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It's been days. Days of driving around finding absolutely nothing and just checking in and out of random motels.

Nat and I haven't even been able to take our minds off it with sex because we've had to share a room with Yelena every...single...night. Talk about bad luck and small crappy motels.

"Steve!" Natasha says loudly and gives my shoulder a nudge.
I open my eyes, leaving my imagines of my insane lust and need to just take Natasha right on the floor.
"Mhm?" I say and sit up, quickly hiding my erection with a pillow.
"I've hacked into the databases of every lab in the area, she's been here, she definitely has" she says convinced and shows me the reports of activity the last month on her computer.
They show unusual activity on weird times of the day, use of weird ingredients and employees who haven't showed up to shifts.
"Can I see?" Yelena asks and Natasha shows her.

"Oh yeah...she was definitely there. She probably tried the drugs on those workers" Yelena says after a while.
"She did" Natasha says and points at the screen.
"Two out of the four employees were found dead in the workplace after three days with an unknown substance in their blood" I summarize after reading the message meant for the rest of the staff.
"We need to go" Natasha says.
"Where to? We have no idea where she is now" Yelena says.
"This is what happened to me. You feel your blood thicken, and everything hurts, every movement, every breath, everything. And apparently eventually it kills you" Natasha says and closes the laptop, and gets up.

Both Yelena and I stay put in our seats, and Natasha looks at us.
"Get up! Do you think we'll find the bitch if we stay in the motel room?" She asks.



After 15 minutes our motel room is empty, and we're once again in the car, chasing someone without the slightest idea of where she is, and how strong she is.
Fuck it sucks not having another S.H.I.E.L.D agent a doing a big part of the research to the mission.

And I can't stop thinking about if something happens to Steve or Yelena. But as much as I hate to admit it, I think I'm more worried about Steve than Yelena, and I hate myself for that.
But the thought of losing Steve.
I'm happy. I'm finally happy, and I love him so unbelievably fucking much that even the thought that something could happen to him keeps me up at night.

"My Love? Are you okay?" Steve asks when he's noticed the look in my eyes.
"I'm good, yeah" I sigh, and push the thought of him and Yelena hurt out of my mind.
He puts his hand on my thigh and circles his fingers around in a loving way.

I regain confidence in the mission and look at Steve.
"You know it's too bad that we haven't gotten our nightly cardio workout in" I smirk, hinting to the lack of sex that's been really annoying, and to piss off Yelena because it's funny.
"It really is, I could've used..." he says when he realizes what I meant, but Yelena clears her throat, cutting him off.
"I'm here too! Can't you two talk about anything other than that?" She exclaims.
"It's just hilarious how upset you get every time" I chuckle.
"It's not that funny" she frowns and ignores me as I keep laughing with Steve.

After another hour of driving, we park outside a ranch looking home.
I grab Yelena's vest and is putting it over my catsuit, when I feel something in one of the pockets.
I pull it out to find a tiny vial with a note in it.

'I know you'll come for me, but I know you won't find this before then.
You've always been naive, Natalia.
This time to my advance.' It says in Russian.

"Guys?" I say and look up, only to find that same woman who exploded my car two months ago, standing right in front of me.
"So stupid"she says with a clear Russian accent, and shakes her head.
I put my hand on top of my holster, ready to pull my gun.
"Always straight to the violence" she says and pushes my hand away.
"Only on the people I hate" I say.
She smiles, but I can see that she's hurt by my words. I may be stupid, but I'm not a bad spy.
"Yes that...let's talk about that" she says, like she's some kind of therapist.
I assess it smartest to listen to her and I look at her, giving her my sweetest, most manipulative smile.
"Talk about what?" I ask her.
"The hate. And the love. What happened to you?" She asks with pity.
"I kept my heart" I say flatly.
"Love is a lie. What did they tell us? It's for children" she whispers.
I know she wants some reaction from me, and I know that she thinks she has me now, but it's not the first time someone's tried to manipulate me this way.
"It's really not that bad" I say, and think about Steve and Yelena.
"Oh yeah?...well...let's get your reaction to one you love, lifeless on my porch" she says, and moves to the side, giving me a view of Yelena sitting on the porch against the wall, all pale, and with a dead look in her eyes. She did this the few seconds I read her note?

I start breathing harder.
"What did you do to her?" I ask with gritted teeth.
"Kept developing the drug you got" she shrugs.
"I will end you" I pant, but I'm unable to move, and then it hits me. Where's Steve?

So! The start of the mission. I hope it's good enough, and I will continue. Please tell me what you think, because I feel like writing chapters like these are a little more challenging, and I really want this story to be enjoyable for you.
Anyways! Hope you enjoyed!

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