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I wake up to my phone annoyingly chiming the Skype sound on the nightstand.
I don't even know when Steve and I fell asleep, but I could feel all night how close he held me. 

He's sleeping with his face buried in my shoulder and he has a protective arm around my waist. I'm cuddled up close to him, so close that I can feel the texture of his abs on my back.

When I pick my phone up I see Yelena's name shining bright on the screen.
"Hey" I yawn and place the phone so she can't see Steve in the picture.
"Did I wake you up?" She asks and pops a grape into her mouth.
"Yes actually" I say, and try to cover the noise of Steve clearing his throat and moving closer by making the y longer. It doesn't seem to work though.
"Who's behind you?" She asks with a smile.
I just smile back.
She opens her mouth in realization. "Is it Captain America!? Show me!" She says excited.
"I'm not really wearing a lot of clothes" I try to excuse.
"I don't care. I have same body parts" she shrugs.
"Well, I'm sleeping, actually, so I don't know if I'm okay with it" I say.
"Okay with what?" Steve asks in a hoarse morning voice.
"I knew he was there! Show him to me!" She exclaims happily.
"You've got your proof already! Bye! Talk soon!" I say fast and ends the call before she gets to say anything other than 'wait'.

"Who was that, Nat?" Steve asks and kiss my shoulder.
"Yelena" I say and turn around to face him.
"Your sister? You're talking a lot to her now?" He asks and smiles.
"I am" I nod.
"Well that's fantastic!" He says and kisses me.
"Yeah it's great" I smile and stroke his lips with a finger.

"Steve?" I say after a while of looking at him.
"Mm?" He asks and tucks a little bit of hair behind my ear.
"What are you planning on doing with Sharon?" I ask.
He sighs. "I don't know, but I'll worry about that later, right now I just want to hold you" he says and I blush.



I pull Natasha closer and kiss her forehead.
"I've missed you so much" I whisper into her hair.
"I've missed you too" she says and kiss my chest.

I keep holding her close, making sure she's comfortable in my arms before I let myself be comfortable.
Her naked skin is touching mine, almost sticking to mine from the dried sweat.
This night and morning have been better than I could ever imagine.

"Nat?" I ask. I've made my my decision. It was never a hard one. I want to be with Nat. I want to love her and live with her for the rest of my life. I need to end it with Sharon.
She doesn't answer, and for a moment I think she heard the way I said it, and she doesn't want to answer, but then she makes a noise that I know she only makes when she's sleeping.

I smile to myself.
"I love you" I whisper to her, even though I know she doesn't hear it, and kiss her nose before I try to go back to sleep, knowing that this is how I want to wake up every day for the rest of my life.

"Steve?" Natasha's voice sounds distant and quiet.
"What?" I mumble and turn to the other side, unable to deal with this whole being awake thing.
"We need to get up, Sam's already knocked on the door twice" she says. She's sitting up next to me.
"But Love, can't we stay in bed?" I yawn.
"Don't 'Love' me until you figure out what to do with Sharon" she says and pulls my arm to wake me.
I grab her waist and pull her down to me, taking her by surprise.
She squeals as she lands next to me and I shower her with kisses all over her beautiful face.

"Stop" she giggles, and I place a soft kiss on her lips before I stop and look at her. She's perfect, wearing my t-shirt that's way too big for her and the red hickeys covering her neck and collarbone.
"I have made my decision about Sharon" I say and rest my head in my hand as I look at her, taking the unbelievable beauty in.
"Oh yeah? What did you decide?" She asks, sounding a little bit worried.
"I'm going to break up with her, this isn't fair to her" I say and gesture at us.
"You are?" She asks, and a smile forms on her lips, making me want to kiss them.
I nod. "I love YOU Nat, and I have since the Quinjet hovered over the European continent" I say and stroke her hair.
"I love you, only you" she smiles and kisses me, and for the first time since she left me in the stairwell I'm truly happy.

I'll Always Love You - A Romanogers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now