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"Natasha! Steve! It's Christmas!" Yelena shouts excitedly and pull mine and Steve's blanket.
"Finally!" Steve exclaims happily and get out of bed and I can hear the little bells on his ugly Christmas sweater that he bought. Yelena also bought a matching one. And they bought one for me too...no thanks.

"Get up, Natasha it's Christmas!" Yelena screams and start jumping up and down in my bed.
This reminds me of when we were kids. Well...the three years we had a 'normal' childhood.
"Let me sleep. It's enough that I actually have to celebrate Christmas at all. I'm not doing it in the morning" I grunt and turn away from their smiley faces.
"Come on, My Love, it's Christmas morning. You gotta get up" Steve says softly and puts a hand in my hair before he kisses me gently.
"That's not getting her up! Move away from the bed, and I will kick her out!" Yelena shouts happily.

"Don't you fucking kick me" I say.
"Yes, don't kick her" Steve says worried and looks at my belly.
"What's the worst that can happen?" She smirks and then she starts kicking me.

I lazily grab onto her ankle, and twist it hard until she falls on the bed.
"What was that for?" She exclaims insulted.
"I told you not to kick me. Get the fuck out of my bed. I'm sleeping" I mumble and push her away.

My mood's sucked since the S.H.I.E.L.D meeting two weeks ago.
Fury literally called Sharon and I in for a conversation like we were fucking kids, and now Christmas.

I want to like Christmas, I really do. For Steve and Yelena and the baby's sake. But I just remember all those Christmasses in the Red Room where the most exciting thing we got was an extra potato.

"No come on! Get up!" Yelena whines.
"Thirty minutes" I yawn and turn away from them.
Yelena curses at me under loud protests from Steve, telling her that cursing is a bad thing and especially on Christmas, and they keep bickering as they leave the bedroom.



I finish wrapping the presents for Nat and Yelena while Nat's still sleeping, and Yelena's taking a shower.

I love Christmas, and I always have. And next year I'll have a baby, and I'll have a wife, at least a fiancée. Because I want to marry Nat.

"What are you doing?" Nat yawns behind me and hugs me, giving me a slight scare.
"You scared me, My Love" I say. "Wait! You can't be here! I'm wrapping your presents!" I exclaim and turn around to cover her eyes.
"Fuck! The presents!" She shouts and run back to the bedroom, slamming the door.

"What happened?" Yelena screams from the bathroom, and I can hear her load a gun.
"Erh...I don't know. I think Natasha forgot the presents!" I shout back.
"She did what?" Yelena screams terrified.
"I didn't forget the presents" Nat says calmly and comes out of the bedroom again.
"You better not have!" Yelena threatens. She's now in the living room as well.

They start yelling at each other in Russian, and I look at them both trying to figure out what they're talking about, without luck.
"You know what this is?" I ask them with a smile.
They look at me.
"What is this?" Nat asks.
"It's Christmas stress. My Love, you're getting Christmas stressed too, even though you say that you don't care about Christmas" I laugh.
"What? I am not Christmas stre-..."
"Oh! You so are!" Yelena exclaims and starts laughing loudly.

The teasing goes on until Nat starts throwing pillows from the couch on us, and I don't think she gets that what's going on right now is an amazing Christmas morning. And that's absolutely adorable.

"Okay! Now time for presents!" Yelena yells excitedly when her hands are full of pillows.
"Not until Natasha puts on her Christmas sweater!" I shout.
"I'm not putting that on" Natasha insists with a laugh.



"Come on out" Yelena laughs from the other side of the bedroom door.

They finally convinced me to put on that ugly sweater after 25 minutes of begging.

I look in the mirror. My bump. It's starting to show. Not a lot, but a very little bit.
Steve and I talked about it, and we've decided to tell Yelena today.

"Natasha!" Yelena screams to get me back out in the living room.
"I'm coming" I sigh.

They both sound annoyingly excited about the fact that I'm wearing a sweater with bells that matches theirs, and I really do try to be excited.

"Now presents!" Steve says and claps his hands in joy.
He's so terribly cute.

"Yelena first" I say as I go sit down on Steve's lap on the couch.

"This is for Steve from Natasha" Yelena says and hands Steve a soft package.
"What can it be?" He smiles excitedly and looks at me.

"It's a Captain America onesie for the baby!" he laughs happily when the gift wrapping is on the floor.
"Do you like it?" I ask concerned. "I just thought it was cute" I say and fold out the little piece of clothing. I can't wait to have a little human dressed in that onesie.
"I love it" he says and kisses me.

"What? Erh...why? I don't get it?" Yelena says puzzled.
"We want to tell you something" I say and look at Steve and then Yelena.
"Nat's pregnant" Steve smiles.
"Wait? How?" Yelena asks skeptically.
"Honestly...we have no idea" I say.
"Did I miss something? Did your reproduction organs grow back or something" she asks fast.
"I don't know, do you Nat?" Steve asks.
I shake my head.
"So...you're just...pregnant? And you don't know how?" She asks and looks at me with furrowed eyebrows.
"Yeah..." I nod and put a hand on my stomach, followed by Steve's on top of mine.

"That's fucked up" she mumbles under her breath after a while and looks down on the new vest I got her. It's not as cool as the old one, but it's fine.
"I know" I reply.
"Are you happy about it?" She asks and looks up.
"Very. We can't wait!" I squeal, and that's not like me, but I just can't wait!
"Well...then I'm happy..." she says hesitantly.
"You don't sound happy" Steve says softly.
"I just...I'm going to be an aunt then" she says and her eyes drop to my stomach, and stays there without her saying anything.

"Yelena?" I try quietly after a while.
"I'm going to be an aunt..." she mutters to herself, and then she looks at me and Steve.
"I don't like kids...very much" she says embarrassed.
"You don't?" Steve asks surprised.
"No. The other girls were mean to me when I was little. Now I don't like kids. I'm sorry" she says.
"That's...okay" I say, not really able to figure out what else to answer.
"I have to go back in mid January anyways, as the very latest...you won't have the..." she stops and gulps. "...The baby until then? Right?" She continues quietly.
"No...I'm...only like...10 weeks along" I say.
"Well...alright...good...erh..." she answers, and awkwardly look around the room.

No one really says anything, and after about 10 minutes Yelena leaves me and Steve alone in the living room and lock herself in the bathroom.

"That didn't go well..." Steve says and kiss my hair.
"No...but look there's another present" I say and reach for a big square box.

"What does it say?" He asks, with a knowing smirk.
"To Baby from Daddy" I read.
"Open it!" He exclaims, and I can see how excited he is.

I open the box to find...his shield.
"It...erh...it's your shield" I mumble, and I can't tell if he's joking.
"No, it's just a prototype. I left the real one with Tony when...erh...we...disagreed...that's one of the reasons I couldn't fight well on that mission" he explains and shows me how it's fake.
"And you want the baby to have it?" I ask.
He nods.
"That's amazing. I'm sure baby is happy now" I smile, and lean against his shoulder.

But the fact that Yelena is unhappy about this is making me feel weird.

I know this chapter is long, but I felt like I had to close this 'part' of the story. And I really do hope it's okay!
I will continue, but I'm beginning to figure out how it'll end for them!
I hope you'll all keep reading!
Stay safe and good and everything!

I'll Always Love You - A Romanogers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now