has acted weird.

Natasha though, she hasn't wanted to talk to Steve. She's been in denial since she admitted her feelings for him to Wanda, and Wanda has kept pushing for Natasha to tell Steve how she feels.



I'm frozen to the bed. I need to get ready for the party but I can't get up. I think about what Wanda keeps telling me.

There's no way that I really like Steve. That's what I keep telling myself. But I do. I like him, and I like him very much, and it scares the shit out of me.

I force myself out of bed with a groan to go get ready in the black dress I found for tonight.

I sigh as I enter the party that's already going. I'm gonna need a lot of vodka to get through tonight.

I steer directly towards the bar, and as I turn back around after placing the vodka back on the shelf Steve's sweet smile and blue eyes meet me from the other side of the bar.
Even the look on his face makes my heart pound.
"I thought I'd find you here" he says.
"Hey Rogers, do you want anything?" I say, trying to sound like I don't care that he's here.
"A kiss, no wait that was...erh...that was weird" he says and looks down.
It might be cheesy, but I can't help but blush at his cuteness.
I really hope he doesn't see it.

"Thor sent Asgardian Booze as an apology for not being able to make it" I say to move on. I want to kiss him, more than anything, but I can't turn weak and surrender because I like him.
"Great! Maybe a New Years where I can feel the alcohol" he says and I pour him a glass.
I take my own drink and go sit next to him on the other side of the bar.

After an hour and a lot of drinks, Steve and I are both getting a little bit drunk.
The music is getting louder and more and more people have started dancing.

"Do you want to dance?" I ask Steve.
"I don't know how to dance" he answers.
"We'll just do what comes to mind" I say and snatch a bottle of vodka for myself and a bottle of Asgardian something that I hand to Steve.
"Are you trying to get me drunk?" He asks through the loud music.
"Of course I am. It's New Years" I say.

We leave the bar and go to the dance floor.



After drinking a bottle of something each and dancing until our legs are sore Natasha and I stop when Sam yells out in the crowd.
"Twenty seconds people!" He yells from the table that he's standing on.

We gather around the big screen to count down the seconds.

I take Natasha's hand, and to my surprise she doesn't remove it.
She grabs onto mine tighter, and I convince myself that it's because she's drunk.

"4...3...2...1" the entire crowd yells in unison.
"Happy 2016!" Sam screams out in the room.

"Come" Natasha says and pulls my hand.
"Where are we going?" I ask, but she doesn't answer.
We move through the crowd hand in hand and away from the party.

When we can't be seen she kisses me.
A gentle kiss leaving me wanting more. Needing more. And I think it's her plan.
"Happy New Years Steve" she smirk and traces her fingers down my arm before she goes back towards the party.

"Natasha!" I say and grab her wrist before she gets out of my reach.
She looks at me with those beautiful eyes, and I know I can't resist it anymore.

I slam my lips on hers, and immediately part them with my tongue.
I put my hands in her hair as to keep her closer and she throws her arms around my neck.

Small moans escape both our mouths as our tongues are shoved deep into each other's throats.

I grab onto her buttocks and lift her from the floor.
She wraps her legs around my waist and I carry her to the elevator without breaking our kiss.

My hands slide up under her dress, and I toy with her panties earning little moans from her.



We stumble through the hallway, hitting the wall a couple of times in our eager to get to Steve's room.

He pants into my mouth as I unbutton his white shirt.
His hands are everywhere under my dress as he kicks his door open.

I slam the door behind him.
"God I've missed you Nat" he pants into my mouth as he throws me on his bed.
"I...I...missed...you too" I stammer, but mostly because he keeps kissing me so I can't get the words out, not only because it's very much out of my comfort zone.

He turns me around in a smooth motion som I'm on my stomach.
He unzips my dress and force it off me so I'm left in my black underwear.

"So beautiful" he says to himself as he turns me back around in the same smooth movement, but I don't manage to do anything before he holds my hands above my head, towering over me.

His open shirt makes his perfect abs look even more attractive as he breathes deeper and deeper in his eager.

He takes my entire body in, as if it's the last time he's ever going to see me.
"You're perfect Love" he says and looks into my eyes before he plants yet another kiss on my lips.
Fuck! Did he just call me Love? Am I supposed to say something like that back?

I kiss him back, those soft lips that I can't seem to get enough of.

I get my wrists out of his tight grip, and I pull his shirt so he's closer to me.

I've never been one for love-making. It's always been meaningless aggressive sex.
But with Steve, it's something else. He sees me as more than an object.
Of course I still like the aggressive, but I only want it with Steve now.

"What were you thinking about?" Steve asks. He's still leaning over me.
"You" I say, and that word seems like it's everything to him right now.

Before he says anything else, I put my hands on his neck and lift myself up to get to his lips.
He kisses me even more tenderly than before when our lips meet, and with one arm he lifts me to the top of the bed.

I yank his shirt off and start unbuckling his belt.
He helps with the process until they're off, and he then opens my bra.

We both sigh relieved when our bare skin finally touches again.

It's everything we needed.

I'll Always Love You - A Romanogers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now